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Everything posted by 7.62mm

  1. Yea. I know man. Yea I go to childrens hospital 7th best in state Im in good handds man. Ever need me PM me ok bud?
  2. Well I have to say that that was wrather rude. You don't know me. How can you say you are worse than me? You dont have a freakin clue buddy. As neither I do with you too. I do not know how bad it is. but I can tell you right now that wasnt very nice. Im not trying to start a fight I am just saying I think that was wrather rude of you but its okay man i feel ya We may have same stuff buddy For your info I passed out 4 times at school last year and had to be carried off on a stretcher.. now tell me thats not bad... Comon man. You have no clue.
  3. I want aloud to play gta till I was 13, but I played anyway when I was 12 lol
  4. I Hate kids in school known as "The helper kid" lol! Always walking around asking for extra homework..Buggin the teacher, hell thats probably why hes not home his parents cant stand him either! lol I dont really know if it pisses me off.. Just something I thought of that irratates me a little lol XD
  5. I hate when your windows XP Deletes itself and you have to install everything from disk including over 300 songs that where deleted and not saved. To make things better.. I hate when you cant have internet either! *Thats what my computer did so I am on my grandmas*
  6. Really dude?? I been to Gtaplace but I also been to GtaBoards and Gta forums and I been to gtajunkies I been to alot man

  7. There are lots of female cops where I live
  8. Well I heard in a million years the sun will burn out or something and everything will just die. I also heard that the moon will explode and cause tsunamis and mess with just about everything on earth. Not just tsunamis... BIG FUCKING TSUNAMIS.
  9. Thanks man! Ya know all of that white backround? I wanna get rid of it! I dont know how.. Because its making it extremley big.. and thanks for the advice meng
  10. Naw buddy, she lives there for good now. When I get out of school that's where I am going. I am visiting her next summer too Just gotta wait! Hey and I gave the hoodie thing some thought.. Why shouldn't I post a pic of me on it? To far? Well I will give it some more thought thaNKS for your guys help!
  11. I got her address. Most of you know she lives in Australia, and until I can see her again all I can do is send her things Via mail. I thought of a very cool idea. A customized hoodie! Like I will get her a hoody because she likes those alot, With my name on it, and A picture of me then write something on the back, something nice Then, I need help on two more things. What do you guys think? Should I get her a customized hat too? Any ideas? I want to get her two more things. Special things Help would be appreciated!
  12. hey buddy =] Hows you doing.

  13. That and the main character dont say anything! lol XD Gta is better but I like this game alot
  14. I mean those Megaphones. You know the ones they scream in to say yur under arrest and stuff
  15. There is hardly any voices in the game. Just sound? And radio.. I mean they took out the police radio, the police radio in cop cars... and they took out helicopter bullhorns too? Is this right? Or is my game messed.
  16. Yo Mommas so fat.. She played POol with the Planets! lol!!!
  17. Saints Row was a great game. I'm thinking about buying.
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