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Huckleberry Pie

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Everything posted by Huckleberry Pie

  1. VB also seemed fine, but I guess it has gained quite a reputation from some who consider it as a rather amateurish language.
  2. Considering that Sony has been that stauch at combating piracy, but from what I've heard from Good-NTS, it's still not possible to run the game yet due to encryption. There's still a risk, though.
  3. They could've, at the very least, cripple the game or heavily scramble the package, knowing that it would spill out big time.
  4. What's your system specs? That typically happens when you don't have enough RAM to run the game, or if you maxed out the settings even if your system isn't capable of doing so.
  5. Was it just me, or does this scream of an MMO? If it is then they better reinvent it rather than end up with the same sort as with WoW or those randomly-named and overplayed Asian online RPGs that are in the rage these days besides DOTA.
  6. That and the ludicrously satirical adverts and TV shows. They really did their homework, that's for sure.
  7. Have you tried installing Gims EVO IV? http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=545359
  8. Hence the 80 days placeholder in lieu of the MP avatar. I also feel that the character switch mechanic would give GTA V a bit of a RTS feel to it, given that the wrong move or switch would be deadly in a mission.
  9. You'll have to export it as an OpenFormats .odd file and edit it using 3DS Max. I can walk you through with that if you want.
  10. Leeds did port LA Noire to the PC, which isn't that of a brilliant effort though. But I hope if they do port GTA V to the PC they better do it the right way. Perhaps it would've been less painful if R* made their RAGE framework scalable enough that it would take less effort to port games from one platform to another, rather than end up with spaghetti code ala-RDR.
  11. There isn't much that's totally original, really, but they sure did a 'swell job at implementing it. The character switch mechanic is cool, although I've seen similar implementations before, it's just that R* put it to good use in V. And nice job with the pie/radial menu, too. *inb4 GTA5 HUD mod for GTA4*
  12. Huckleberry Pie


    Have you tried running the installer in Compatibility Mode?
  13. The two-disc requirement on the 360 version is expected, given the scale of the game. The proposed anti-cheat protection seems 'swell, although I'm worrying that it might impair modding on the PC version, even though it wouldn't be tampering with the gameplay at all.
  14. Have you tried adding the gta_sa.exe file to the DEP exceptions list? Another thing would be the ASI loader that you're using. In my case SilentPL's loader works great without the need to actually add the files to DEP.
  15. First and foremost, CALM DOWN WITH THE CAPS LOCKS! YOU'RE MAKING A FOOL OUT OF YOURSELF IF YOU KEEP ON TYPING LIKE THIS. Second, it ain't worth the crap to mod the console versions, even if it is possible. It's too much of a hassle to do so compared to doing the same on the PC version, and you'd be on a legal gray area depending on your jurisdiction.
  16. By "crash" he might have meant that VC crashed. Then again his post was rather cryptic and inexplicable.
  17. Could you please state your problem in a more descriptive way?
  18. I know what you feel, but we can't just give away backups of original files here, especially if you have a pirated or illegally-obtained version of the game.
  19. I think you can just re-DL the game as we don't provide backup files for SA. As for modding the OS X version, I haven't tried it myself yet, but they used a post-Hot Coffee EXE for it, i.e. v2 or v3 so you may have to replace your game's EXE with a different one.
  20. They better be updating the Android version, too.
  21. The game's notorious for being a shoddily-made console port, and I'm not sure as to what might be wrong on your end, but have you checked your system drivers and/or DirectX?
  22. X360CE works fine with that, along with a Dualshock-to-USB adapter. You might as well need this mod if you want the PSX buttons to show up instead of the Xbox 360 ones.
  23. I'm pretty certain that someone would try to muck around with mocap using Kinect and convert it to a custom animation or a cutscene.
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