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Spaz The Great

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Everything posted by Spaz The Great

  1. You are an idiot, sir. The whole 3D thing has NOTHING to do with what you see, but what is there. Are you saying if I look at a box straight down so that I can ONLY see the one side((and thus, only two dimensions)), that it isn't 3D? No? Not saying that? Well, that actually IS what you are saying. The game was made with 3D models, whether you see the other sides of them or not, they are still there.
  2. I like Ambience, it is what I use, but my ALL TIME FAVORITE is OrangeGreey!!! I LOVE it! Do NOT get rid of it!!
  3. Some people, DOUBT anyone here, though.
  4. That isn't what a network programmer does. It is for their office networks. As in, PC networks and such. Not network gaming. Then First Person Shooter is 1PS. I don't want to know what neither you nor Zino do in game, then......
  5. Hence me posting that before you changed it back. Wow, ha. I never noticed that.
  6. My avatar is totally kick ass. Stephany from "LazyTown" saying "gently caress YEAH!".... Only, she isn't really saying that. Looks cool, though. Now, for other avatars I am using at this time: GTAWH: Um, yeah. It's an inside thing with the Cheese over at GTAWH. GTAP: A game about Thing-things, I think? I can't remember. Fun game with customizable characters. That one is based off of me, top hat and trench coat. ROX0RZ! \m/()\m/ More older avatars: That one, I used all over the place. I like it. I can't be bothered to find the hundreds of avatars I've used over the course of three years.... Meh.
  7. Did you ask if you could use it? That is called "stealing", just so you know.
  8. It is all about Rise FM and MSX........ Those stations rock hard, as they did in III.... Anyone who disagrees just obviously does not know good music when they hear it.
  9. PSst.... Homebrew is on up to version 2.6.... >.O Some of it doesn't work, though.
  10. With the CheatDevice, had you been paying attention.
  11. I have a strong suspicion that you used some random filters, THEN decided it LOOKED like a snake's mouth, and such, called it one. Personally, I don't see the resemblance.
  12. We are talking about the PS2 version, not PSP.
  13. Ditto. Keep this type of shit out of GTA IV. The rest was rather nice to have, for the most part.
  14. Well DUH you would. We all would.... Our own clones, that is... >.>...... I was totally talking about our own clones. <.<
  15. Not 2.7, you can't. The only way to downgrade is by running homebrew..... Which was killed in 2.7.
  16. Dude.... I think you could PROBABLY still downgrade. Haven't tried it yet, though((out of sheer laziness, of course)). SLICK MOVE, GENIUS. And I only played the ORIGINAL Ridge Racer..... This is nothing like the original, to me. I LOVE drifting. I OWN at that game, too. WTF does this have to do with anything? W. T. F?
  17. I jealous now of your one GB MS Pro Duo. Anyways..... Racing you say? Burnout Wipeout RIDGE RACER((MMMM)) NFS((yes, I LIKE it)). Also, Socom was fun. I had a demo of Pursuit Force, and I enjoyed it, too. Oh, and get Twisted Metal so me and Chris can hand your ass to you online.
  18. I despise the name. Reminds me of that flash animation.... "Aaand, WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Anyways, I refuse to call it the "Wii", and will continue to call it the Revo.
  19. You're T3RM1N8R3 for me, anyways. :-p Being STAFF ROCKS! Anyways, can normal members see their own login names?
  20. You're excited about VICE CITY for PSP, but not a HUGE BRAND NEW GTA? ......... We know NOTHING but what has been posted. That being, the name and release. I'm not even going to question why you would possibly think they just started making it. -.- I doubt 1.5 will be able to play it... You'll have to wait a bit.
  21. Not possible. No way in hell would that fit on a single UMD. I GUESS I'm happy with VCS, but I really would prefer a new city.
  22. Well, we aren't ENTIRELY certain it will be released for PC. I mean, we can pretty much assume it will, because all the others were, but we aren't positive that it will be. Besides, what type of improvement does those cards do, anyways?
  23. I prefer the wait over a rushed game, myself. We still have LCS for PS2 and VCS to keep us slightly busy until then, so hang the eff on, people. Anyways, I'm WAAAAY looking forward to a whole new game. I also don't care in the slightest that it will be released at the same time for both consoles. I'm getting it for PS3 either way, because those are the controls I like to use.
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