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Spaz The Great

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Everything posted by Spaz The Great

  1. The website isn't exactly illegal. Torrenting isn't illegal. It all has perfectly legal uses, like ALL P2P mediums. But like all P2P mediums, it can be used illegally. Don't punish the entirety for something they aren't all doing.
  2. Comparative isn't definite. You can't state fact based on comparison. So you buy shit with good grades? No currency involved? Damn, that's pretty awesome. How hard they work is usually NEVER directly related to how much the child values money. It's almost ALWAYS the same in a situation involving a kid at THIRTEEN who has a flat screen tv and a laptop.....
  3. If I had the entire I, Robot movie.... I'd rather just watch it..... Or burn it to a disk.... And watch it. Minus the video game.
  4. A pedophile using an underage person for sex. No moral issues there.....
  5. Put that shit in the freezer. And if you're making mixed drinks put ice in that shit. If you're taking shots, don't mix it, you're making the process harder on yourself. Spaz The Great: TGTAP's resident alcohol epxert lolz I mainly drink strongbow because it's whats avaliable at parties I go to, not bad, that or grolsch... Oi llama remember that dry gin we had once that was some funny shit No, I just know that cold alcohol goes down easier and tastes better. And you can put ice in your mixed drinks to keep them cold. But if you're taking shots, don't mix it. You'll have to do a lot more shots, I frankly don't like taking shots so I want to be done with them. Why is this in Serious Discussion, though?
  6. Oh yeah, because you just gotta suck Sony's cock that hard, don't you? Learn not to fail so much.
  7. The REAL question isn't so much morality... As it is LEGALITY....
  8. What a sexy little car. Actually, I think it's hideous. The NEW Charger, however........ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. That is actually a rather nice car. I much prefer the Evo to any of them, but that doesn't change the fact that you have a pretty car. Yeaaah, you can afford a Bugatti but you'll put off buying a camera in case a family member buys you one for Christmas. What a load of shit((I know these are old posts, you can all kiss my ass ))
  9. To reinstall All game just for a furniture_lae2.txd file? For one file to reinstall all game? Ok, I'll not attach any file anymore. Reinstall it in a different location, and just copy what you need. You won't effect your installation anymore than modding it does. It may be a lengthy process, but at least it isn't illegal.
  10. So if you have type-2 diabetes you shouldn't be given insulin?
  11. Put that shit in the freezer. And if you're making mixed drinks put ice in that shit. If you're taking shots, don't mix it, you're making the process harder on yourself.
  12. All you people bitching about "terrible drivers" and "crazy drivers" are just fucking ridiculous. She wasn't DRIVING at the time, wasn't she IDLING? You guys are making it sound like she was flying down the road like a maniac and hit the kid. Especially considering how most of you do not drive, and therefore do not know what it is like to control a motor vehicle.
  13. Oh hell yeah. I also hate when I'm trying to download shit, and this site like dlldatebase.com or some bullshit like that ALWAYS somehow gets linked to and I click on it. It has me choose a server((and that always gets your hopes up)), then "Your Download Should Start In 5 Seconds."......... Then "U HAZ 2 B REGISTARRD!!!". Pisses me off. Tell me this at the BEGINNING.
  14. If all these people say so many different things, who the fuck are you to tell us what the bottom line is? He died WEELLLLLL before you were even born.... So you really don't have much right to be spitting "facts" about his death.
  15. LOL, you thought a female that sexy would waste their time on a gaming forum? Although, if you thought I was female...then there was no need to say "Lady Harwood", which causes me to think that excuse is complete bullshit. What kind of background story do you think a female protagonist would have in a GTA game? She is a Teenage mum (Now in her 20's with her child being 16) that finds out her kid brings a gun home, also finds out her kid's in a street gang. Suddenly the rival gangs attack her house, there main aim is to kill her child. Her kid times. Her "Boyfreind" is killed too. She seeks revenge, by doing jobs for gangs/mafia, eventually getting their respect, rising the ranks, and killing those little bastards 29 - 16 = 13.......... Pushing it a bit? Russie? Dont call me Russian!!! And when I enter the cheat, all I get is some red head bimbo pornstar skin, with very very off animations. Honestly, if you press look back while holding a 2 handed weapon, you'll see what I mean!!! ... The fact that you know this already, from using the cheat enough, kind of worries me and puts doubt that you want a female lead for anything other than "looking at pixel ass".
  16. They've already done that with the original GTA. Also, I love all the bitching people do about Rockstar revisiting cities. So far they've only re-hashed Liberty City, Vice was only used three times. And how many times has Rockstar re-did Liberty? The way they redid it in GTA IV makes me really curious to see a dark gritty Miami full of drugs and shit. Besides, you're all bitching and shit and saying how much more money they'd make.... But every last one of you will go out and buy it anyways. It was the same thing with GTA IV, "SHOULD IT B LBRTY CTYQ!?!?!?!". Everyone was bitching that they had enough of Liberty and that they wouldn't buy it if it was. Guess what? They all bought it.
  17. Wonderful, you're telling us to kill our addicted friends. On their side. Yeah, actually. At the very least, the face must be going sideways. Otherwise they very well could suffocate WITHOUT throwing up.
  18. I never stated that price had a direct correlation to performance. But considering how it was only 100 dollars and most of the time I see the "good" cards priced at 200-400+ dollars, it was a general assumption.
  19. Same, I hate those types of t-shirts, they look horrible. I also hate thick jumpers/sweatshirts they too look horrible, thin ones look nice in my opinion. I find skinny jeans alright, I wouldn't wear them but I would often call the person wearing them "a stick" because it makes them look almost three times thinner. I don't know if this is the same for anyone else but I hate shoes (those fancy ones that people wear to school and to work). I also have a dislike for stripy and polka-dot clothing, it looks very bad especially when someone wears it and it is very bright. Odd, I HATE wearing tight shirts. Hella uncomfortable. And you've never seen the right type of stripes. I loooove stripes. And my favorite is definitely colorful stripped panties..... AAGGHHGGHGHH...... You'll usually see me in either Batman or Mario boxers. Pretty much.
  20. We aren't really spamming, we're actually discussing shit related to the topic. You know, the same topic you're posting insults in? You can't say no discussion, because that just won't happen. People are going to discuss what they chose. So I was GOING to do this((almost had my rig down to $800)) until I read that "Must be from Newegg" bullshit. Fuck this.
  21. Wait... Spirits make you sick but you can stomach beer? WTF? In terms of wine, I like some nice cheap Arbor Mist.
  22. This isn't even SOTW anymore. This is so unorganized. I think a few people need to sit back, talk to each other, and come up with how this is going to run. And do it by the week, every week. I'll be more than glad to input my ideas and comment and provide my mod powaz.
  23. LOL. And I mean, honestly, what is the point in doing a 6,000 dollar one? Does this include the OS? I'm sorry, but you'd have to be retarded to not be able to build an amazing PC with a 6,000 dollar limit. The 1,000 dollars is actually a challenge because certain parts can get expensive. And nigga nigga, Intels ARE quite pricey.
  24. You do realise it's the other way round right? Plain clothes make you look plain, wear some cool shit you'll look better for it. Luckily for you, you don't have cock bulge You do realise it's the other way round right? Plain clothes make you look plain, wear some cool shit you'll look better for it. Dude imagine me in Sherman's clothing. ROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFLROFL
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