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Everything posted by Damjan

  1. Snakehead. How do you manage to get on the ship at the same mission?
  2. Because it's for GTA Vice City. Also 3 year spam ftw!
  3. False. In which city can you find a Banshee next to a Gym?
  4. Okay,enough with the radios and quotes! Nobody even listens to the chat on the radios,the only guys who actually listen to it are you 3.If you have time to listen to it,go ahead.But DONT ask about quotes from the radio.
  5. It's ok as long that doesn't include the exe(methinks)
  6. 2 inches=5cm, i can guarantee that i have something atleast x3 bigger in my pants. /+5 internets
  7. Would my penis qualify as something red after 15 times of nonstop masturbating?(not that i have tried though.)
  8. finally the AC is fixed.

  9. Hey, where you been?

  10. http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=Steam&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 You guessed it.
  11. Charger 1969.The MOST AWESOME muscle car ever.
  12. I desperately need 100 euros.now.

    1. Samil


      You know what Sweet said: 'When Moms needed a surgery, I stole money for it'.Steal your money. :P

  13. See, this is why you don't get around this forum.You stick to your own fucking opinion.I just named those two graphic cards for an example, to indicate that if he's going for ATi he should get a *7** card/above.And for the CPU's, don't believe benchmarks.If you haven't tried it, shut up.You never had an AMD cpu in any of your pc's, so stfu.
  14. Damjan


    Bump.OnLive has been shown at E3, and it looks like it'll be around 4 bucks.(atleast Wikipedia says so)UK will have it very soon, and so will the rest of Europe.
  15. just put the PC back on, after painting the walls in his room.

  16. Get an ATI.Nvidia's 400 series, like raybob said are way expensive.A 5770/5870 will easily outpower the GTX 460.Good thing you picked a Phenom,Athlon X4's still don't have the power as the Phenom's, they may clock better but they suck.And DON'T get a ASUS mobo, they blow.If they fuck up, you can say goodbye to fixing it, or getting answers from ASUS's tech support.Get a Gigabyte one, much better and cheaper for the stuff you need.I'm guessing that you picked DDR3 RAM, since the ASUS Crosshair IV only supports DDR3.So, this mobo is way cheaper,and will give you what you need. EDIT: or this one.(if you're looking for a newer chipset)
  17. I have CoD4, and when i try to run the SP/MP, it shows the splash screen, and then an error pops up saying iw3sp(or mp).exe has stopped working, and below that Windows is checking for a solution to the problem, and doesn't find anything.I googled around, some said enabling/disabling Stereo Mix helped, but there isn't any Stereo Mix option at my PC.If anyone has a way to fix this, please help.
  18. just made the last kill in TDM with a predator :)

    1. Mpilk901


      I hate it when the game winning kill is from killstreaks, always boring.

    2. Damjan


      It's exciting when you kill the guy that has been knifing you all along on the map :)

  19. Happy birthday :)

  20. I think ubuntu will be able to work it out with vista.Though to be sure, post at UbuntuForums.There is a special forum for Virtualization a bit below.
  21. Hey.Haven't seen you around, rarely on msn though.Any new insane stuff you did?xD

  22. DÄMMJANVIK And im a chair.Steam turns up as a chair too. xD
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