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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. I'm okay and you?

  2. I'm not doing much, just a bit sleepy :P

  3. I think the "TGTAP" part should even more on top of the girl.
  4. Since no one answers, I'll ask something: When do you get the mansion?
  5. Ivan

    real Gordon Freeman

    he's hot because of his teeth Turns you on and shit
  6. Where you at fool? :P

  7. Yeah, when you were drunk..... Anyway, I never play Singstar when someone asks me to
  8. yo woozie! Wazzzup?

  9. Ivan

    Your Race

    Black people ususally have very white teeth BTW.
  10. No, you're not. I added myself some time ago.
  11. Fuck, I accidently added you as a friend

  12. The Joker looked scary? Didn't you see Harvey Dent/Two Face? The Joker looked much more frightening because he at least looked real, and insane. Two Face looked like some Terminator rip-off. You’re supposed to enjoy the movie, not analyze it. Errm, when did I say I didn't enjoy the movie? My favorite of the year so far. Oh no, here we go. I never said you didn't enjoy it. But movies are for enjoyment, not for analyzing. It was basically a joke, so please don’t turn it into anything. Damn, relax dude, I agree that you should enjoy a movie but I don't see anything wrong about analysing. Anyway, I'll watch it next week probably, looks pretty cool.
  13. Yeah, but good to know your dad's alright
  14. Just added mine too, looks cool.
  15. I actually think there's too much grass and shit, they could have made something else for sure.
  16. The answer is no? Sure, we don't know if it'll be 3D or not but you can't just say NO.
  17. Ivan

    Your Race

    Yeah, McDonald's owns, BTW if you go to Lisbon, mainly in the Fast Food restaurants, there's tons of black people, once I came in there and I was like the only white guy, pretty weird.
  18. Why are you naming random cheats? Anyway, see which car you replaced and then look up on the internet to see where that car used to be.
  19. This is good especially for the modders. Nice work
  20. I don't think he meant it that literal.
  21. O RLY? That's an interesting combination. But in all seriousness, what's surprising about a guy who jerks off and/or likes jerking off? Seriously? Yeah, would be a helll of a lot more surprising if he didn't like to jerk off.
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