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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. The box art looks great. how did you do it?
  2. me lyk poste mushe me cane forum in ite
  3. hey fellow LCF member

  4. What you are saying is really stupid, sorry. What you are doing is barely the same thing as me saying that a game is copying another because in both games you can shoot a gun.
  5. Yeah, great job, you have some skills mister...
  6. I didnt say "copy", i said they are trying to do what refraction tried to pull off with driv3r. I do love the GTA series when it turned 3D, but I still love Driver 1 and 2. But i have to admit that GTA4 are taking some things from Driver: PL (mostly the felony system, but then when the game came out for the wii, they put the GTA's stars), but saying that, what hasn't Driver: PL taken from the GTA series (more or less a GTA clone). Over all, i think R* is coping many games and their ideas, to make a massive, better, ultimate gaming experience...which we the consumers will benefit. BOLD: Name some.
  7. Yeah, Tom and Jerry own... Meh I used to watch some portuguese cartoons and sometimes cartoon network. Portuguese Crtoon ftw. Yes, Tom and Jerry pwn all. You remember Canal Panda? Rofl
  8. lmao, it was a joke

  9. Yeah, Tom and Jerry own... Meh I used to watch some portuguese cartoons and sometimes cartoon network.
  10. You have a lot of knowlege Broz B4 Ho'z
  11. Spider- Vice's big cock (No offence to ya dude)
  12. yes and spider vice never say no to story time
  13. I don't think that's the prob, I mean he's still logged in...
  14. Very good info, some was already known but still very good.
  15. happy birthday

  16. Hey dude, happy birthday.
  17. Lmao, there's a curse on some GTAs
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