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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Lmao, this people are crazy as fuck. I don't blame their friends for making fun of them.
  2. I don't think that'll work, I mean he has internet connection just not with firefox.
  3. I have that prob too, someone should warn Chris about this.
  4. No need for that dude. Both hairstyles are cool, I prefer curly hair.
  5. Gorilla Magilla

  6. The pay n spray is really usefull, but I guess we'll just have to think about smarter ways to escape the police.
  7. I would say almost every GTA game is difficult.
  8. Thanks Don, I pick the first avi. Do you want any credit or something like that for the avi?
  9. I guess I'll be the first person to request something. I want an avi with a soviet theme and possibly an AK. I know it's not a lot of details but try to make it work. Cheers.
  10. What's your PSN name and are FEAR or Rachet and Clank online??? You should already know my PSN name since I already added you to my friend list in the PS3, I'm smothboy.
  11. My games: FEAR R and C: Tools of destruction Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Resistance: Fall of man Assassin's Creed Rainbow 6 Vegas Tony Hawk's Project 8 The Elder Scrols: Oblivion Call of Duty 4
  12. My PSN ID is GTADon. I pretty much have the same alias wherever I go. My controller is sorta fucked up, I need to connect the USB cable for it to turn on, otherwise it won't turn on properly, just those red lights start flashing. When I connect the cable and take it out, it still works; when I turn the PS3 on, I need to connect the USB cable for it to 'work'. Do you leave your PS3 on standby? That might be your problem. If you leave it on standby then the controller continues to use the battery until it runs out. I tried to keep my PS3 on standby for the PSP connection thing, but when I got home the controller needed to be charged. If you leave it on standby, leave your controller plugged in. You already have your PSN name on the first page of this topic(if you didn't know). Have you gotten any other games lately? All you have listed under your games are Resistance, MotorStorm and your GTAIV pre-order. Nope, I turn the whole PS3 off and when I turn it on again, I need to connect the cable for the red lights to stop flashing. I forgot to mention Genji: Days Of The Blade. I think the first post needs an update, because DH and Ivan have PS3's now, and some people have changed their name as well. Now? I bought my PS3 in the the first day, it came to Portugal.
  13. God, you are all annoying, now shut up and let his GFX shop alone. It doesn't matter if his works are crap or good, anyone can have a GFX shop. Also, Deji, just don't go all psycho if someone criticises your work.
  14. Happy birthday, have a good one.
  15. Press the button on the middle of the select button and the start button. If it doesn't work then it may not be charged, connect it to the PS3 via usb cable and press that middle button again.
  16. are you ryanvg?

  17. My 900th post, I'm so close to 1000.
  18. The first GTA game I played was VC, I think I was 10 or something, not sure.
  19. When you think you can destroy a bipedal tank on your own.
  20. I would like to meet: Ice Thomas TEC 9 Noru Ciaran Gycu Brun MrLlamaLlma azn Arucard Ar-V the nameless Original GTA Master GTA Don Urbanoutlaw TM Alkaline 64 There are probably more people but I can't really remember now.
  21. Just finished Mass Effect, I'll play it all over again.
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