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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. lolz at you guys. i'm afraid to tell you guys that theres no Statue of Liberty in GTA III
  2. lolthnx :D

    i love noodles too

  3. welcome to the forums "A Normal Day", we hope you'll enjoy your stay here and have a nice day
  4. yeah, constructive criticism is what he need... it would help him a lot if you will tell him about the things where he failz (like using of too much bold and kinda unbelievable storyline) i haven't read any of your stories rightnow, thats why i can't give you any good critique for now
  5. the opening ceremony was great, i tried to wait for the Philippine athletes walking... but i fell very sleepy and i went to bed. i'm predicting that we wont get any medals this time
  6. 2pac ft. Notorious B.I.G. - Running (Dying to live)
  7. This is simply unbelievable! Dude, your stuff is the bomb! We've seen amazing results already. --Ryan Miller
  8. yo dude, haven't seen you for a while :)

  9. Hansui


    yeah, i think GTAF is much worse than TGTAP. btw. i think, i have already some five accounts registered there since 2005
  10. well, i went on a school pilgrimage yesterday... we went to various old churches in a neighboring province in north... i got some pics but i think i won't upload it for now its been a nice day for me, even my protestant buddy (i have some protestant classmates even though i study in a catholic school) was amazed by the churches. but i'm tired rightnow
  11. ^ no wai < a true egoistic and misanthropic person v likes to spam around
  12. i don't know you exactly, but you kinda seemed to be a familiar person to me anyway, welcome back and i hope you'll post a lot this time, but do not spam
  13. well, today was a pretty fun. while going back home with some of couple of my buddies, we passed a house with some ferocious three dogs went outside and chased me and my friend who is very very afraid of dogs, i was laughing aloud while trying to defend my friend. after that, he felt very tired and kinda want to rest but i was able to convince him to go straight back to his home, what an awesome experience
  14. nice news. i hope i'm able to buy it
  15. lolz, thats so awesome. Huck will be glad to see this
  16. .................................... ................................... .................................. ................................. ................................ ............................... .............................. ............................. ............................ ........................... .......................... .........................
  17. if she became the president, we will go back to dark ages and it will took a millennium for humans to reach renaissance again
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