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Vincent Valentino

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Everything posted by Vincent Valentino

  1. (spelling sucks because I type to fast) ^ must be talking to himself again. <sick with the flu >_< Vis going to call me a dip shit.
  2. You become God,then satans army destroys you (btw I am a christian) I wish People at my school would stop trying to steal my girlFriend
  3. Well I havent been on gta fourms in a month, since i got on tgtap so im lagging in the times.
  4. What do you mean by that? Of course edison found these cheats!
  5. Well then the mods and admins are going to have fun arn't they,But seriously Do not spam out side of the fun in game's topic!! . better yet,dont spam period!
  6. ^nope,you can laugh at my post anyways if you want <eating V likes to yell alot.
  7. I acctualy had a good idea..I think, We should also make skins for computer mouses,what do you think Spaz?
  8. Well, I think they put the sticky crap on it when they make it.
  9. The dave chappels show has been canceled ,becuase he did not want to come to work He recently sighed a 50million dollar contract for a 3rd and 4th season but apparently that will not be happening , Why is it that whenever we have a good show it gets shut down
  10. Thanks spaz ,hey you and the others should work on a new banner for tgtap .
  11. Dude thats to friggin big my i-pods way smaller than that.
  12. Sweet thanks spaz,that site even has skins for my i-pod shuffle sweet
  13. *That was hurtful.*Gets the punishers bad assness but, his whole family gets killed a day later.
  14. Hey I made this to help out chri,submit your ideas for images we could put on the items chris will be selling,like images for the mugs and shirts.
  15. you get super mans powers ,but you have to eat kriptoNight,hence your powers suck. I want to be a mod. (dont you dare flame me for saying that, I know im a n00b ill try and get better)
  16. Why would it be free? my dad owns a seafood resterant ,we have to pay to get :carytown seafood: on our crap..I dont get it
  17. Pyro how exactaly are you going to get the money to get tgp's name on stuff?
  18. Off topic also. it was probably mike toreno ,I went into his account,he has many steals. On topic. Chris ill support the shop
  19. Just make your prices lower than gtawh's prices then you will be good.
  20. Can some one send that file to me,not the site but the run time file,and it wont let me save either >_<
  21. Well your tgp money says -1120* you get rich and then your balls get cut off. I want a life.
  22. Well guys I am leaving tgp,Ive fucked up alot here,lost my chances of being a mod,lost everyones respect and ,made my self look like a fool,I will no lomger burden this site,besides I have a life to attend to ,I got a gf ,lots of school work and other shit,I would like to thank all these people. Jack spooner oscar sky^ Milky boy all of cfm genocide spazmod millerMagic pyroxcide kiku kayo My account password is:654321 have fun with my money and shit.
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