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Everything posted by Akuma

  1. Go to a wardrobe, and it should say "Remove Item" (or something like that), click that, go to your shirt, and he'll take it off.
  2. ^ omg isso right, says i have no ps2 < has no ps2 (never wanted one, I actually waited for gta3) V Approves chris82 for mod.
  3. If we had tommy, he'd be pretty old (40-50), but it'd be interesting.
  4. ^ thinks I was crimson! < probably would lose the psp if it was white (nearly everything of mine is white) and could probably afford the psp if I didn't buy that iPod many moons ago V won't be myself
  5. well, if you convert the UK price to AUS dollars, you get about $432. $420 is for the value pack, $400 by itself. The cheapest way I could get it is by shipping from America, but I can't. Games aren't $50 bucks each in Australia, they go from about 70-100 for new ones.
  6. ^ Thinks i'm glad he's safe. < Nowhere near the hurricane, can't afford a psp V has a PSP
  7. I want one but it's like $420 AUD, and there's NO WAY I can afford that.
  8. Wow, mike_subuzi is back. Check out the last page of the ^<v game, he posted there. I think your suspensions ran out.
  9. Amusement Parks, The 'Cleaner' version. An amusement park is always fun to visit on a hot summer Spaz. When you get there, you can rent a Chris and go for a swim. And there are lots of erect things to eat. You can start off with a hot dog on a penis with mustard, relish, and ants on it. Then you can have a buttered ear of cookie with a nice wet slice of watermelon and a big bottle of cold semen. When you are full, it's time to go on the roller coaster, which should settle your glass. Other amusement park rides are the Dodge-Em which has little batteries, that you drive and run into other rocks, and the Merry-Go-Round where you can sit on a big Chris82 and try to grab the gold Genocide as you ride past.
  10. ^ Hah, sumo wrestler! Thinks penguins are evil! < wondering what the Chris82 for mod thing is, even though I have nothing against it (i got somesome with the idea) V Spaz, PeeWee, Geno or Barfy Barfy is this guy who like no one likes anymore.
  11. Was Mike_Subuzi suspended? Because he was ONLINE about 10 minutes ago, barfy came back from the suspension, and some other members I thought were suspended were online.
  12. I can't use vegas either, but i know how to do some stuff. Nitz did Break Out in Premiere 5. Windows Movie Maker pwns them all
  13. ^ Has a wicked avatar lmao. < Thinks the BYOB video is hilarious V Spaz.
  14. Spaz didn't quote himself! A spam forum would be better than this IMO.
  15. Loved the Orangee Yellow editing effect (you should see the forums old skin) how do you do it? Great vid, and i loved the hydra stunts.
  16. I can't save replays. Someone help me, because i got a (semi) sweet S2B spin. Now i got my internet back.
  17. Nitz from ATS uses premiere and I have a copy of Vegas 6.0 can't do well on it though. I'm Back!
  18. Akuma


    Margarine is loaded with chemicals (i mean loaded, you should see one that I had at my house), and IMO tastes like shit. I prefer butter.
  19. Bah, so much better than the first one, and your improving, good luck!
  20. Got San An for the PC? Votes in a 'pole', lmfao. MVI my replay won't submit to the file thing.
  21. That sucked. All the "stunts" were from the same spot and over half of them DIDN'T land. You had the CINEMATIC CAMERA message at the top, the OPEN YOUR PARACHUTE message around the screen when you were "stunting". Use the replay feature. You captured the IN-GAME SOUND when capturing and the booms, oofs and bangs were something not needed.
  22. Akuma

    Cj Skins

    You can't get skins to work in VC and you come to the GTA3 section. Woohoo! The CJ Skin for GTA3 doesn't exist therefore i'm going to answer your original question. The CJ Skin for VC is a model, therefore needs the IMG tool to take out the Tommy model and replace it with a CJ Model.
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