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Posts posted by JustADummy

  1. Ah, it's pretty well known that SAMI sucks because it corrupts mods, mostly car mods.

    Use the tutorial provided by NotYouHaha, that way you can see if it's SAMI or the mod itself.

  2. Green Goo?

    Are you going to san fierro?

    I can't remember quite.

    What's the name of the bike that spawns at the SF Docks?

    Trivia Warning - XLR8: If you don't know the answer, do not even reply to the question. Thanks.

    @ Question: It's the NRG500

    My Question: Name all stadium challenges?

  3. Hmmm... When you downloaded MSN, did you remember to download Windows Live Sign-in Assistant?

    I remember that you can't really sign-in without it.

    You can get it with Windows Live installer, and maybe you can uninstall Windows Live Messenger using Windows Live installer as well...

    Hope this helps.

    That's the MSN I was talking about, I think shadow downloaded the Essentials Beta and not this official non-beta one.

  4. That's Gostown Paradise, do you realise that Paroxum isn't the only one making the mod and modelling the city/jungle?

  5. Contains very strong language and drug references

    Again, they don't mention the violence. What, you can't kill people in this game?

    Also, 18 is a very strong rating. I can't believe Nintendo would let it though :blink: I've especially noticed that Nintendo doesn't like swearing on their systems much. Even the Gordan Ramsey game was cut down to minimums. This game must be really pushing the boundaries.

    No censoring was done.




    Total footage run time: 2hr, 48min.


    This also proves that there's only 2 hours of cutscene footage. If there's the standard 75-100 missions, then that's only 30 seconds of cutscene approximately per mission. Very fast talking, anyone? Or maybe it's just text, like GTA Advance.

  6. The team that is working on the game is "twice the size" of the one that worked on Vice and Liberty City Stories and they've created something which has "more lines of code" than San Andreas. It's encouraging to see that such a great investment has been made by Rockstar in a game for a platform that is untested ground for them. Other details included:


    * The Satellite navigation system is "identical" to GTA IVs in appearance and functionality.

    * Ammunation has gone online! You order weapons with your PDA and they show up at your safehouse.

    * You can replay any mission by selecting it from a menu in the safehouse.

    * Grenades and molotovs are thrown using the touch screen - you touch one and drag it, with an indicator on the top screen (where the action is) showing you where it's going to land.

    * The A button is used to fire weapons.

    * One minigame involves assembling all of the parts of a sniper rifle with the touch screen, before using it to assassinate a designated target.

    * Another touch-sensitive mini-game will be paying bridge tolls - you push the coin into the slot to get through the barrier.


    Most importantly though, the magazine mentions that the game is "already complete" and final bug testing is taking place.


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