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Posts posted by JustADummy

  1. If you want to play GTAIV you should really change your RAM and processor. Try to find some cheap 2x2GB (or 2+1GB) sticks and a Core 2 Quad. The core 2 quad doesn't need to be a complete 'massacre', because they're expensive as fuck. At least in here the Q6600 (the one I use) was really cheap.

  2. Vous pensez que vous connaissez tous le français, mais je suis (pas) le mieux!

    ^^^ Heh, that was random. That comes from my weak French knowledge, I actually don't know if that is right or that's wrong, if it is wrong, someone correct me. :P

  3. Had the same problem.

    You are using a trainer and you turned on the Infinite Car Health,and when the AI takes over the wheel,the cop shoots,and boom.The Infinite Car Health,you may use it till Sweet jumps off the firetruck to the Feltzer.

    How do you know he has a trainer? Stop saying false stuff, read the posts carefully and instead of saying that you could have helped him.

    I'll do the mission ASAP. You want to use cheats or not?

  4. I've deleted the beta from my hard drive for now. Just can't be bothered to try it properly. I'll just wait til the second beta or maybe even the RC's before I try it again. Assuming they do the same sort of releases as they did for vista.

    Eh, and I disliked the beta. It's full of bugs, so I rolled back to XP.

  5. SV: Installation took an hour? Fuck that's a long time. I thought you had pretty good specs too. Only took me half an hour or so, which for an OS is pretty decent.


    Well, I actually tried Windows 7 in my shitty computer, not my Quad. My Quad will stick with Vista, etc ;)

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