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Everything posted by JustADummy

  1. Portuguese licence plate (Seems that the car is from 2002 O.o) Some pics of MTA and the normal game: Mine and Thomas Mod :
  2. You can't close polls. Also, shouldn't this be in The PC Forums?
  3. Chris already said no. It'll be full of spam and Staff need time for other stuff, not just moderating a stupid Shoutbox.
  4. Not me! *runs* I get easily pissed off when someone tries to pwn me and sometimes I want people to always understand me and never say things that I don't agree. It's weird, I know.
  5. Portuguese: desculpa e o k acontece quando nao estou de bom humor. desculpa la pá. e acalma-te e participa English: Actually, just lets keep on topic: I heard there's a minigun in the top of the empire state building... Never tried it because the Maverick can't get there and I see no minigun.
  6. And also, no the other pictures aren't photoshopped. In some parts of Europe and America you can have 30+MB/sec internet speed. Here's mine (as of January 21th) (And also it can be a bit slower than before because the internet shares signal with the TV, etc): Lolwtf, what the hell was that 2KB/sec upload? I have the lowest upload speed ever
  7. A .txt extension. The game will automatically retrieve data from that and activate/actionate the written "features". You can find more info in the ReadMe file.
  8. Read the release notes carefully. They said you gotta activate DirectImput (controller compatibility) by yourself, here's a quote of what they said about it: And here's instructions on how to make a commandline: 1. Open notepad and write a document with "-usedirectinput" (without the ") 2. Save it in your GTA IV Root folder (Disk:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV) named as commandline. Hope it gets fixed.
  9. Nevermind but dude, I'm being attacked with Viagra and pharmacy ads and to prevent the bots I made a required custom field saying "Are you human" and the default option is No.

    Remember that bots always choose the default for everything.

  10. Damn, I think we're having some server load. It's slow as fuck.

  11. Okay, every bot who posts will be automatically banned.

  12. I've gaven up of Kaspersky because it was like Norton. For some reason it warned me that everything was a trojan (even trustworthy files) so I got AVG and I feel more secure. If combofix doesn't fix it, format your PC and reinstall Vista.
  13. Holyshit I'll be there!!

  14. Happy birthday man! Hope you have a good one, etc.
  15. If you want an easier way to access dxdiag, just write it on the search box.
  16. Heeey, calm down. I'm Portuguese too and I don't write like him? Also, I don't know if this is true and never tried it (I think its a fake but oh well) but some people say that if you go to a theatre and press a sequence of keys a riot will happen. I mean, if there are no riots in missions, why this riot now?
  17. Lol I'd love to do that to a game developer Also, ask them and secretly PM/Bulk email all members with details, etc.
  18. Updated list here (Bold for the persons who I want to know mostly) : Thomas TNF Gerard Sherman Chris Deji Rem Llama SpazTheGreat Dmac_91 azn Erfbound Righty Huckleberry Pie
  19. Wow, looked like Portugal 3 weeks ago. Also, I've never heard of orange sky AT 11PM
  20. Well, the homepage is okay and I do care about it. But it's just I have the forums directly on my bookmarks, etc. But I do visit the homepage sometimes, like to see the PoD... But I still like it
  21. Go to a folder and click Alt, then a menu should appear. Click Tools, Folder Options and then View: Mark "See hidden folders" and click OK. Now go to the location I told you and copy that savegame. Now download a possible alternative to Rick's hack (dunno if it works): Here. Also, are you running XP or Vista?
  22. It's not there. Activate hidden folders by clicking (if Vista) on Alt, then Tool and Folder Options. Search for the "Show Hidden Folders" feature and go to the following location: "YOUR DISK:\Users\YOUR NAME\App Data\Local\Rockstar Games\GTAIV. There will be folders named savegames, settings, etc. Copy the savegames to there. PS: The savegames may not work if you don't install Rick's GFWL hack (Not illegal, don't scare) so it accepts saves from other people's accounts. Google that.
  23. You seem to have the Reflections on Very High on that GTAIV Screen. Maybe that's because it's slow.
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