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Posts posted by JustADummy

  1. Do this:

    Uninstall all The Sims and expansion packs. Then install everything by order (Double Deluxe and then OFB), go to the EA Patch Zone and install the patches for the expansions you have plus the base game; Try playing again.

    PS: The Double Deluxe Pack is The Sims 2 and Nightlife isn't it?

  2. The Double Deluxe has Sims 2 Nightlife doesn't it? So, you should run Open for Business since:

    Nightlife - 2005

    Open For Business - 2006

    But are you sure the CD isn't pirated or something and do you even put the OfB (Open for Business) CD? :P

  3. Here's my second (poor) clip for the RGSC, it's called The LC parkour (10sec Short Clip, complete coming soon because my PC is super slow, that's because it's poor and very tiny).

    There's also a first clip, which is a bit (0.1%) better, uploading it soon. Also please click Watch in HD in the video.

    First Sample:

  4. Hello, I'm here to request a banner to a forum with the following details (The banner has to fit in a black forum skin):

    Theme - GTAIV

    Font - Choose the coolest

    Color - ^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Size - The normal of a forum banner.

    Thanks ;)

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