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Everything posted by GTA Don

  1. That looks pretty good. Nice job! Although, the hand...
  2. That looks really cool. I like the dirty grunge effect.
  3. Here's mine: I used Photoshop and Photobucket.
  4. The demo really sucked on the PS3, the only good part was the... come to think of it, there was nothing really good about it, except for the graphics.
  5. Dude, be your own (monkey) person. I shop at ASDA. I am the only one of my cousins that own a PS3. I love fast food. I love sleeping. I have smoked a few times. Not weed, a cigarette. I can pwn anyone in Def Jam: Fight For NY.
  6. I'm also from "Inside The Server...", I tihnk.

  7. You could just get one of the geeks to do it, for a small amount of money, if he doesn't, just beat him up. Meh, it works for me. @ Ivan Have you ever been caught?
  8. I think that looks a lot better, I tried making one but I fucked up somewhere and it all went wrong.
  9. Lol @ that theme Chris was working on. The Statue Of Happiness looks a little grey? Thomas, your one is good, I don't know, there's something wrong. Don't change the opacity of Niko, I see a line next to Toni's ear, Tommy looks a little "light". The text is Ok, but I see little white squares in some of the letters. I might try one later.
  10. I wish I could post pictures of mine, but my phone camera thingy is fucked up.
  11. [rant]Homework. Work you do at home. Why can't we just do it at school? (I don't mean extra work, just normal work), I mean, we get enough work at school, when you get home you want to relax, not do more work. I want to start a rebellion and burn down schools, who's in?[/rant]
  12. Nope, I haven't added you... yet.

  13. I was wondering what you meant by "A new network of fansites is coming...". Now I know. Those of you who don't know what is, come to England. Never seen that Terminator show before, when's it on? And what channel is it on?
  14. V, I don't get your first line. There are a few people who just want to increase their post count, some to get more monies. Meh.
  15. I saw the trailer. It looks pretty good, the site was a bit weird though.
  16. Good stunts Will. I wouldn't have chosen that music but that's just me.
  17. I'm always ready for a challenge. Yeah, those punks on the freeway always used to crash into my car, maybe I should get insurance...
  18. 19 people! Wow. I can't wait to download this mod when it comes out, good work on finding them.
  19. Isn't this just the same as the "What pisses you off?" topic?
  20. That is SPAM. This is not the correct place to post it, you can put it in the bank or buy something with it.
  21. I think the forums banner looks fine just the way it is, but the banner on the main page could do with a change.
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