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Everything posted by GTA Don

  1. I still have to beat RFOM, it was so hard (because I suck). Glad to see the Chimera and Nathan Hale still there.
  2. I used to love Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, I even had a game of it, it was awesome. I also used to watch Dastardly & Mutley, Danger Mouse and some others. How I miss those cartoons...
  3. That must suck about your internet. What happened?

  4. Today was a normal day. My teacher mocked me for shouting in class.
  5. Connor, I didn't know you make mods? Yeah, that looks cool.
  6. It's just been un-confirmed I wish it did have interoperability, it would be so awesome.
  7. He was a ped and a radio caller? I wonder which ped or caller he was...
  8. It might have been that you didn't install it properly.
  9. There is already a topic like this in the vehicle section and I believe you already posted a picture of your car there.
  10. That is one sweet car! I wish I had a car
  11. Awesome. I hope this is true, I can't wait to play the classics that started the GTA era on my PS3.
  12. A 'mod' is a modification for a game, if you have an Infernus, you can mod it to a different car, there are many mods in our downloads database. Btw, would you mind saving your pics as .png, then everyone can see it.
  13. Exactly. I'm getting the game on PS3 since I have one, although I might be getting a 360 later this year. Connor, you don't care about online multiplayer? I just hope it's fun and enjoyable.
  14. It was probably 'shopped. It's about GTA, he turned around and saw the girl which is obviously fake.
  15. More DLC for the 360? No love for the PS3 owners? At least that Don Mattrick guy was shut up.
  16. IP.Board doesn't support that feature. Although it would be cool, you just can't, I think? Maybe they should include it in an update or something.
  17. If you wanna flame the 360, go here. GTA IV multiplayer will not be exclusive to the Xbox 360, if it is, I will be pissed. I doubt R* will be that stupid. Only the DLC will be exclusive to Xbox 360, but maybe there will be some for the PS3 as well at a later stage.
  18. You don't need to post the same topic three times. 2 out of 3 your topics need to be closed.
  19. I think it's actually all of them. Yeah, they're all on the official GTA IV site.
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