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Everything posted by mutu

  1. I have seen many topics like this that haven't been answered. I've seen the gloves aswell, but not in game. Maybe they are some kind of exclusive item that you get after 100% or something.
  2. I haven't seen one. I guess it's not in the game anymore.
  3. Sure, if you want to.... Don't worry abut any money or anything, just put 'Thanks to llama for the sig' or something in your sig, after the pic or whatever, and it's cool. Thanks, I'll put your name in my signature aswell.
  4. I got the standard aswell. I ain't bother buying new ones, I don't want to look through that many songs that are in the game.
  5. I got a bit sad when some characthers died. Like that was a bit hard to swollow, even though I knew it was gonna happen because I accidently read it on the forum. GTA IV is one of those game where you like all the characther, and the storyline changes through the game so it's hard to decide sometimes.
  6. ZD Soft Recorder. It let's you record for 1 minute at the time, in the free version.
  7. I don't think so, you know who said it in the game?
  8. Mine is: mutu555 Add me if you want, I play GTA IV, COD4 and Rainbow Six Vegas. If you add me, please tell me your forum name so I know who you are.
  9. Wow, that's awesome. Mind If I use it? I can give you some store money if you want. That editing helped a lot, you are good
  10. This mission is as much about luck as it's about skills. You have to be steady on the controller and press the buttons at the right time, just take it easy while flying the heli, then you should be able to shoot it down.
  11. Not sure but try to hold down both of the buttons you switch channels with and it probably turn off the radio.
  12. It's only a rumor that the game comes out in October, Rockstar haven't anounced it officially yet.
  13. Great, I can't wait to see it
  14. As GTA Don said keep shooting until you reach max level. The weapons you can use two-handed are 9mm pistol, uzi, sawn-off shotgun and the mac9.
  15. I made another signature, I didn't do anything about the name as you said because I was busy working on this. But I'll follow your advise and post another one later. Here is the one I made right now: http://img396.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gtabilde3bx7.png I don't know if it's better though.
  16. I see what you mean. They are a bit boring. But I made them in Photoshop, and Im new to it. You got any ideas how I can make these screens better, like where to put the name etc. thanks for replying.
  17. This will be usefull if Im gonna buy a new graphic card sometime.
  18. Everyone got they're own opinion about the game. What can we do about it?! The answer is nothing exept accept it.
  19. Can someone help me, im getting a new signature, I have made a couple of signatures but I need help decide. This?: http://img59.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gtabilde1rg0.jpg Or this?: http://img517.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gtabilde2mv9.jpg Or the one I got now? If anyone got any ideas for me, what to make etc. please post here. PS: I couldn't get the image show in my post so that's why the link.
  20. Nice, IV got ahead of COD 4. That's tricky and impressive.
  21. Good they'll finally update it. It's a long time since last time they did that.
  22. Very funny. Good work, keep it up
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