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Everything posted by azn

  1. azn

    :P I'm 'buying' it at the moment so you can own me next month (or the other way :P) when I get an extra 5GB of downloads hehe.
  2. azn

    Hahaha yeah I guess I have normal comments but this johnny guy's picking a fight with me :P I see you play MTA ;D I can't wait to get my copy of SA

  3. azn

    Lol I'm using it for the time being, it's only temporary until TFY makes my new sig :D which will obviously be smaller :P

  4. azn

    Lol serious? I should resize it then :P thanks for the heads up.

  5. Hahaha good one (Y) Well today is quite a good day to be honest. But the reasons wouldn't make any sense to you all
  6. I give up, could you please tell me the first letter or some more clues please?
  7. Vrdrie Rlplaela Nslnei Hint: Game.
  8. Lol Arucard ignore them they're spammers. For no reason
  9. 11 boxes of pizza from Well stacked Pizza...
  10. To us, Rockstar will always be one of the best if not the best game company around, but to those dickheads like Jackass Thompson it will be an entirely different story. The realism won't be too bad, Rockstar can compensate for that with all the new interiors, new city and hopefully the same sense of exploration.
  11. Ding ding ding ding ding! Your turn!
  12. imrgolahmt My greatest attempts are only to get TFY warmed up.. EDIT: Hint: Computer related.. EDIT: sorry I didn't add the T
  13. FINALLY! My chance has come to hit the old people and push them out of the way Lol well if I had a chainsaw I'd wear a hockey mask then take the chainsaw into the the hospital and give everyone a heart attack! It would be fun though, room after room of patients, doctors and nurses.
  14. Lol you're good at this Eden orf Psede grrdnueundo Again it's a game, it's hard to think at 4 in the morning..
  15. Also, press the 'PRT Scr' button to take screenies, it's usually right next to F12. When you press it, open up Paint and press Ctrl+V and vwoah lah! Although Fraps is a trial it can only record up to 30 second chunks of video.
  16. LC isn't that bad ctkisy apet Very useful around the house but is hardly noticed half the time..
  17. I found out I hated the Police and find myself saying "Fuck the Pouwleece" a lot more often then I used to
  18. Whoever gets the 1000000th post can SMB for free!
  19. Cool altecoohc Hint: Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and so on..
  20. You can shoot them out with a strong weapon.
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