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Everything posted by azn

  1. Pwoahhh! Look carefully at the undamaged part of the car and you can see the paint job! Looks Metallic...
  2. The shit graphics ruined the cinematics in the game. Like End of the Line, where Tenpenny crashes the truck, the truck suffered no damage due to the crappy graphics. The auto aiming was a bit annoying too..
  3. @ Spaz Well, Midnight Club is a pure racing game with interiors, custom parts etc. If you were to compare a Skyline R34 to the Elegy in IV they would resemble each other in appearance more then they did in San Andreas and MC3 because these 2 games use the RAGE. I actually like the unlicensed vehicles. Some of them actually look better then what they are supposed to represent but some really suck. The front of the Elegy was shit.
  4. What an odd story, but do continue
  5. Hamster Prostitutes waving
  6. Having bladder problems? Call us on 1800-azn-bladder-problem-services right now!!! Note: Number may redirect to India
  7. "Every time there is silence in between a conversation, a gay baby is born.."
  8. That was 4, but lol that sure gave me a good laugh The Guinea Pig..
  9. Girlycard soon came out of the shower and noticed that all her dirty clothes had blood all over them. She then wondered "How did I make all this mess with my period?" Haha lol. Wierd stories...
  10. Chris Not the Admin Chris, but one of my friends who calls himself Corrupt on MSN
  11. Banned for being one of the many members who live in the same country as me
  12. Banned because I shall continue to use the pettiest reasons to ban you! Mwahahahaha!!
  13. yur sick go die in the hopsital!!!!!!!!!! :P :P :P :P
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