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Everything posted by azn

  1. @ TFY: You can see the Mountain Cloud Boys usually around Chinatown up until that hill to Michelle's place in Sultans, some station wagon and Elegy's.
  2. Lol. It would be great if they did San Andreas, as Young Maylay looks and has the voice of CJ, and how are they going to film the movie if the cities are fictional? Then there's physics..CJ can't carry around a pistol, an Uzi, a shotgun, a Sniper, an M4, a rocket launcher etc simultaneously so there's a problem. And since a lot of the stuff in the game is based on real life products, it would be easy finding props Elegy = Skyline R34 hehe.
  3. I only listen to that song when I'm REALLY pissed Well, That'z my name - Sly Boogy. It was featured in the NFSU2 soundtrack
  4. Well a bit too late but my grandparents died before I was born. I asked my parents and I her some despicable stories of rudeness and selfishness. Also at my school last year, 4 guys died in a crash. From what I hear they knew people from our school. In addition, a person from our school drowned after completing High School. RIP Michael.
  5. @ Sean. All pigs abuse their powers. You can rarely find a cop who be understanding and won't pull out pepper spray, tazers or a nightstick unless desperately needed. Lol Sibraa's trust is the complete opposite from ours Not only do I not trust the royal family, but I hate that old queen >< no offense to the people who respect her and her family but why the hell does the Government give money to her and her family for doing absolutely nothing apart from live in a huge mansion and looking down on us? Personally I say fuck the queen and her family.
  6. Wow. I laugh too much at school that I end up with a sore stomach ><
  7. Is it Dan Houser? Because if it is you left out an H
  8. @ Connor, was it you that said that you threw a rubber at some guy's face after playing Crank dat? I just downloaded that song and it SUCKS SHIT. My friends all say it's 'gangstaaaaarrrr' etc. Bleh. What's the deal with this absurd song?
  9. Long fringe, but not that it's emo About 2CM's everywhere else to make it stand up naturally, I have a mullet and very long sideburns. But not like the traditional ones that grow out of the beard hair they're about 6-7CM's down from my ear. My friends pull on them haha. Well it's a common style among Asians from where I come from, my hair is also black but I would dye it blue EDIT: Sibraa do you straighten your hair too? My hair growth is wierd it's all straight except my fringe which curls >< I straighten it though so It's straight!
  10. Noru; Avatar: 9.5/10 Signature: 9.8/10 Person: Haven't seen too many posts from him but ehh I can get to know him sooner or later
  11. Don't trust: Government FBI NSA Any other stupid agency. Cops Any law enforcement Randoms Hackers Some friends.
  12. No shit we want it for the PC! But then that would force people with crappy computers to buy expensive computers for the game.
  13. Ah, don't beat yourself up about it; I left a forum today which I had been on for nearly 2 years. Well, hope you can return..
  14. I fell asleep in class today. Not literally in very deep sleep but still alert. I told my mum and made an assumption that I was sick and she took it the wrong way and blah blah blah. Well my teachers this year are a lot more decent then last year and the year before. No fat bitches, no dickheads, no racists so I'm glad to see that.
  15. The site's not new, it's been around for a while. But I've never been to it.
  16. I like conspiracies especially Government ones
  17. Hey Ray! Happy birthday! Enjoy your day :)

  18. I wear Converse Chucks Dandruff?
  19. Screw the Government. My 8 year old brother plays San Andreas, picks up hookers then runs them over to get his money back, slashes the heads off random people with his Katana and he hasn't gone out on a rampage with a gun yet and doesn't plan to. It won't make a difference whatever they will decide to rate the game.
  20. Possibly IV will be the next big WOW. The graphics and realism touches are a concern towards the traditional GTA style though..
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