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Everything posted by azn

  1. >_____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________>
  2. Indeed. Since character customization has been taken out earning respect by wearing colors will not be available so Niko will probably be an outsider climbing the Crime Ladder.
  3. The NRG-900 had a cool sound to it. The FCR-900 sucked though.. Most of them sounded like the Perennial
  4. O___________________________________O
  5. Well I don't know you but either way have a Happy birthday!
  6. look i made an algorithm no1 will hake it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 23587034664358705484457878743rtb4gu6o6453g4t5o2905rt234-8569-54t953834=-6732497664-95=43498835286854875467457340976406743879653285698356804758304723095873490573075 237e6w876we97r6349r6ewf69x98vx0t750973w46 MUASHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA69
  7. My name is 490846905674389035732692345-0560-768483274239026291-60=45694705445307954935
  8. Avatar: N/A Sig: 4/10 Person: Don't know you..
  9. Yeah, we know how to do that. It's in the cheat lists that you can find on the Internet.
  10. Pro-Laps Didier Sachs (or however you spell it ) Victim
  11. Mwahahahahaha!! azn must fly now!! As he is needed else where!! Until then, we shall meet again!! Gawd is 3 in the morning *yawns*
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