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Everything posted by azn

  1. Banned because I'm going to use it again! heehee!
  2. Banned because I'm out of reasons to ban you
  3. Not exactly I was never, ever a fan of any of his movies and Australian movies and reality shows don't interest me and never will.
  4. Never let you Down - Frankie J feat Krayzie Bone
  5. Well I don't watch Australian drama's and reality shows like Neighbours (yuck) and etc. I watch Hollywood films like a majority of the people do.
  6. Ooo, are you a Midnight Club fan as well, TEC9? We have a lot in common then! Need for Speed got worse as they moved on from Underground 2, seriously, NFSU2 was the only decent game in the NFS series. Anyways, I am currently playing Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, get back into the times when Sam Fisher was a proud man, Double Agent fucked up Sam Fisher's life and I hate Ubisoft for that.
  7. School started today for me. It was fucking pouring and we all went home dripping with water. But on the positive side we got brand new lockers, unlike the ones last year which were either bashed in or was completely unusable
  8. Never knew him, or any of his work but RIP Heath... A new video was released of him today...It shows him with some Cocaine dealers...
  9. Uhh, well I just turned 14... And this girl a year younger then me who goes to my school but we randomly met on Bebo starts talking to me. And well, I have MANY MANY interesting and funny conversations with her, sometimes I can scroll up for a minute on MSN going through the 4 hour conversation I just had with her and well one of her besties told me one day that she liked me in which stopped me in my tracks. I saw her as a very good friend but I didn't see her in that way... Well after a while she got over me and now she's got her own BF but I still maintain a very strong friendship with her and she doesn't see me in that way anymore... THEN, there's that girl I like in my class...
  10. @ Jace: Is started for me from as far as I can remember. Porn, well as soon as the Internet came into my life the and the explicit pop up ads...
  11. Hey, I've got myself a copy of GTAIII but MTA doesn't work on it...

  12. TRY THIS! Take Denise on a date, and take her to Mad Dogg's mansion to get the helicopter. Then fly her over to San Fierro to bore her so she wants to go home, then jump out of the Helicopter when you're above water. Denise will jump out as well and fall to her death but she disappears because you're distance is too far away from her so it will be taken as you abandoning her.
  13. The Sentinel had a pretty average engine noise, it wasn't good and it wasn't bad. The Sabre had a muscle car tone to it, likewise all the low-riders did.
  14. Definately not any of the bands like Linkin Park, Greenday etc... A modern hip-hop/rap station would keep me tuned into it for countless hours. And a Trance, Techno, Hardstyle techno or all 3 in one would be excellent. Since not many of listen to the radio these days, should Rockstar allow us to select any song and put it on a CD to listen to? But then Niko would have to carry the CD around unless he can use Blutooth to wirelessly connect his phone to one of the fancy cars we shall see in the final build of the game...
  15. We shall meet again, Urbanoutlaw, for I too must fly for tomorrow's events that confront me Oh great first day of school is tomorrow
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