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Vercetti Thug

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Everything posted by Vercetti Thug

  1. Claude, if you say Kingdom Hearts 2, it should be in the best game of all time category. Here, it doesn't apply.
  2. What do you mean none of these do? Ultimate Vice City installs itself, really.
  3. Well hey, look at the bright side your getting lotsa replies now
  4. Granted, but it blows up and you live with third degree burns for the rest of your miserable virgin life. I wish I knew what to wish for.
  5. Granted, but some unforseen detail goes wrong and your wish isn't granted. I wish I will never get banned.
  6. HEy, did anyone ever think about a shooter with a Canadian star?
  7. I think that there should be a continuation where it shows why Tommy and Ken stop being "business" partners.
  8. No, not really. Know why? Cause if it was switched teams, the player would win so easily cause of the cheapass numbers.
  9. Well this topic opened up some civilized debate didn't it? Can we calm down a little bit?
  10. Of course you didn't hear about it. The news can't put THAT on screen.
  11. What's the worst game of all time? This does not include the Zelda CD-i games, sorry.
  12. They are NOT fanfiction. You do them. Just follow the objectives section if you don't want to read the story.
  13. Sorry for double post, but I just wanted to thank ya'll for trying. I also want to say that it turns out I was able to help him fix it by myself.
  14. He told me this over the phone and said he was reading an article...for an hour. He's very religious, I dont think he'd be doin....that.
  15. Granted, but it's so small it won't fit into anything else. lol. I wish this wish wouldn't get screwed up.
  16. Apology for double post. Ok, huckle, this is someone else's computer, and i've had this kind of problem before, so I thought I knew how to fix it. Could this be some spybot scareware? The exact screen he is getting says "major registry change, and gives two choices. (allow change) or (deny change) He's too scared to do either, and I dont want to give him a bad message. Tommorow, he'll probably call me back and ask me what me asking on an internet site helped. So help me.
  17. i dont know where to get it , dont know what serial is
  18. Well, actually, he's more of a relative. Anyway, he has spybot and Avg, and he was surfing a site for an hour. Suddenly, he gets a message saying his spybot should allow a change. He did no downloads that day, and he suspects there is something wrong. I suspect it is scareare, but his AVG free could not detect it. What should I tell him? (Yes I know I posted just a minute ago, but this is an emergency for my friend)
  19. My AVG free expired, and i'm looking for a virus scanner that's just as good, but cheap, and automatic, just like AVG. I have Spybot and Norton, but those won;'t automatically warn me.
  20. Granted, but then Slash kills you I wish I got all A's in school, and you can't give me a side effect like head growing in any way shape or form or say my social status was destroyed. Try corruptin dat.
  21. Skin installation is one of the easiest mods to get. All you have to do is get WinZip or something, right click the skinpack folder, go to extract, then drag all the skins inside the folder to the skins section in your VC folder.
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