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Everything posted by UWEIUCFW

  1. Oh yea, what console is this for, is it for all?
  2. Kill them all! Even if there dead... WWYDI Rockstar made you the main character in the next GTA?
  3. Who says we have to get rid of the VC set? And Jason290, Ill get on that now. The only problem is the fourms name I got the wepons from on the wepons, but I can take care of that later.
  4. Im sure this has been discussed before, but I couldent find anything, so I gusse its ok. The VC wepond set is old and boring, we need the SA wepond set. I know where to get pictures for the weponds, and I could get them no problem.
  5. This movie got my attention for two reasons. One, I like how everything is in black and white. Like Bright white, and Dark black, theres no in between. The other reason it got my attention is because Sin City is what a lot of people thought the next GTA would be called.
  6. Hm, I never knew that? I learn something everyday.
  7. We need some Glocks, and ninja stars.
  8. 25 to life offical site You should check it out.
  9. From what I read and seen, 25 to life will probily, in my mind, be as good as GTA.
  10. Haha, probily mess with people. WWYDI you lost all of you money?
  11. Nice, I like the first one the best. Anyone else?
  12. Try and take his Mod position(nah..). WWYDI the RIAA came to your house and killed you?
  13. Yea, defently VCPR, funny stuff. "Theres blood, and pubic hair every where!"
  14. Learn to swim WWYDI if I was watching you post your next post from your bedroom window?
  15. I was thinking about making a gang here as soon as I get some more post, and find someone who is good at making sigs. If anyone is interested in making sigs for my upcoming gang, please post some of your work.
  16. Whenever I try and start a fire it either goes out by its self, or dosent last long. How long did the fire last?
  17. Big Mac meal from McDonalds, mmmm.
  18. I want the the sig to be the same shape as the last sig you posted in your first post.I want a blcak backround,with a white escalde on the left hand side,and a little monkeywrench on the right,and it says "DC Maintenance" at the top in a greyish sorta white color
  19. ok,since im in your racin gang can you make me one with an escalde,in a black back round,with a monkey wrench in there to.Use the same style you used for the last one.
  20. it remindes me of someone smoking somthing they souldent be smoking.
  21. like I said,its in the wrong section.
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