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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Little American girls these days. Its worst in America YJ. Girls fall in love with other tards too like... Soulja Boy Drake Bell (But Not Josh Peck) Shia LeBouf I don't see any hot articles about him. Jonas Brothers Zac Efron Chris Brown. Why can anyone like Will Smith? Will-fucking-Smith!
  2. First Picture: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Second: You look exactly like my X-Girlfriend (well kind of because of the hairstyle), who is now F***ing my best friend lmao.
  3. Yeah, whoever forgot of these faggots? AND THESE PRICKS:
  4. OH MY GOD! HOLY CRAP! Awe-fucking-some!
  5. Would you recommend playing this DLC or is it just a waist of MS points?
  6. The Recess theory... One night a man in his car was eating chocolate, and another was eating peanut butter. They where both driving not paying attention to the road. So they both crashed into each other. Officer Recess approached the scene and asked: Recess: What seems to be the problem? PeanutButter Guy: Hey put chocolate in my peanut butter. Chocolate Guy: He put peanut butter in my chocolate! Recess takes a bite of the two combination's. And smiles... He then pulls out a Glock and blows the two men away. And thats exactly how it happend.
  7. Nope, all fine. But it still wont connect.
  8. Yeah that one, and they are correct. eMachine sucks. I'll just do what Chris82 says.
  9. Oh my f***ing god! Have you played the game called Liberty City Stories!?
  10. LOL? Chris the PC I'm using now is gonna crash if I do something like that. My Desktop won't even connect to the Router I have.
  11. I was going through my storage things that I keep in a shed for about 5 years. And I found my new E-Machine (T2862?) So now that I found that computer I was going to use that computer just for: - Recording Games - Managing my YouTube / Windows Live / Yahoo / Playstation Network / XBox Live / - Photoshop , and Sony Vegas. So all I need to do is connect to a wireless network... and its not working. I've spent 4 in a half hours trying to figure out how to connect to the internet. I tried this... Taking a wired internet cord and plugging it into my Laptop and into my dekstop, so the Emachine can get a connection from my Dell. And what do you know. It aint working. It will say error at the bottom right. So I tried plugging my router in and pluggin it back out. And it still doenst work. My mothers dekstop works perfectly when ever the internet router is turned on. Why isn't mine working? Can anyone help?
  12. Somebody should fucking shoot this prick... I really wish he was that character in Grand Theft Auto IV where you shoot some gay guy in a diner. Man I wish that was him. This asshole gets on my nerves. I just can't wait till he comes out of the closet. Disney channel bitches...
  13. -Soure: http://www.popcrunch.com/vanessa-hudgens-s...with-zac-efron/
  14. Right now I am guessing Liberty City because of the DLC. But after that I think Vice City.
  15. What the FUCK man?!?! Dude is the biggest teen heart throb on earth right now and he looks like a goddamn alien! Seriously, doesn't he look like one of those animatronic robots the japanese are building now a days? I wish chicks still liked MEN instead of effeminate girlboys. Guys will do anything for pussy, so if this trend continues, we're all going to be wearing lipstick and hoopskirts just to get our hands on some titties in the near future.
  16. For crying out loud. There is another exit/entrance on the other side. Where it shows all of the explosive tanks and boxes, go the opposite way until you find a door that can open when you push it with the Raybob cat.
  17. Does anyone know how Claude-Speed got banned?

  18. Go to the very end of the movie around eight minutes is the hot coffee mod. You are about 2 years late.
  19. ... Or you can Mod it to your PS2 if you like. But its much harder than downloading it to your computer.
  20. Is it just me or am I seeing that freak'n pepsi commercial with the puppets every time I go to the next page. WTF? Its actually giving me one big of a head ache.
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