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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Eh? I dont understand... First he says that Vista sucks... but then he says he's using it as his original OS, likes it and has no problems. wtf?
  2. I checked on GTAMISSIONS and I didnt see anything.
  3. Numba one in da hood G!

  4. LMAO last year before the new years I downloaded a Vista Inspirat theme on my Windows XP Dell Inspirion. So when ever I go on something else other than IE or Firefox it crashes ( MS Word , Media Center , etc.) anyone know how to get the theme off? I can't delete it.
  5. No , no , no ,no. Chris I did not read your post all the way through. To be honest I didnt even read your post, until now. I just saw you use the word it does suck. And on the other topics like " Post your desktop " you use the vista theme. Are you using the windows XP operating system with a vista theme? Thats what I was trying to say. I don't mean to be blatant or annoying. I was just asking a dumb question. Sorry Chris.
  6. You are hating the Vista operatiing system. Are you also hating the Vista theme? I got you mixed up there Chris.
  7. So people who have windows XP say that Vista sucks is because they are jealous because they don't have Vista? Why did you quote my post? It had nothing to do with jealousy. If that's all you got from it then you need to improve your comprehension skills. I was addressing people's ignorance. Partly true, dunno why you CAPS LOCK OMFG that but yeah. If anyone's thinking of upgrading now, don't. Wait til 7 comes out because it's actually looking like Windows Vista done properly, in other words, a pretty decent OS. I didnt know you hated vista whn you use it on the post your desktop topic.
  8. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. You need some one who lives near you to play online with. Its not like the PS3/360 online play where you can play with people around the world. Its just like next door nieghbor play. Like the Nintendo DS.
  9. So people who have windows XP say that Vista sucks is because they are jealous because they don't have Vista?
  10. Husky

    LOL, funny

    That's from the 90's. Raybob feel sorry, because technology is growing slower/quicker and cell phones are getting smaller. Feel sorry for the people with large heads and their tiny phones.
  11. I can draw. Just give me a sec. to draw the pictures. BTW you're drawing looks nice.
  12. Nice Saleen looking car for your favorite drifter. Looks awesome. I wish I knew how to mod the PS2 version of San Andreas

  13. Thanks Gerard. I'll try to do the same thing you did. Dude, everyone else is right. If everyone else was robbing places, would that make it OK for you to do it too? And here's what my school would do to some of that. (Some may not be neccesarily worse. And I have reason to believe that some of that is exaggeration) But the following are not exaggerations. Experience from some of my classmates. (In my 8 years of school, I've gotten a few HW Detentions (3:00) , 3 4:00 Detentions, and 1 in-school for defending myself when some kid tried to punch me.) Ray did not report to Lunch Detention: 1 WEEK 2 hour Detention Ray skipped class: AT LEAST 1 Week Out of School Suspension. Ray did not report to his bus: 3 Days 4:00 (2 hour) Detention. Ray sat at the wrong lunch table: 1st offence, 2 days lunch detention. 2nd offence, 2 weeks lunch detention. ANY PHYSICAL CONTACT: Ranges from 1 day in-school to expulsion. (Usually 3 days of Out of school) My school is so strict about this I'm surprised that they haven'tgone as far as deportation. Threw something at lunch: Either 1 day in-school or 1 week Lunch Detention. And my school, is not a bad school either.... We have something like: 88% students proceed to college, 95% pass ELA/Math Exams, and I think in my class, 73% of the kids had an average of over 85%. You've made the worst example I've ever seen Raybob. I'm not dumb enough to do that lol. Anyway what school do you go to? Let me guess a big ass school that looks like a collage witch takes up 4 city blocks, a magnet school? I should start calling you Jr. Bill Gates
  14. Welcome to TGTAP. Hope you have a pleasant stay and do something.
  15. Welcome to Frogsville my son. You up for a little drive?
  16. You don't have to necessary post it on the forum. All you have to do is post it on the homepage. Under the banner where it says Downloads GTAVC
  17. Looks nice dude. But how come you cant give it to us TGTAP?
  18. Thats a cool glitch. Glads its fixed now.
  19. well this is the third time you've posted this. Well here's my suggestion. If you have a CD like everyone else does go to the back of the game book and look at system requirements. If your PC does not say any of that or if its not greater. Use it on another computer. If you have a pirated copy then I don't know why your posting it here.
  20. They have just called my mom, said that when I go back to school. They'll let me make up that test. Then when the year is over, I go to a better school another 8 miles to go. And yeah, it is my fault for fucking up in school. I've just learned a life lesson (and for college). Just stfu and get in and get out.
  21. Thats what they should of done. There breaking there " No child left behind code. "
  22. DBL Post: Ha! What I tell you guys! The school sent back a letter which was suppost to be sent a long time ago. They are now sending us letters from last year. I don't normally dick around in class. It's just that school, everyone has sued that exact school before. And what else? There fawked because they kicked me out for yada yada. I told you guys. The fucking shit school is loosing, there doing things which my mum's lawyer calls " Bullshit ". (I'll stop my bitching now)
  23. I'm not dissagreing with any of you. I just wanted to take some advice. And yeah, I go to a rather twat school which is full of gang members ( Go Figure). I'm not being bitchy about it. I'm just pissed off that I'm targeted. And thats the main point of this sue Steam. My moms lawyer sent a letter telling them to fuck off. And they still dick around. My mom got a reply from them lets see what happens
  24. Very simple you did that with: Annihilator cheat. Weapon Cheat Health Cheat. I seriously doubt this. You should of posted more pics.
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