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Everything posted by Husky

  1. And WTF!!?? They suspend me almost every week. I've missed about 60 days of school. For stupid petty shit! -Boris did not report to Silent Lunch. 1 day of in school suspension - Boris did not read his W.O.R.D book. - 1 day of in school suspension - Boris was skipping class with a fake pass. (What da fuck?) - 5 days of Out of school suspension. - Boris did not report to his bus. 1 day of Out of school suspension - Boris was sitting at the wrong table at lunch. In school suspension 3 days - Boris was talking in the hall. In school suspension 3 days - Boris smacked another stundent in the back of the head at Physical Education (EVERYBODY ELSE WAS PLAYING THAT GAME) - 3 days of Out of school - Boris farted in Language arts when the A.C was off. Excused ( Yeah that was funny though) - Boris threw paper at lunch 1 day in school suspension.
  2. I hope they have CatDog. I love that show.
  3. There wasn't even anything I did wrong, EVERYONE was playin' around in class. My Language Arts teacher has friggin camera's in his classroom wtf? I wasn't the only one goofing off in class. Every kid in my class was horse playing, running around etc. I dont know how he suspended me. Well the Administrators of the school just gave the damn Behavior Form to the guy who is head of the school board. So there's two fucking choices. Send me to another school , or suspend me for 10 days... WITH THEM KNOWING that there is a benchmark testing going on. (That school is filled with a few Crips and Blood gang members) This is what they do in every other country in the world... the reason the U.S. is always labeled as having 'bad schools' is because we include every child in our statistics, while other countries only include their 'good' students... what you are talking about is just the natural path that some schools feel they must take because of "No Child Left Behind" which punishes good schools with low scores... this is ironic because the American system has always been one of including all children, and it seems that now schools are choosing to leave children behind so they are not punished by "No Child Left Behind". The school I go to is a run-down old ass school Rainbow Bear. They suspend any kid so they can be labeled as a good school with less bad kids. EDIT:BTW Were not suing for its money.
  4. End of Grade testing... like that test that you do at the end of each grade. Well what I got suspended for was horse playing in class, like throwing things. etc. I just didnt get suspended. Someone told me " Hey man you just missed the end of grade testing ". I got suspended like 7 days ago.
  5. Yeah its total bullshit. I got kicked out until Tuesday. Do you think my mom should sue? Why would they kick me out when there's a EOG gong on?
  6. Yeah like the idea that in LCS that the construction changed too.
  7. Shirley Temple fanboi :P Looks AWESOME :D

  8. Go to google and search Tube Downloader. (If you watch YouTube). And also download Tube Play to watch them...
  9. Make a wishlist on the next GTA IV: DLC. Here's mine: - Better cars: Argento , Excess etc and more sports cars. - More weapons! - No shitty houses or apartments. - More outfits, more Perseus clothes. - Lots of missions (Lets hope for more than 20) - More Random characters - Fun Side Missions/Odd jobs.
  10. I'm not saying it like if you pissed some people off and somebody reported your post and you delete it. I mean like can you guys make it accidental only? If its reported you can do anything about the post you made. You make a post. Someone posts after you... you cant delete it. that's the method I meant.
  11. Hey look. I found GTAVCS.com and its not linked to tgtap. lol weird http://gtavcs.com/

  12. Yeah I find this a pain in the rear end that you cant delete your own posts for accidental posting. I mean like delete your posts like on the other forums. It would be awesome if Chris added that feature that we can delete our posts before somebody else posts. Thanks -Husky
  13. Now that's what I call a ass kicking weekday
  14. Will you go out with me? Or Chris? No wait 4get chris...

  15. Arrgh!!! Every day I take a look at the " Who's been on line in the past 24 hours" I always see yo name next to ma name! LOL I see you here almost everyday dude.

  16. ^ No, they should of never thought of that in the first place. I'm glad in the DLC there's a drive way. And for the original one it would of been better if you could of had Roman's garage as a garage to store cars. (Glad they didn't do Apartment complex parking spaces).
  17. LOL @ Sherman... Wake up around 4. Mess around on the computer, or just watching porno on my PS3 for a half hour. Take a shower, put on ma clothes and ride my bike for 5 miles ( I got suspended of the bus for calling the bus driver a pussy baker lol) better than working out . I go to my classes YADA YADA YADA. Ride my back from school, call my friends on my new Blackberry I bought (I pay my own bills thats right). Call up my ex-girlfriend, everyday she asks me out and I reject. I go home, come on TGTAP when its about sun set outside. Do my homework for 2hrs. Play on my Playstation for a few hours until 11. I call up Sherman to see if he's watching Desperate housewives Ungrateful Bitches. Go to sleep and do the same thing... Don't you guys find it weird that you wake up at the EXACT same time you woke up yesterday? Happens to me a lot.
  18. Chris you are such a Team Fortress fanboy . WTG with the Internet Explorer nickname. Oh and BTW I'm using the updated version of Mozilla Firefox and the top of it is just blurry.
  19. LOL. One of the funniest news I have ever heard. Next years voting, I'll put this on Topic of the year.
  20. I got my PS3 taken away so my dad can play GTA4. what a artard. Just letting you know. Peace

  21. Huckleberry can you do us a favor. Can you find out what the consequences were for that lady?
  22. The family should sue her for vehicular manslaughter. Let me ask you something Bar(Random Numers). Would you be happy if it was your Aunt, Mother, Sister, that would be decapitated for accidental vehicular manslaughter? Its obvious she did it on accident. She should just pay the consequences of a 2-4 year jail time and have her license suspended.
  23. What do you mean by saw it coming?

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