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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Just a quick post letting you all know that we've updated our GTA IV achievements page with all 50 Xbox 360 achievement images, and added one achievement which was missing from the original leaked list. We'll later update this with the 'unlocked' images once we obtain them all, as we only have about half of them at the moment. You'll be able to then see what it looks like once you have unlocked the achievement. UPDATE: On a related note, some users have raised a question about how this will tie in with the Social Club. When it opens, will these lucky players who already have 100% for example be eligible for the "First 10 to 100% the game" goal? It would be unfair on all those who have to wait until Tuesday to get the game. We've contacted R* for comment about this, and we'll update you if/when they respond.
  2. Just click the images, it links to the photo.
  3. Something which I've only found out today due to the fact this appears to have had no coverage whatsoever on the internets, not even from Major Nelson, is that the second GTA IV theme is now up on the Xbox Live Marketplace. It costs 100 points and features the artworks you've been seeing recently, the characters on a white background with some part of the city on it, and in my opinion it looks a lot nicer than the first GTA IV theme. Since there has been nothing about this anywhere, and not even the xbox.com page has been updated, I have taken some photographs of the theme off my television, and they're viewable on my flickr photostream linked below, click the thumbnails for bigger images. The theme was probably put online sometime this week, perhaps along with the xbox.com exclusive advert. If you want to download the theme you can, by going to the marketplace blade and straight to new arrivals. If you're reading this post and the theme is no longer 'new' you can get to it by going to game store > themes and gamer pictures > all themes.
  4. Ha, I never thought to try doing that when I was in multiplayer. But in free roam you have the entire map opened up, so it's definitely possible.
  5. 1) Um, no, and if you mean ground zero then I didn't see that earlier, but I didn't look for it (wasn't actually sure where it was ) 2) Seriously, it really doesn't seem small, it seems huge. I couldn't say though. I didn't really explore everything. 3) There most likely is but I don't think I saw any 4) It's simple at 1 star, pretty easy at 2 as well, but from 3 onwards it starts getting challenging. You'll most likely need to use a pay n spray to get rid of 3 or more stars, unless you can find an amazing place to hide (under one of the bridges is a train track, so neither cop cars or helicopters can get you there) 5) Yeah the cover system works really well. Hiding behind a car or a wall gives you great protection, so you can just turn round / get up to shoot when they reload. The AI is so much better. You'll first notice this with pedestrians as they go about their business. Some will be eating food, reading news papers. You can bump into them and they drop their food and they get angry with you. Cops are better, they'll take cover behind their cars if you shoot back at them, and start shooting if you reload or start to run away etc.
  6. Oh yeah it's definitely better than before IMO, it just takes a few moments to get used to when you first start playing as it's quite a bit different. If you mean in terms of where on the map you start, it's the south of the island on the right, Broker. I think the next place to unlock is the north of that island, Dukes. And yes, I stole a helicopter and flew to the Statue of Happiness. Alison told me at the real Statue of Liberty that the in-game island was created exactly as it is in real life. And I noticed that when I went there in-game. I can't remember actually. Since we were all playing in one room we couldn't hear our own game too well. I'm pretty sure I could though. 1) I didn't notice it much if there was. I don't think there was. 2) Yeah you can drive pretty slowly if you wish. The city is awe-inspiring at night, cruise through it then 3) Well, it wouldn't be GTA without it's glitches. There wasn't anything huge. Occasionally you'd walk out and a car would hit you real softly, but the character animation for falling/getting hit would kick in where you can't really control Niko, which is kind of annoying. Also, and this only happened once to me, but driving really fast, there was a small piece of road which didn't load properly, it was just grey - but that only happened once. Both PS3 and 360 can receive game updates though, so minor things like this could easily be fixed I would imagine.
  7. http://www.thegtaplace.com/feature/gtaiv-f...ncing-gtaiv.php Guys, they're there and that's the end of it. Your welcome to discuss what you think of them, but please, stop arguing whether or not they are in the game or how they work. I've played it and explained right there. Now this topic will be left open if you'd like to discuss how you feel about the way they're implemented, but if you all keep arguing about other stuff we'll close it.
  8. It's illegal to download it so do not post it. Topic closed.
  9. It would probably be really low due to everyone being too busy playing GTA4. Though it could be really high if everyone decided to come on and post "OMG I've got GTA4" threads.
  10. I didn't ask about SAS. And I didn't see an army base but then I wasn't actually looking for one. I didn't explore all the islands either.
  11. Yeah sorry about the day 1 not loading, something messed up, it's working again now And no Charger, we didn't get a free copy of GTA IV. To be honest I think they were all being manufactured when we were there so I'm not sure if we could have got one anyway.
  12. No you can't do that. 1 person per console.
  13. 1) Not really, at least I didn't see any. Bullet holes and stuff appear in walls, roads etc. 2) Well on vehicles it's dynamic, and I'm pretty sure on some objects it's dynamic. 3) Haha, that has to be one of the most spectacular things I did. I flew a helicopter into a Police helicopter chasing me, it literally sawed it in half and we both dropped out of the sky. It looked awesome. And yes I did, I briefly mentioned it on the Day 2 page.
  14. Back in March, a number of webmasters from the biggest GTA fansites were contacted by Rockstar. This was to say we had been invited to experience Grand Theft Auto IV in New York City towards the end of April, before the game's release! The other webmasters which received an invitation were: Adam, illspirit, Andy and Jevon - GTA4.net Zidane and Kodo - GTAGaming Psy - GTA4.tv Jordan - PlanetGTA G-WizZ - GTAWH On Sunday, 20th April, I arrived in New York City with the UK webmasters (the others would join us the next day). On Monday and Tuesday we were able to spend literally all night playing GTA4 single player and multiplayer respectively, before leaving NYC on the Thursday. Some of the webmasters including myself have written about our special trip, so if you're interested in what went on, be sure to read our feature: The premier GTAIV fansite pre-launch party. Other webmaster's stories: GTA4.tv, PlanetGTA, GTA4.net, GTAGaming and GTAWH Feel free to use this topic to ask me questions on things I didn't cover in the article. Obviously we're not allowed to spoil or reveal any major details, so don't bother asking about those.
  15. The official Grand Theft Auto IV website has been updated with an introduction video for Niko Bellic, focusing on his past. There's also a high resolution version available at GameTrailers.
  16. Ok well if not game, try these other UK online retailers: www.gameplay.co.uk www.play.com www.shopto.net (generally pretty good with international orders)
  17. Reading some of the more recent wishes, some of the things you guys want are indeed in the game. You can actually do that to some degree in multiplayer. You can reload your weapon too You can pick up bricks and stuff to throw at people Pedestrians do more stuff now that's just some stuff I read on this page.
  18. This is in the multiplayer GTA IV forum, where more people are likely to come. By all means keep your list updated too. I know normally I'd say something about it being redundant or something but this is just for GTA IV. On yours you've got what games people play etc. They can use that for finding friends to play with in other games. Now everyone be quiet, let's keep this all on topic.
  19. I stole some GTA IV cups, like 8 of them Anyway, I'm not posting anymore in here now, I shall close this topic. Tomorrow, probably afternoon US time, evening UK time, ALL the fansites will post up their stories, and we'll all be linking to each others. Once that's done you can read everything we talk about in there, and ask questions in the forum topic.
  20. The new physics are amazing, euphoria is great. Drive down a street running over peds is a great way to test it out. Also in multiplayer, do a deathmatch with rocket launchers only and fire one into the middle of everyone and you all go flying everywhere The graphics. Let me explain. First off, they're awesome because they've improved so much since San Andreas it's fantastic. What we all struggle to get used to is all the filters applied to far away things in the distance, like trees. It kinda does look like Bob Ross has painted some of the stuff! But really it's only when it's a sunny day that you notice it all and may put you off or you may like it. But I think people will complain about that if they have something to complain about. I love the new HUD actually, I like minimal HUDs. I think it works great and stuff shows up when it's necessary and it's hidden when you don't need it. Seeing your health/armor around the radar takes a while to get used to looking at, instead of the top right. The time is gone from the HUD, but can be seen when you pause the game. I for one think this is fine because you don't really ever need to know the exact time.
  21. Yes I am actually. People need to play it before assuming it's their favourite game. I can understand it will be so many people's, it's just kinda being impatient though
  22. Members posting up any links to any leaks will be banned. If you want to help stop the leaks then PM it to one of our staff who can notify R* who can then get it taken down using their magical powers.
  23. I think I did get one shot of it actually but it probably sucks, haven't checked it out yet. Anyway we're all back in our home states/countries now. I had an awesome time in NYC and playing GTA IV, meeting R* people, fucking amazing. I'm allowed to tell all about the experience I just can't spoil any details. Here's a few things I got out of R* though. I tried my best. I do admire their secrecy but it is so annoying sometimes, but it's cool though because if they revealed too much it would kill the game for a lot of people. PS3 won't be getting any DLC Although Ricky Gervais is in the game you can't actually kill him The achievements list is real. There is an achievement for collecting hidden packages but none of us found any. There are 200 'flying rats' (pigeons) to find and kill though, so it may be that. I'll talk about gameplay and everything later. I believe most of the fansites will be posting up articles about their experience. I definitely am. A summary will be posted on the front page with the full article either going up on the site somewhere or being posted in a forum topic. We'll all link to each others articles too.
  24. Thanks for all the positive comments! Glad so many of you enjoy the place
  25. Well, apart from journalists and people like that, yeah.
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