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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Phone -> Multiplayer -> Tutorial
  2. Yeah I tried LB (L1) and it did nothing, then tried the tut... was halfway through the tutorial and accidentally left the game It's too tedious for an experienced player to go through so I can't be bothered doing it again
  3. WTF? So you're saying press L1 when viewing your character model. Others are saying complete the tutorial. Are you all taking the piss or being serious or what? Hmm.. I'm going to try this out anyway next time I'm on.
  4. Following on our tradition of making 100% checklists for the GTA games, I have uploaded our Grand Theft Auto IV one today. An HTML version is viewable on the website for those of you just wanting a quick look to see what you've got left to do, a printable .pdf file is also available for those of you who want to print it out and tick off everything you've done so far. The checklist is (as far as we know) the most complete on the web right now and we believe it is entirely accurate. If you do think there are any mistakes anywhere, please point them out to us so we can fix them - some minor cosmetic changes are due to be made to the file anyway. Hopefully you'll find it useful! Links: GTA IV 100% Checklist and printable .pdf version
  5. To be perfectly honest, right now it isn't. A lot of people are making their way through single player. People playing online are either messing around with friends, or are playing in ranked matches, getting achievements and unlocking stuff etc. Maybe in a couple of months people will be more interested in tournaments. I think you'll find most sites will just organise everything amongst themselves though, I doubt another website will be used by many.
  6. Yeah, I'm at rank 2 (on 360) and no such unlock for me. I've never even seen a zombie in game either.
  7. Old as the internets but still pretty funny
  8. An article on Reuters is reporting that Take-Two, publishers of Grand Theft Auto IV, are suing the CTA (Chicago Transit Authority), "accusing it of pulling ads promoting the blockbuster without explanation". The article goes on to say that the suit says "the advertisements were removed following a report by a Fox News affiliate that questioned why the ad was allowed to run after a wave of violent crimes in Chicago". Unbelievable. Great to see T2 fighting back over this farce, let's hope they win this one. Thanks Jordan for the heads-up.
  9. An interesting article appeared on Kotaku yesterday, reporting on zombies appearing in GTA IV's multiplayer gameplay, wearing nothing but yellow underpants, sporting the R* logo of course. The player says he thinks he unlocked the outfit by killing a R* developer online (on the Xbox 360 you unlock an achievement for doing this, so it's possible this may be a PS3 exclusive). You can see some lovely photos of this over at Kotaku. Let us know if you've come across this by posting in our forums. Source: GameTrailers thread and blog post
  10. Both those forums have pretty much the same features as IPB, all have had subforums for many years.
  11. For the ones who are alive (doesn't matter about girlfriends) just call them up and do activities with them until you get to 90% like with them.
  12. They wouldn't necessarily have to include all the cities though. Or they could have 2 discs.
  13. It would be funny if it was just some simple Home stuff, PS3 owners would be fucking gutted. I have actually seen the article he is talking about but it doesn't look too credible. And until R* say otherwise (remember that I was told by R* employee to my face that PS3 was getting nothing) I'm not going to post and get people's hopes up because it wouldn't be fair. In all likelihood I think there definitely will be Home stuff for the game, but I really don't think PS3 will get anything along the scale of what 360 will be getting. Unless of course MS did pay for an exclusivity period, but that must be pretty long I think. So yeah... don't get your hopes up just yet.
  14. Yeah it's just one mission with the truck, and another mission with the heli. You can't do it outside of missions.
  15. That's exactly what I would suggest, buy an elite, then when you get your refurb xbox back just sell it. Oh and I believe Elite's come with a transfer cable that allows you to get all your stuff off your original hard drive so you shouldn't lose any data.
  16. Good job putting a huge spoiler in the topic description you idiot. Not everyone here will be that far yet. Anyway I didn't choose the money so I didn't get this mission, the only person I know here who has done that is rockstarrem, maybe he can help.
  17. I'm not sure why, but on this advert I took a photo of in New York they only have the PS3 logo - http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisphillips/2441010382/ So yeah, for some things the 360 is more prominently placed, and for others, the PS3. I don't really think they favour one or the other. I mean if MS hadn't paid millions for exclusive DLC I think both games would be equal.
  18. You can also download off steam if you have an account and can afford them. But downloading for free would be illegal so we can't tell you where to go for that.
  19. There's a number of songs I recognise but not too many. IMO it will take some getting used to due to the amount of unknown music, but I think it all fits in great with the whole atmosphere of the game, especially Vladivostok. It's definitely better than GTA3's unknown music soundtrack I reckon. That said, I'm not actually sure if I prefer it to well known music like Vice City or San Andreas, both those games, especially Vice City, had the best soundtracks I've ever heard for any game or even movie.
  20. Taking a quick break from GTA IV mayhem with a news story we feel should have been posted about 10 years ago... and probably was... I originally had no intention of making this post, but due to the rising number of websites covering the story I thought it would be a good idea. A number of respectable gaming sites have over the past couple of days posted up reports of a bizarre rumour regarding GTA2 and it's alleged impending release on to the Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Store, and I just wanted to put it out there as fact that there is no truth in this so called rumour. The rumour itself centres around the official GTA2 website and the flash countdown shown upon skipping the intro. The top part of the countdown always shows today's date, and a time which always starts at 09:38:00. Below this is a date in the future, always 21 days later, with the time exactly 2 hours ahead of the top one. The clocks both reset every 60 seconds. Apparently, this has never been spotted by the rumor starter, whomever it was, who believed that the site had been updated and intended to be a clue towards a release of some kind by Rockstar Games. This was despite the fact the website has been online almost 10 years and as far as I know has always had this on the website. The fact that professional gaming websites are reporting this now is both amusing and slightly worrying. For those not in the know, GTA2 (and earlier, GTA1) was made freely available for the PC over 3 years ago - Because of this I'm not sure that many people would even bother with an XBLA or PSN version, since presumably you'd need to pay for it.
  21. ROFL. I just re-read what you said... 700MB? What the fuck. Since when are simple game updates the size of an entire CD? Jesus man, what a crappy troll.
  22. ATM machines are useless, the only thing you can do is check your balance. Climbing poles - not sure this was actually confirmed but climbing ladders is in so I think that's fine Hanging on to cars/trucks - there's one mission where you have to hang on a truck, climb on it etc. If you try to jack someones car and they drive off (VERY rare) I think you can hang on as I accidentally did this once. I know some peds hang on to their cars when you jack them which is pretty funny - either way, it was implied we'd be able to press a button or something to jump and grab the back of a car... Pushing people off buildings - this wouldn't happen in-game randomly anyway - but there are a couple of missions in which depending on how you play, you can push/fight/shoot a character off a building. Probably others too, but none of them are huge, they're pretty much all minor features.
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