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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Actually, there were numerous things like the one you just mentioned, and I thought about this quite a bit just now and have come to this conclusion... When R* demonstrated certain missions to journalists they were all at varying points in the game. They must have been shown a bit where Niko had already unlocked the ability to from Little Jacob. However, since they weren't given full details on this, they assumed that this was how you got guns throughout the entire game, and so that's what they wrote. There's also a couple of missions where in a cutscene Niko grabs some guns from a car - maybe this was originally intended for gameplay - we'll never know, but stuff like that can easily get misreported. Especially if they weren't allowed to take notes and had to write about everything from memory. Basically, I think it all comes down to journalists misreporting stuff - we naturally take it as fact because we trust them to some degree since it's their job... but yeah. I think this happens with many games, just more so with GTA since there's so much you can do in it anyway.
  2. They're in Perseus on a small shelf towards the rear of the store I think.
  3. The lucky guys at Kikizo were the recipients of some free Pißwasser beer from Rockstar today, pictures of the stuff can be seen in their article. More importantly, their review is also finally out. They, like most other sites, have given the game an amazing 10/10 across all areas, but unlike other reviews, they've actually had time to go through and complete the game, and have kept their review spoiler free so it's okay to read. Check it out, Kikizo's GTAIV review.
  4. Well if you can't evade them, set a waypoint on your map to the nearest Pay n Spray and try that.
  5. I should post this as news as a heads up to PS3 owners, but I'm not once and I can't find anywhere official that reports of this patch. Let me know if there's somewhere that actually gives full details, like the technical stuff, about this patch.
  6. Yeah it took me a while to actually realise that was what was going on since he's sort of hidden in shadows and if you're not at the edge of the roof you may not be able to see him. But yeah what toxic said is probably what you're missing. Let us know if you pass it.
  7. Yeah you press Y (triangle) while in multiplayer lobby to customize your character, or you can simply do it from the cell phone's multiplayer menu from whereever. The more ranked matches you play the more you'll increase your rank where you unlock more clothes and faces etc.
  8. So you want to host a match? Start a player match and go custom match, set the private slots to at least 1 and you'll be the host. Set all of them to private if you want just your friends to play with you (you'll obviously need to invite them to the game)
  9. ELSPA sent out a press release today with some amazing statistics on how Grand Theft Auto IV sold in the UK on day 1. The previous day 1 record was held by GTA San Andreas, which back in 2004 saw a total of 501,000 copies sold. GTA IV has "comfortably eclipsed" that record, selling a total of 609,000 units (combined PS3 and Xbox 360 totals) in it's first 24 hours. Of these 609,000 units, 335,000 were the Xbox 360 version of the game - beating out the previous record holder Halo 3, which had managed 266,000 on it's release day. Similarly, the game set a new record on PS3 with the game selling 274,000 units, easily beating out the previous record holder Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, which managed just 80,000 sales. The figures show that the Xbox 360 version is slightly more popular at the moment with 56% of the share, while the PS3 version therefore has 44%. ELSPA managing director, Mike Rawlinson, commented "The scale of GTA's day one sales are phenomenal and reflect a vibrant market which continues to grow". Statistics for the United States and other territories should be available soon, where we expect the game to have sold equally as well. Source: ELSPA (via GamesPress.com)
  10. I'm closing this topic because otherwise you'll never stop arguing. Play the game. Niko is Serbian, it is mentioned several times in cutscenes (turn subtitles on), Niko swears in Serbian on certain missions, . He is referred to in game as a Russian and says "I'm not Russian" and also a "Polski", he makes a comment everytime someone gets his nationality wrong, listen out for them.
  11. Yeah I think Kodo got a lot more variety than I did, he got loads in Central Park of cool stuff. I think Zidane was taking his on his phone though so the quality wasn't too great
  12. Keep pressing up til the phone's keypad appears, then use the DPad up down left and right to select numbers, press X to select one, then use the DPad to move over to the call button.
  13. No, there's not a split screen multiplayer mode in GTA4. The nearest thing is probably the co-op missions in multiplayer, but yeah, not the same thing.
  14. If this is a major issue like you say then I'm sure R* have been made aware of it by now. I'm sure a patch will be released soon enough through the PSN. Until then I guess you'll just have to put up with it which sucks, hope it's all fixed soon for you guys though.
  15. Chris

    Clan Poll

    Hmm... I suppose we could do that actually. But official clan matches would take precedence over unofficial ones.
  16. Chris

    Clan Poll

    Hey everyone, We've noticed a number of you have already started recruiting to your own gangs which is great to see, however, I've just been having a chat with Misho and we were thinking about how is actually best to do this. i.e. the best way to get things organised and matches happening regularly and such. At the moment, we allow everyone to create their own gangs. Advantages of this are it's less work for us/leaders, you get to decide all the fine details about your gang and who's in it etc. Disadvantages of this are that we'll eventually have a shit ton of little gangs, some probably won't be on at the same time, and organising matches could prove troublesome for some The other idea is to have one big clan for The GTA Place. If any of you have checked the TGTAP vs GTA4.tv topic you may have actually noticed this on GTA4.tv site where it seems to be working great. I'll explain how it would work. Basically, we'd all belong to The GTA Place official clan. There would be two main divisions, the PS3 and the Xbox 360 players. In these two divisions, we'd have 4 sub-gangs which would be based on timezones, this way, you get people together who are on the same console and times as you, making organising matches a hell of a lot easier. Now, in these gangs, we'd be able to have loads of matches planned and organised with gta4.tv and any other sites wanting to join (I'm speaking to a couple of other webmasters to see what they think about this). Anyway, we just wondered how you all feel about it. Misho and I think it's great, but we made this poll before doing anything, in case you're all against it or something. Post if you have any questions or want to add your input. Thanks and have fun in multiplayer!
  17. After a six month delay and years of waiting for most fans, Grand Theft Auto IV is now finally out in stores across the world. Australia and New Zealand were the first countries to enter April 29th and have GTA IV available to them, and around 12 hours later, the UK and the rest of Europe can now get the game. People living in the Americas still have a few more hours to wait. Also remember that the Social Club will shortly be opening its doors. So keep an eye on that for lots of cool features and stats. As you're probably aware, many lucky people have already got their hands on a copy of the game. We've now made subforums in our main GTA IV forum to accommodate all the new topics, and depending on the amount of discussion going on we may well add a couple more to help organise the inevitable chaos. If you're not already a member of our forums, you can easily register an account which will only take a few moments and is completely free. This will give you full access to the forums, allowing you to post your own topics and reply to others, as well as join clans set up by other members for GTA4 - you could even set up your own! So, come on in and join nearly 15,000 other members! We're aware that at this time, we'll most likely be losing a few members (at least for a while), mainly because people are spending all their time playing GTA IV and wish to avoid spoilers and such. But we're also aware that we're going to get a lot of new members too, many of you will probably need help at some point in the game, and the forums are an excellent place to seek and receive that help. Additionally, TGTAP aims to have it's own guides and maps up for GTA IV, so stay tuned for more updates. Thank you all for visiting TGTAP.com.
  18. Haha, I've had that game for like a year, and a couple of weeks ago I finally decided to complete the story. Lol, I'm not just saying this because I'm a huge GTA fan, but to be honest, the game really is crap compared to GTA. It's got some good things about it, and it was first on next gen... but yeah, it pales in comparison to GTA IV. I've already stocked up on junk food and coke, and have a few cans of red bull and beer too, which will get used up pretty quickly.
  19. Yeah some people weren't, but me and Misho and others were, so we're happy now
  20. Dude the cars can take a hell of a lot of damage. I mean unless you're smashing the engine itself into shit you can last a really long time. And as chris82 said, some cars, like sports cars for example, are generally pretty weak, but they make up for it in speed. Yes the controls will get some taking used to. EVentually you'll probably find them easier than past games, try tapping the brakes or handbrake to help you round corners.
  21. LOL. That site looks shit as fuck. Blatant publicity stunt since they seem to need all the linkage they get as their site is shit so no one legitimately links to them.
  22. And that was in the last few games too. If anything I was expecting you guys to ask what the Annihilator was Unless I missed that being revealed somewhere?
  23. For those of you who prefer to cheat your way through the game because you're not that good at it, or are just looking to have a bit of fun and mess around, we now have a list of confirmed GTAIV cheats - we know they at least all work on the Xbox 360 version of the game, but should be fine on the PS3 too. You'll need to enter the numbers into Niko's cell phone to activate the cheat. We should also warn you that some, if not all of the cheats will disable Xbox 360 achievements. It is also advised you don't save with cheats on.
  24. Haha they have that in certain games. They had that in Guitar Hero 3 and I didn't even know I was facing a developer so this one shouldn't be too hard. Yeah I think it's viral though. So if you defeat someone who has the achievement already then you'll get it too.
  25. Some of the webmasters who attended the fansite event in New York recently are participating in a live podcast right now. You can join in and listen for free as long as you have an account on TalkShoe.com. Join the chat or use the applet below if you're registered. Update: The chat has now ended and although I wasn't in it, I did listen to it and it was a pretty good show. Make sure you stay tuned for news on future chats like this.
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