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Everything posted by Chris

  1. ................................................_,,,,-------,,,__ ........................................,,;:#ggg@@g;,..........‘`=-, ..................................,,;$#^`````*#@@@g;,.............’=-, ...............................,/$`................``#@@@#g,...............‘\, ........................._,;f`.......................,$@@@@#g,..............“\, ....................,/*&gp..+,_..................%*#@@@@g;,............’\, ................,./_`”>’.....`#$$#x;,............,%@@@@@#g;,..........`\ ..............,/ (.............`\....`\”*=,``\.......*&*%@@@@@g;,..........\ ...........,/...,^=*#q,_,/`\.......`~..`-.......g$@@@@@@@#g,........| ........../,;p8jq;,_..........;.........................`%@@@@@@@#g;....| ........,/.f,,,,_..`*8r-,.....;......................,&@@@@@@@@@#./ ......./.,$ `\,...`.-...&..../........................`%@@@@@@@@$#/ .....,/,$--__........`\..../............................#$@@@##@@@@/ ...,/\...`’t-,__,;>`..../.........................................;`=””=.`;@#* .,/....`”~--~`’’....-`...................................,--”,~#-,.._*”` (..........................................................,....`””......,;` .`\,_.....................................................&`*-,,_-”` .......`-,_................................................./ .............\..................................................|.
  2. Nice fake actually compared to some of the crap we see.
  3. Well if everyone's free this weekend we could get some practice in I guess. I planned on having a few games with TGTAP members anyway so it would be a good time to. Is 10pm GMT a good time for everyone, Saturday/Sunday?
  4. Thanks for the suggestion. I have now added alternate row shading
  5. Yep, it's been approved now, thanks!
  6. PM you what? Your server?
  7. OH SHI- I was wondering wtf to do with this topic when I read the title (this should probably belong in hot babe thread really). BUT when I open it I see Megan and then ... I think this is the photoshoot which is at the Rivington Hotel where all us webmasters stayed in New York when R* invited us over! It would have been awesome if she was there at the same time. BTW you damn attention whore making topic titles like this
  8. Lol. Yeah that's one of the main reasons we split based on timezones because when we're playing in the EU, some NA guys will be in school or work or whatever But yeah this is just for one match until the clans kick off properly, so basically we just need anyone who will be online at that time, regardless of what country. Can't believe there's so few people interested though
  9. That's right. And yeah I know we have a hot babe thread but it's so underused these days. I guess it's ok if we have topics dedicated to someone in particular, as long as there's not too many though - it's still easier if people just use the hot babe thread.
  10. Nice. And it's going to be using Social Club too so that'll be my second game on there, wonder what sort of stats they'll be tracking (aside from the obvious) and I wonder if they'll have any contests like they're currently doing for GTAIV.
  11. Quiet you! Or no sexy female slaves for the rest of the month!
  12. Oh lawd the staff here do have some weird conversations. You should see some of the ones I've had with Misho. I won't quote a conversation as I don't have one to hand right now, but I'll give you some keywords of some stuff that is discussed. The weird thing is some of this is all in one conversation Terminators, porn, SUMMER GLAU!!, Serbia, Eastern European music All of that can be covered in a few minutes
  13. I used to agree (she looks hot in Heroes) but I dunno, pics I've seen if her since, her face is amazingly round - unfortunately not something I look for in women so kinda maker her less attractive to me.
  14. Yeah this is the best method. I still haven't got it myself yet but comfortably get strikes every game I play, just not 3 in a row :/ You should also take the left most lane (#1), and as jimmy said, take two steps left, and with the right analogue stick flick it as straight as you can and don't put any aftertouch on.
  15. Happy birthday mate, have a good one!
  16. I still really have no clue exactly what all the complainers are disappointed for really. And yes, I WOULD have been disappointed if it was classic GTA style like all the previous games - I like it but it's getting seriously old now, the series needed something new and got it, now they can build on it for the next (?) games.
  17. Ha, nice. Well, I'm on Vista and here are my specs: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 (2.4GHz) - haven't OC'd or anything... yet. 4 x 1GB PC2-6400 800MHz RAM (you will need to get RAM with a decent speed) nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS 320MB (also uses shared memory which apparently makes this have 1GB in total :/ ) about 4 hard drives totalling 1TB of space for all my music, movies, tv shows and porn I remember on my old PC that Photoshop used to take about a whole minute to load. On this one it takes about 10 seconds flat for the first time, and about 5 seconds if it's closed down and opened again later (I guess Adobe puts some kind of helper in the background to help speed up loading times, I dunno) Point is, as long as you have fast hardware then you shouldn't really notice much slowdowns. I do wish I had an XP machine with equal specs though so I could compare in a more fair way though. Also, DX10 will have an advantage for future games (like 2009 releases onwards) such as the awesome Alan Wake, no way in hell will that be running on XP (apparently) As for games, well, I can't play Crysis on max settings which is a shame, what it requires for Vista is a fair bit more than what you need if you're on XP, but tbh I never really got into that game. I can of course play all the GTA games on max settings which is awesome. I also play COD4 on max settings, and just to see if it was possible I recorded a video at full resolution using Fraps - if anyone's ever tried this you'll know just how much this slows you down... it slowed COD4 down to about 20FPS... playable but not very good But you probably won't be doing that. Basically, it's not really that noticeable - but then since my previous PC was a lot lower spec my opinion probably doesn't count for much here. Boot times - yeah they're probably slightly longer on Vista actually due to the epic amount of shit it loads... shutdowns are also longer I think - but my PC is left on most of the time so doesn't affect me. Anyway, if you know you're going to eventually upgrade, may as well do it now. Unless you have reason to wait. As for games not running... um.. which ones? Haven't found a single game or even application that won't work on Vista... at least that I would use regularly anyway. The one thing I have found which doesn't work is the SAAC hack for San Andreas (to use your PS2 controller as a gamepad)... but since I don't play SA anymore this isn't too big of a problem.
  18. I'll try to find it. It's not up anymore, is it? I figure it's probably because my old Photobucket was deleted It will probably take me a while based on how many reformats and new hard drives I've gone through since that picture was taken. Not to mention my HORRIBLE organization, and just as horrible plans for when I get new hard drives/reformats((I usually just make a giant backup of my shit, and it stays in the backup.... So my shit is scattered like crazy)) Well I dunno, I don't even know of an old URL to even check it. I guess I could have a quick look through the original topic and see if you ever posted it there. Good luck sorting through all your shit and finding it though
  19. Chris

    GTA B3yond

    No it's ok, you can put [TGTAP] in it I suppose but the name can be whatever you like. Just as long as it's clear to members in the actual topic what console it's for and what timezone you mainly play in.
  20. Yeah it's just that it's illegal in the majority of countries.
  21. Ok we have 7 members now, we need at least 1 more. Come on people, how come so few of you are interested in multiplayer!?
  22. Yeah sorry Chris, I share this account with my friends, And one of them DID get an update sooner than anyone else although I don't think it was that big. I tried to delete that topic a thousand times but it seems it's blocked. Sorry to dissapoint you, i'll try and make a seperate account and my friends can keep this one. Hope we can still work things out. Sorry again. Tom Account sharing is not at all recommended on any forums, so don't do it here. At least change your password so they don't know it if that's truly what happened. Gonna close this right now because there's already some weirdos posting in here. :/
  23. OH SHI- is that also the reason you respect me?
  24. Ah yes I thought it may be something with your router (as I said in my previous post) and was going to suggest that, glad it worked for you.
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