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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Weird, I can't find anything on the BBC site about the football stadium.. maybe they didn't use it after all. It seemed quite a big talking point on BBC News though. What was annoying was all the fear-mongering being done, especially by local radio stations and such. Everyone went out panic buying loads of bottled water from shops and stuff. Fucking selfish idiots. Luckily we already filled a bunch of containers with water while we could earlier. But we'll have to go out and buy bottled water if the tap water doesn't come back on soon. We take it for granted. Sucks in times like this.
  2. Haven't heard anything about that so I assume they would be fine. As for the football stadium... that question was asked by one of the newsreaders, the guy's response was something along the lines of that it was originally always part of an emergency/disaster evacuation plan for London... evacuees would be flown there, now they're using it for Oxford residents themselves - I guess it can hold thousands of people so it's a good a place as any. Not sure why they wouldn't use the Uni, I guess it's because normally (if it wasn't the summer) it would be full of students, so it's not part of any evacuation plan.
  3. Apparently none yet. I did hear they were evacuating people from the worst hit areas to the Oxford football stadium! Whereabouts in Oxford do they live? Abingdon is worst affected... EDIT: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/oxfordshire/6910542.stm - "Homes in Oxford, Abingdon, Kidlington and Bladon have already been flooded and conditions are due to deteriorate." BBC Oxford
  4. Ubuntu is a Linux distribution, not Windows! LOL! http://www.ubuntu.com/ Tbh wouldn't have thought many people here would use Linux seeing as you can't game on it. It's better for pretty much everything else though, and of course being Linux, is far more secure than Windows will ever be EDIT: Woops, didn't watch all the vid, I thought it was showing off Ubuntu... never mind, not actually sure where you can get that, apparently the download links don't work.
  5. Ok so I wasn't really going to make a topic about this, since until literally just now it didn't even affect me. It's become international news now though apparently, we're even making front pages of newspapers in countries like Australia! Long story short for anyone who doesn't follow the news, or doesn't live in the UK etc.: Last week on Thursday/Friday it rained pretty much 48 hours constantly and hard Friday/Saturday major rivers in the West Midlands, specifically in the counties of Gloucestershire (where I live) and Worcestershire (and Oxfordshire and Berkshire are also affected) It's the worst flooding for like 150 years or something So bad, that now the sewage works AND the water treatment plant itself actually flooded (this has never ever happened before and isn't supposed to happen) Since the above happened, from this morning (about 15 hours ago from typing this post) we heard on the news that they've now had to shut off our water supply in case of contamination etc. which is good because I don't wanna catch polio or TB or something... Of course there was still some fresh water in the pipes... but once that's gone there's nothing... bear in mind this is serving 150,000 homes. And yeah, it did go quick, hours ago certain towns in the county started losing their water, and now we're starting to... Yep, I just went to wash my hands and noticed how slow water was coming out of the taps, pressure has dropped a lot... that means there's not much water left now. By morning it'll probably be all gone - I won't be able to shower, wash dishes, wash clothes, even flush the toilet. We're not projected to get water back for a few days supposedly (obviously they've already started working on clearing the flood water from the machines etc but it takes time). The area where my house is isn't actually flooded, but areas very nearby still are. There's not really any chance of out house flooding luckily, so in that respect we're lucky. So yeah. I just wanted to let everyone know that really - and I know there are millions of people in far worse conditions throughout the world, but this sort of stuff rarely happens in the UK, it's kinda surprising. Oh and btw, there's a small chance that we may also lose power - I personally don't think we will, but apparently it's possible. Just letting you know if I'm not on for a couple of days, I'm not dead! Here's some links to BBC News: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/glouces...ire/6909575.stm and http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/herefor...rcs/6909787.stm are a couple of early stories from Saturday One about drinking water supplies http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/glouces...ire/6910559.stm (this is now affecting me) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6910838.stm this story confirms it And here's some from BBC Gloucestershire where you can see some user submitted photos from people in my area. If you see any from the town of Bishop's Cleeve, that's where I live... http://www.bbc.co.uk/gloucestershire/conte...g_feature.shtml - Flood crisis photos from Friday/Saturday/Sunday EDIT: yeah a number of other counties are also affected, just not as bad as we are. Post if you're affected and show us your pics if you have any.
  6. How would he find out!? LOL sounds a bit like 40 Days and 40 Nights if anyone's ever seen that (not a particularly great film though)
  7. This is one of the best animated O RLY I have ever seen (might take a while to load):
  8. Yes, both consoles can upscale.
  9. Chris


    Cool, thanks. Yes this is complete - http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/weapons.php This is complete too, I just need to add a pic of gang members and stuff - http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/gangs.php This is complete - http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/radiostations.php This has been half done for ages: http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/maps.php Just need the Tags map and Unique Jumps map to be made I have no idea where a complete list of them are hence why this page is still empty. They'll be in the .gxt file but they're all over the place. Hey Chris for the gang pics I got most of em i'll get more here they are: GSF: LSV: Ballas: VLA: SFR: DNB: sorry I coulden't get the rest but I coulden't find the pics. Chris, until I get the rest you can put these in the Gangs section of SA. Yeah but they're shit, all different sizes, some with watermarks on, some look like they're taken off a TV or something. I can't use them.
  10. That's not gay, that's just weird :/ Oh and +1
  11. That's just the images, GTAEngine.de took the scans down after a while...
  12. Chris


    Ah yeah I missed that page somehow... not sure if I needed it checked for accuracy or something... hmm strange... oh well it doesn't need doing anyway.
  13. And besides, if you read the specs you'd see I've got Windows XP MCE 2005
  14. Chris


    Cool, thanks. Yes this is complete - http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/weapons.php This is complete too, I just need to add a pic of gang members and stuff - http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/gangs.php This is complete - http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/radiostations.php This has been half done for ages: http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/maps.php Just need the Tags map and Unique Jumps map to be made I have no idea where a complete list of them are hence why this page is still empty. They'll be in the .gxt file but they're all over the place.
  15. If anyone reading this is a good German speaker please let me know. There's a detail about the game being in 720p resolution, however I can't work out whether it means the final game, or simply just the preview Games Aktuell saw. "Zwar kein Full-HD-Gerät, aber das ist nicht schlimm, denn vorerst werden alle Rockstar-Spiele "nur" in 720p, also mit 1280x720 Pixeln programmiert." == There's no Full HD capability, but that is not all bad, because all Rockstar games are programmed (at the moment) "only" in 720p, with 1280x720 pixels. If that's right, please say so in this topic. Ok I've added in information about 720p and 1080i/p resolutions... looks like it will only be playable in 720p... not sure about the PS3 version yet though.
  16. German magazine Games Aktuell (on sale from today) has a new preview on GTA IV, which also includes 20 new screenshots. There were a few tidbits of information flying around the other day, supposedly from this magazine - there were some very sketchy details in it, specifically regarding K9 Units - it turns out these were fabricated by another GameFAQs user. This info below however, is real information from the magazine, translated into English. The girl in the artwork (sucking the lollipop) is called Lola Taxi drivers play a very important role in Liberty City - With just a push of a button, Niko can get a ride from "A to B" straight away. Additionally, the taxi driver will fulfil some of Niko's requests, for example if Niko is hungry, the cab will drive him to the nearest fast food restaurant. If hurt, then he'll drive to the hospital - places are accessible very quickly this way. The only time you can't get a cab ride is when the cops are after you On that note, cops appear on your map as dots (while they're searching for you) The preview Games Aktuell were shown lasted 45 minutes - it was played twice Similar to Saints Row, your radar will display a yellow line guiding you to your destination It takes Niko roughly 3 seconds to hot-wire a vehicle. The targeting system is improved and there are different hit zones Niko uses his mobile phone and the Internet regularly The editors reported seeing vehicles including Ferraris, Porsche Carrera (Comet), Volkswagen Jetta, BMWs, Mustangs, SUVs, delivery vans and garbage trucks. Rockstar demonstrated the game to Games Aktuell on a 60" plasma screen, which didn't have Full HD capability - "this didn't matter because all Rockstar games are programmed "only" in 720p, with 1280x720 pixels" - this is an interesting quote as a lot of people have wondered whether they'll get to play the game in full 1080i/p resolution, seems like it will just be 720p for now, at least on the Xbox 360. It's not known whether the PS3 version will be able to take advantage of the higher resolution. Of course, both consoles can always upscale the game. Thanks to GTAEngine.de for the scans (now removed) and GTA-Xtreme.de for the info.
  17. I mean the pictures. We don't have guides. We need the guides you're making... Why don't you use my screens instead of taking other sites, speaking to TM mainly but also you since you're asking where to get screens...
  18. Will someone please tell me why you guys don't use mine? For GTA3, VC, and SA... why not?
  19. I know :P

    So are you.

  20. That and the fact that pictures are photographs and photographs of print just suck, hence the need for a scanner to produce good quality scans. What did you think a scan was anyway? Pretty self-explanitory, no? It's not cyber talk it's a normal word... :/
  21. The rules have changed since then and were added into the first post of the topic. And technically that wouldn't be 'your' car, it would be the team's. Besides that this topic is for posting pictures of the car you actually own and drive around etc.
  22. Thanks K9 Krew. I have now put this content up on our San Andreas gangs page, it's minus the images at the moment. BTW, I had to fix a LOT of spelling errors before it was acceptable (and also capitalising gang/country names)... so you may wanna fix them in your topic too Thanks though. Rep point earned here.
  23. Why did you say no anyway? Was your mum listening to the whole convo or something? Should have just said yes and she wouldn't have known what you were saying yes to? Anyway that's all in the past, why not call her up and apologise... and then if she accepts, ask if you wanna go out sometime or something? See a movie or whatever?
  24. No it wasn't my viewpoint, it was Rockstar's... you know what happens with a R* game, all kinds of lawsuits would come from PETA and other animal harm shit.
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