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Everything posted by Chris

  1. So, today is Gerard's 18th birthday. He's been one of the best people you could ever wish to have on your forum moderating team. He's helped out with this forum a hell of a lot during his time as both a forum moderator and super mod, and has strived to keep it running smoothly - which it mostly has done, thanks to him and the joint efforts of the other staff here too. Gerard can now legally do a lot more than he could yesterday, buying a GTA game for instance, but also other important things such as buying alcohol and pr0n. Now I could go on here, but knowing you lot you probably wouldn't bother reading the whole topic But anyway, from September (if all goes to plan) Gerard and I will be studying at the same university which should be good fun, we've already become great friends through the Internet, and have met a couple of times in real life before. So here's to Gerard, let's hope he continues his great efforts in moderating the forums, and indeed on running his own websites such as Grand Theft Wiki and Shock Gadgets. Happy Birthday mate!
  2. Bald: you forgot a letter! Hey guys, why does the TGTAP banner apear sometimes, and sometimes dont? I ussualy get Spam Ads there LOLWTF. You shouldn't get that error there, that's for when a page isn't found :/ You normally only see that for example if you go to a page that doesn't exist, such as http://www.thegtaplace.com/lol_omg_wtf and oh snap, an error!
  3. Obviously you weren't here last year when all IPB 2.1 forums on the Internet had trouble with them. They're scripts which are written to sign up a member to a forum and post topics in random forums filled with links to random sites, normally those selling drugs such as viagra, or selling electronic products and stuff. They can sign up hundreds of fake members and create hundreds of spamvertising posts every month, they were a pain in the ass to deal with even with things such as email validation turned on, they would always used free web based email accounts.
  4. We didn't need to make any fake members for this forum. We already had 2 previous crashes, so all the members from those just re-registered more or less instantly. TBH, I can't actually remember making any fake accounts for the first 2 forums we had anyway. And regarding spam bots, we always delete those accounts. Luckily we seldom get them now.
  5. I know this is a little different but I live in England and that didn't stop R* sending me things. Jared lives in Australia and he is trying it, you may as well try too Unless it actually says US only somewhere, do you know if it does OGTAM?
  6. Lol, obviously you've never been to ebay before. People sell email addresses all the time, though normally they're famous peoples names etc. And I doubt it's a fake account, it will be real and the seller will simply give the buyer the password for it. The seller is a retard for putting the starting bid at $200 though, most celeb email addresses will go for a few dollars at the most. OP probably did make the auction himself though ("found" on ebay wtf? why would you search for such a thing?) so I'm removing the link.
  7. There is a list Backward Compatible [xbox.com] games for the original Xbox which work on the Xbox 360. However, you do need to have it connected to the Internet to download the update for them. For the PS3 it depends where you live, the North American consoles are better are playing older games. As far as I'm aware there isn't actually a list of games, however you can search backward compatible games here. If you live in Europe you can simply look on this list to view the games which are compatible. And I'm not sure, but I believe you also need to have your PS3 hooked up to the internet to download the required firmware. For both consoles, it may be possible to download the updates on your computer, burn to a DVD, and then put in your PS3/360. However I'm not sure if this is possible or not but it might be something you could look into if you want to.
  8. You know, if you're going to post some hot women, post them in the Awesome Women Thread. That thread didn't see any action during May, it desperately needs some now IMO.
  9. Meh... this is actually good for those of you who aren't lucky enough to be a member of the press or the webmaster of a large a site. I would do this but I have enough merchandise to last me quite a while I do have pics of most of it somewhere, will probably upload to my flickr account later actually, it would be better there. But ya it's pretty cool they did actually send you stuff back, props to you for trying that out.
  10. Is anyone here into photography? Over the weekend I got out my camera and decided I'd do some macros of things I have, I mainly took pics of my games consoles but also my phone and some other random things. I uploaded the ones of my consoles and phone to my flickr page so you can check them all out there. Click on the My Consoles set is probably the easiest way to browse through them. The ones of my phone are in the Macro set. Let me know what you think of my photo skills, and also share with us your photos, preferably on your flickr account if you've got one. This could become the official photography thread if enough people like it.
  11. I decided to a bit of photography this weekend. Thought I would do some macros (close ups) of some of my stuff, well mainly my games consoles and my phone. I did do some macros of some other random things but I haven't uploaded any yet. You can see all my photos on flickr, on the right if you click on My Consoles they're probably the best pics. Let me know what you think of the pictures.
  12. lol. I took a cam-whore style pic of myself today, in the mirror holding my camera, also with a little facial hair, haven't been bothered to shave recently... edit: can't really see on the pic, well just the sideburns anyway :/
  13. I've posted here several times.
  14. ROFL! Funny thing happened... So I logged into the admin panel of ImageLodge.net today, for the first time in months, and I notice some Indian guy had uploaded about 200 pictures to his account, and then deleted them all (but not permanently so they are still on the server). It turns out ALL of them are amateur porn images (some are good lol) and some of them are Indian women showing skin (which apparently is frowned upon a lot if in public in Muslim countries). Looks like he had been posting on a few Indian forums (I searched his username on google). But yeah, banned him since it's against the TOS, all the images are deleted now. Just a bit of a strange thing to see when I logged on! Boner ftw btw.
  15. lol im so cool. I use the rich text editor to post my posts. Don't you just love trying to read this. It was really worth your time wasn't it
  16. Copied and pasted from the email...don't have time to make a proper post so apologies if it all looks messed up SESSION 4-26 TEST CASE 412567 ATTENDING CP: DR. LAURA WHYTE Click to begin session audio and transcript Available as: Quicktime 480x272 and 320x180 WMV 480x272 and 320x180 Check in to Dixmor Asylum to unearth other Patient Files as well as updated Screenshots, Trailers selection, and more. Rockstar Games' Manhunt 2 is proud to be a sponsor of the 3rd annual Sounds of the Underground tour, featuring some of the biggest names in extreme metal. More info at the Manhunt 2 site News section. Manhunt 2. In stores July 10th for PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, Nintendo's WiiTM, and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system. PRE-ORDER NOW. And downloadable versions for iPod and PSP
  17. You can post your fanfic in the graphics and writer's pad forum which is in our Lifestyle forum.
  18. Same here Spaz, when you view your profile you can click on the Settings tab to make it so you have to approve them. Also what I forgot to mention was that on the Manage Friends window, after clicking on the Mutual Friends tab, you can then select Show who has added me from the dropdown box and you'll get a list of all the members who have added you. Mine is massive...
  19. Quick status update: I have indeed done some coding today, I got quick download done, now I'm working on getting the view file page done.
  20. Yeah I don't take it as an insult, we have friends in Australia and they sometimes say it as a joke. it's just I never knew where the word comes from is what I said. Wikipedia doesn't particularly know much about it though does it Also is is just me or is this topic overrun with Aussies today, the second page of this topic only has replies from our Aussie members, apart from myself of course. I feel like an outcast Back on topic, I haven't done any coding for about a week but I will see if I can work on some stuff soon. Category and file listing is basically done though, I will try and get file viewing done and also implement quick download later.
  21. Ah yes... the infamous GTAinside, when GTA3 came out, they had possibly the worst reputation of any GTA site on the web, mainly for stealing others mods (this was back when they used the gta3.net domain). I have been on their site a few times since then, and I don't know what their rep is like now. I do know they have hotlinked mods from here recently though, since I incorporated an anti-hotlinking script I was surprised to see a few referrals from their site. Anyway, I do know about how their downloads are, and we won't be copying that here. If for example you did want to download a toyota supra, then with ours just type that in the search box and there you go, a list of supras you can choose from, it's not much more difficult. And I meant summer as it is in the northern hemisphere, i.e. around June/July or something. A pom summer if you like (still no idea why you call us poms, wtf is a pom?)
  22. Yeah the keyboard is awesome for music controls, I use them literally everyday. As for the mouse, I don't play many FPS games, but I would imagine it's awesome. When I first used the mouse it was so sensitive and moved so fast around the screen I actually had to turn the sensitivity down so it didn't move so fast. And yes with a laser mouse you don't really need a mousemat or anything, mine's just next to my keyboard.
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