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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yes, do leave this topic and go moan elsewhere such as in the warzone. In the meantime, welcome to all the new members joining, nice to have you here
  2. ... Wow... you haven't been here long enough to know about him. We do a hell of a lot to clean up after him you know. Also, unless I'm mistaken, you were even dumb enough to quote one of the posts with all the pics, giving us more work to do...
  3. Ram, look at this: http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.ph...st&p=154951 If you can explain why you have these three accounts, as well as this new one which you've made so you can post here, then we might let you back.
  4. What Gerard said isn't true actually. My friends list is relatively small, but you wouldn't believe the number of people that add me as a friend. There are numerous ways to manage your friends list as well. The following are 2 different methods to get to it. 1. View your own profile, click on the Friends tab, and scroll to the bottom of your friends list and click on Manage Friends. 2. Go to My Controls, and scroll down and look under the Options heading for the link which reads Manage Friends. (After clicking this there will be another link to click) A popup will open (so make sure you have popups enabled on your browser for thegtaplace.com) displaying your friends list, the first tab will show members that YOU have added to your friends. The second tab shows Friends Pending Approval, this is if you've clicked on the Add as Friend link on someones profile, but they want to first verify that they are actually your friend, when they click accept you'll see them on your friends list. The third tab shows mutual friends. This is where YOU have added the member as a friend, and THEY have also added you as a friend. i.e. you're both on each others friend lists. Hope that cleared everything up.
  5. The July issue of Official Xbox Magazine in the USA seems to have revealed a new feature that none of the other magazines have picked up on so far. The following quote from the magazine describes when Niko approached a car fom behind a prompt appeared on screen saying "Press LB to open boot", (that's 'trunk' for you Americans), the LB button on th Xbox controller is equivalent to the L1 button on PlayStation controllers. Nothing more was said on it, as clearly Rockstar don't want to discuss this right now. It isn't clear whether we'll only be able to use the boot of a car at certain points in the game or on certain missions, or whether we'll be able to make use of it whenever we wish to. Let us know what you think in our forums. Source: GTAForums post
  6. Oh yeah forgot to say which I had, I have the Logitech MX3000 wireless desktop (keyboard and mouse), mouse is laser, not ball, so it's pretty good.
  7. Adobe Audition 2 I have used a couple of times for this. It has a remove vocals feature, however it doesn't always work as you expect, and can be pretty detrimental to the sound quality too, having said that, I haven't found a better audio editing program.
  8. Well have you actually thought about how you're going to do this yet, or is it just a little idea you suddenly came up with and wanted to post about? I think you should think about what sort of things you want to put in the mockumentary and let us know here, at the moment it's sounding a little too vague for us to help you out.
  9. Yes, my Logitech mouse is great, they're generally a good make for computer hardware such as speakers, mice, keyboards and that.
  10. Claude from GTA3 should be the narrator...
  11. Thanks for informing us, I was aware of this but have refrained from making it front page news in light of more important GTA IV news, and wanting to give that exposure, as its interest far outweighs the number of people in Japan who visit the site for LCS, which I imagine is very few.
  12. I am genuinely confused, are you being sarcastic? I mean it's not a trend that everyone does or anything, but it is a pretty popular style, even I spike my hair as you've surely seen in the pictures I've posted here, even one on the previous page, notice how none of us are copying each others styles, we're all fairly different. Many people in my year also used to spike their hair, not all in the same way of course. No offense but I thought South Africa was pretty westernised now, however, do inform us of the current trends and hairstyles of people around your area if they really are quite different. And hey I'm not dissing SA, there are some things I like from Zuid Afrika, such as the lady in my sig
  13. So? You get that on any forum. People register, sometimes forget to validate their account, or maybe they do it, they don't make any posts at the time, forget about the forum. Or maybe if they return, they forget they registered and make a new account, or they can't remember their password and can't be bothered resetting it so they make a new account. There are many reasons why people don't ever use their accounts, yeah it's stupid, but it happens all the time. The adminstrator account is just a back up really, it's seldom used.
  14. No offense Silberio, but please, for the sake of everyone on this forum, brush up on your English skills, you're misinterpreting some very basic things all over the place. Use dictionary.com and thesaurus.com for words you don't know, google and wikipedia things etc. Back on topic, hello to all the newcomers, enjoy your time here!
  15. Why are you all saying "I hope you can change the view from in car".... Did you not read where it says "There are 4 camera angles you can choose from"?
  16. They are going to be forced to register to upload a mod, but to download they won't, which is maybe what you meant. We know we could get the forum thousands of members but that way, but we feel it would also be counter-productive, and I'll explain why. Much of the traffic to The GTA Place is people trying to find mods, having one of the largest mod databases on the Internet certainly helps us, but forcing everyone to register probably won't be good for us in the long run. We'll get known for having this requirement, and many people (who can't be bothered to register) will simply move on to other sites. Also, we would end up with thousands of members who never ever bother to post on the forums, they just simply register to download mods. So while we would get loads more members, we'd rather have few new members, but who actually make posts, and stay active around the place.
  17. UK publication Playstation 3 Unlimited has a new 6 page preview of GTA IV. There are a few new minor details provided by the magazine in its June issue. There are about four different camera angles The in-car camera basically acts as a first-person view, where you're able to look around across the bonnet (hood) Weather effects aren't merely for show, they will affect gameplay (such as vehicle handling) You'll be able to use the right analogue stick on the Xbox 360 (and presumably PS3) controller to look around. Thanks to K4miL for the info (via MattyBlog)
  18. *UPDATE 2*: Added some very high resolution official artwork and better quality screenshots.
  19. *UPDATE*: I have uploaded unwatermarked versions of the screenshots which should be a little nicer to look at.
  20. Actually yes they are, these particular ones are from an Xbox 360 demo, which is what Rockstar have been showing to all these magazines and websites. But Rockstar will most likely also produce PS3 versions which they will show to the press, and we'll no doubt get screens that have come from that console too. Spaz is right saying both are probably going to look very similar. This is also supported by the fact that no website or magazine has actually put any emphasis on saying they come from a 360, suggesting that we probably won't be able to tell which console they've come from unless we're told.
  21. I highly doubt Roman is going to be a black man though, it could be the character in the artwork we saw of the guy laying on a sofa smoking what was presumably weed.
  22. Am I the only one who thinks the vehicle models don't look too good at the moment. I mean, this screen for example: http://www.thegtaplace.com/image.php?img=g...-auto-iv-07.jpg That car is way too shiny, and what on earth is going with the reflections (look at the doors). Hope this is fixed in the final game. Another demo glitch: http://www.thegtaplace.com/image.php?img=g...-auto-iv-09.jpg Looks like the car in front of the taxi is being sucked into the middle of the bridge! (That's the taxi in the middle, not the bottom of the screen) Sexual innuendo already: http://www.thegtaplace.com/images/gta4/scr...-auto-iv-06.jpg Sign reads "Cher Kov" which is pronounced like jerk off, a sign lower down reads "please BLOW HORN" But yeah those vehicle models and 'glitch' are my only concerns right now. Looking good otherwise. Rockstar generally send assets (screenshots) to a number of websites all at once, so they have something to post with their preview.
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