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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris


    Yeah but that's stolen from gta-sanandreas.com - You're the second plagiariser we've had here in as many months.
  2. Thanks. Anyone else got any opinions on it?
  3. Because when they appeared on the warehouse in the summer I forgot to actually post about them, and since it's coming up to Christmas I thought I'd post about them now, as well as the Vice City Stories apparel which I ended up putting in a separate news post. For what they are it is quite an expensive price tag - it's the "limited edition" factor that drives the price up.
  4. Rockstar's latest broadcast provided through their mailing list announces the arrival of a fine selection of clothing and other Vice City Stories branded items. If you're looking for a Christmas present for someone then consider one of the items available at the Rockstar Warehouse, assuming they're a GTA fan. Check it out in the Finery section of the Rockstar Warehouse.
  5. You may have seen these Vice City Kubrick action figures back in the Summer when they were made available at the Rockstar Warehouse. I never posted about them back then, but since we're approaching the holiday season you might decide you want to purchase a set now. They're just like the GTA3 Kubrick's we posted about last year, except these ones include the following characters: Tommy Vercetti Lance Vance Ricardo Diaz Candi Suxxx Ken Rosenberg They tie in quite nicely with the release of Vice City Stories for the PSP a couple of months ago, head on over to the Rockstar Warehouse to buy a set.
  6. I've added text to the layout now so you have a better idea of how it will look. click here to see
  7. I have finally got round to doing this, the forum is near the top underneath the main announcements forum. I'm looking at it though thinking it may have been kinda pointless, look how few topics there are, and indeed how old many of them are. I mean, we have one topic which has the developments going on, one which is the FAQ, and a new one I've made for suggestions and feature requests. Maybe if I posted about each improvement separately it would be more worthwhile. What do you all think?
  8. I know... hey maybe if we go round some old people's homes, perhaps they might be interested Seriously though, I don't understand why we have so many kids on this site, I wonder if it's because of all the "cool mods" they find in the downloads db... Does anyone else think the female competition is kinda retarded considering there's only 2 here? I don't mean that they shouldn't enter, it's just not really much of a competition is it. Mind you if there were more can you imagine all the bitch fights, it would be worse than all the n00bs in the Warzone and The Lounge
  9. Chris


    Happy birthday Chris, have a good one!
  10. No thanks, I'm not interested in an animated logo, but nice idea.
  11. Let me know when it's brown again Thank god, I thought I was the only one with the broken button only Chris has the "working button" Haha yes that's true. I think I just owned everyone who is complaining of the broken OK button. Ya so anyway I can't even keep on topic myself and I'm in a position of authority, holy crap. Yeah so basically if anyone else wants to be in the competition but would like a few more days in order to get your pics on the pc, or wants to post some new pics here then be sure to let me know by posting here. You can all post more pics if you want, but you'll need to choose just 3 of them to be included in the voting topic, people will vote on the pics they see there not what's elsewhere on the forum.
  12. Well yeah, back in the days of IPB2.0 and 1.3, the forums didn't have a display name feature, just plain old usernames, it's just something that hadn't been changed since then, obviously overlooked by people until now.
  13. This is dumb. The games aren't made for "young teenagers", they're made for 18 and over, this is why there are age limits. Those youths are either incredibly weak and/or retarded if they can't control themselves after only playing for 30 minutes. Because they're underage this study is completely flawed and nonsensical.
  14. Too narrow down your choices to one from each manufacturer I'd say: Nissan: 300ZX Mazda: Rx7 Toyota: Supra And then out of those three, I would probably go for the RX7 myself.
  15. Moved to Trading Stalls. And you need to give your topic a better title than just "buyin".
  16. you put off going out with friends in favour of writing some hacking programs.
  17. Ah yes, when viewing a member's inventory it says their username - that's actually a bug as it should say their display name - I've added this to the bug list for IBStore over at invisionize.com so it should be fixed in the next release. As for knowing a member's real username, this is currently only shown to admin and mods, just above a user's avatar. I've actually suggested that when sending items/money you type in their display name rather than username, which will mean you won't need to know it. At the moment I don't really want to fix it myself as there isn't a vast amount of people using it all the time, just a few when you think about it. But thanks anyway for raising a good point and accidently finding a bug
  18. I don't know. Team Bondi did contact me a couple of days after I bought the domain and put that splash page up, so I did reply and ask them a few questions about the game, including what the font was, but they didn't tell me. They did give a HUGE version of the logo though, which is about 2000x600 pixels. I spent ages the other night browsing the retro section of dafont.com, and found one vaguely similar and simply used that to write the ".net" bit on the end. I will email Team Bondi again though and ask them for the font. Anyway thanks for all your comments, is there seriously nothing I can improve? Surely there must be something that's letting it down? I'll maybe do some more work on it tomorrow...
  19. The only thing you'll drink is Coke because it keeps you awake for longer so you can play more games.
  20. Hey everyone, You probably read a while back in a couple of news posts I mentioned the fan site we're starting up about Rockstar's L.A. Noire game for the PS3. Since other sites are starting to spring up now, namely a German one, I thought it would be a good idea to get the design all finished ready for when we launch it. I have a rough template I quickly whipped up in Photoshop, and was wondering what you all thought of it so far. It's dark, to fit in with the game's atmosphere, so don't suggest a light layout as that won't happen, but all other suggestions are welcome. I'd like some constructive criticism here. If you think it's shit then at least say why so I can improve if I agree. Look here: lanoire.net
  21. Download my printable checklist and you can count them all up.
  22. Yeah pretty much. Thinking about it realistically, I can safely say it will be open for another 3 years - it's currently Nov 06, so, GTA4 released in Oct 07, possibly PC release in spring 08... then the aftermath of that brings us probably to 2009 where depending on the state of the community, traffic will either start dropping or keep up if many people make mods and such. Of course if R* keep creating GTA games then we'll keep on going. I've always planned on keeping the site up as an archive though, I won't ever close it down. O.O Oh shit, that was you? I entirely forgot you were Vincent.... Ha. I think we always used to pwn Dave. Good times. I probably still have some old PM's from him too Anyway thanks for your comments everyone. Thank you for your appreciation
  23. Sorry for the long wait for the files but the uploads were broken, they're fixed now, so here's the files you needed: player.dff player.txd
  24. Deathmatching is DM, not dming, no wonder you confused everybody. I don't play MTA or SAMP much though.
  25. Well I googled it, got to Wikipedia, and it's got stuff about RPG's, specifically, dungeons, apparently dm'ing is Dungeon Mastering. If so then: 1. this topic should be in gaming chat 2. not many people who are into GTA are in to the whole fantasy RPG thing too, it's a completely different genre of game.
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