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Everything posted by Chris

  1. No Tagg I really do not think it would be funny, and what the hell are you talking about "the pain I went through". I haven't got a clue what you mean by this. You need to stop acting like you're some kind of legend and can get away with anything, because you can't. You can't just randomly come back to my forums and start spamming, posting multiple topics about some site whose ripped my name. You can abide by the rules like everyone else. Most people find out why it's not a good idea to piss me off, especially when I'm in a shitty mood like today. Hence the blockage on MSN. Also stop asking me for points, you said you don't care about them, and also that you aren't going to be in a gang. Stop being a tool, or you can just leave these forums. Well not really. It's a common word, but you don't see two GTAGamings, or two PlanetGTA's, or two GTA Warehouses for example.
  2. Why would you love to see someone screw up my site?
  3. Lol you're crazy. You need to lay off whatever you're smoking, thanks for also notifying me about this rip, but what am I supposed to do about it? It's not like they're a big site, they have no reputation to lose... hehe...
  4. That's the best SA stunt vid I've ever seen. Kudos to everyone involved.
  5. Thanks for the news again Dmac, I've posted it on the site
  6. Jorge Pupo has been rumoured to be providing the voice of Alberto Robina in Vice City Stories. Alberto Robina was the father of Cuban gang leader Umberto Robina. Pupo is alleged to have this role after the IMDb updated their cast listing for the game. Another noteworthy point is that he did motion capture work for Vice City, and actually provided the voice for Gonzalez. IMDb is certainly a very reliable source, though. Some sites portray IMDb as a wiki-style user editable website, however, any user submissions have to first be approved by a team of administrators at IMDb, so it's unlikely this would be a 'guess'. Although it could be a mistake, and he could be reprising his role of voice acting for Gonzalez again. We'll have to wait for some official confirmation on this before we speculate any further. Source: IMDb Thanks to Dmac_91 and Barnaby for the update.
  7. PHP Guru? yeah right! I am more guru'er than you Good to see you back btw.
  8. Was just making sure it added the item type to the database actually, evidently it does, so I can just add all the ones we have pics of, just can't be bothered to do it. I'll get Crimson or someone to do it, when IBStore fixes are released though.
  9. Heh, someone else said he looked like Cris Angel actually, can't remember who though...
  10. UK retailer Play.com have updated their product listing for Vice City Stories with a new synopsis, a brief outline of the story leading up to the game's beginning. In addition to this piece of news, Gamespot made a hugely embarrasing mistake by changing the release date of Vice City Stories to 2007. This was just on the US version of their site, but it still caused a lot of confusion. Rockstar would never push back a release date by an entire year, the thought of that is just absurd. Of course the release date is still October 2006, there is no reason to worry about this changing. If it does then a week of two at the most, not a whole year. The reason this came about was due to a statement in a press release by Take2 yesterday. As Vice City Stories is talked about previously in the statement, it is obvious that here they are talking a completely different title. Thanks to Neil for the synopsis info
  11. It's my birthday on the 6th, and I start my last year of 6th form on the 8th.
  12. With the size that GTA4 is going to be, I can't see how they could possibly keep within the GTA3 trilogy. IMO it would have to be a brand new storyline, with mostly brand new characters, references to past characters would be in there, and maybe a few cameo appearances, but that's all. GTA4 is being made in a new era of videogaming. I think it would be wrong to continue from the GTA3 trilogy. San Andreas ended that.
  13. Tagg is hoping that by acting all cool about not caring about money and post count and generally being a legend will mean that when the time comes for him to participate in the gangs he will be able to ass lick me even more to get money and weapons etc. just kidding. Welcome back to the forums! Only just saw this topic, I don't visit The Lounge much as whenever I come in there's usually a bunch of stoned n00bs hanging out here, but never mind. BTW cock and pussy aren't such vulgar words so I allow them here, but you can't say fuck or cunt. EDIT: Oh yeah admins can, shit, look at the language I'm encouraging, this is fucking terrible. What a bitch eh? Oh I forgot to add... He don't need the money now
  14. Moved to PC Chat where you'll get a better response.
  15. Replying in two of the same topics can increase your e-penis by up to 2". Didn't you know?
  16. Not sure who made the comment about anal sex being only limited to gay people. Obviously you're underage because your lack of knowledge is evident in your post. Many women also enjoy anal. I mean take a look at the porn industry. Haven't you ever heard of Seemore Butts? I mean his TV documentary style show even airs in the UK. He's probably the most famous pornographer in that particular niche. Moving away from the sexual aspect. I'm suprised at how popular this topic has become, 14 pages of discussion...
  17. Yes I did, I'll sort it all out when the time comes to giving everyone points for getting pics and things.
  18. Well on this steal, it's just a percentage chance, doesn't matter how much you're trying to steal.
  19. This topic has now reached 1000 posts! we're now fast approaching 70 pages worth of fans wishes. Damn R* have a lot of reading to do Good going guys. Keep all your wishes coming
  20. Oh does the steal thing fine you if your attempt fails? I didn't actually know that :/ There's nothing about that in the admin panel about how much it fines you, I can't set a fine amount or anything. What I'm gonna do next is make the property item, and possibly add some, though that seems a little tedious at the moment, plus I'm not in a particularly good mood either. There are actually some bugs on the ibstore admin pages, so I'm just gonna wait until djbob2 releases an update to fix them all, otherwise I'm gonna add all this stuff and then when he releases the update I'll have to go over and edit them all...
  21. I won't name any particular fan sites here, but if you visit a range of fan sites, you'll know there are two popular forums which have so called spam forums. If you look at the quality of posts in there, compared with the rest of the forums, you see the poor quality spreads around the rest of their forums, and people spam in regular forums. Basically what I'm saying is that the admins and mods don't need extra work, and also I personally don't think this is neccessary, general chat can go in The Lounge forum. Topic Closed.
  22. by the gay talk thing I think he's referring to the quite high pitched, enthusiastic style. If anyone watches Will and Grace, like Jack
  23. Guys sorry I haven't been active lately, been trying to sort out shit with my computers, and basically being pissed off and stuff and couldn't be bothered to do anything. I'll probably start working on the gangs again soon. Thanks for all the pics so far. If anyone's tried to buy a credit card (you idiot) or have lost a large amount of points for some reason, send me a pm, explaining why you are such an idiot, or blame the store, or something, and tell me how and when you lost the points, then kindly ask for me to refund your points back. Ok?
  24. LOL. Little children running around in my forums looking for pictures of naked ladies. tut tut. Wasn't like this in my day. No. "In my day there was no porn, we had to wait until the Discovery Channel was doing some documentaries in a third world African country..." Hehe anyway. I just felt like saying that I formatted my laptop and installed what is currently the latest version of Windows Vista (pre RC1). And yeah it's really slow. There was a discussion in the suggestions forum that we should have a crap forum for posting completely random things, but treally that's what this topic is for.
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