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Everything posted by Chris

  1. The Official PSP Guidebook Magazine, yet another UK publication, has a rather uniquely styled preview. An interview with Mr. Rockstar on the VCPR radio station. The preview contains mostly already known details, some of which are below: In terms of the narrative, the new trailer park which we found out about earlier is going to be a key part. There are more than 70 storyline missions to play through. Urban renewal is the term used to describe the period in which Vice City is going through. You'll see many familiar landmarks uncompleted with scaffolding jutting out. The soundtrack still isn't finalised. Rockstar realise Vice City's soundtrack was so good that they're trying even harder to better it now. Foliage and explosions have been improved and look a lot nicer than they did in the original Vice City. The AK-47 and Sniper Rifles return, the full weapon list is yet to be finalised. There's a suggestion that you'll be Monster Truck racing at the Hyman Memorial stadium. Another subtle suggestion implies that the basketball minigame may make a return from San Andreas. Keep in mind those last two bullets aren't confirmed, they're just suggested. Thanks to DeAnO_GTA~MaStEr for posting about this at GTAForums. In other news, we hear Vice City Stories will be shown to select press members at the upcoming Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany, according to Take Two Interactive Germany. This is behind closed doors though. But at least we can expect some different previews from some more publications. Keep in mind we still haven't even had a US magazine with a preview yet, so if you live in America look out for any magazines with previews in upcoming issues. Source: GameFront.de
  2. Lol, as if I'd add the URL to my favourites or something, I have no idea what site it was on, and really don't care either... I re-found out today that I'm definitely straight, went on webcam with Gerard, and I'm straight, because nothing happened, as he will testify. Oh and for whoever was (stupidly) carrying on with the beastiliaty reference it means actually having intercourse with an animal. Now please, stop talking about it, we aren't as liberative a country as Holland, we don't eat hashcakes for lunch, smoke weed in specialised 'cannabis bars' and pubs, neither are we allowed to have sex with animals. Not that I'd imagine many Dutch people would, it's just that if you did it over there then nothing would happen because it's not illegal or anything. Anyway. Convo should revert back to normal now, I hope.
  3. Everyone has a different style of dressing. It's Spaz's style.
  4. Yes that's unfortunately true. There's an infamous video of it out on the internet as well which I got shown (regrettably) by a friend last year. He dies later in hospital, not while actually being filmed getting raped by a horse.... Regarding SMCentral, he isn't banned. He was a while ago, and he only spammed because he (allegedly) thought Adriaan owned this site, and he (stupidly) has a vendetta against Adriaan. So once that was all cleared up and stuff he is back here now, trying to get on my good side. (he won't though).
  5. Beastiliaty is illegal in most countries, apart from Holland of course, but anyway we aren't Dutch so I don't think we should be talking about that. Also, stop trying to be clever, 'incompetent' means that you are unable to do anything with any sort of skill. In fact none of your sentences make any sense because you clearly are unable to grasp any sort of proper sentence structure in the English language. You are trying to use words which aren't even in your everyday vernacular. You're the one acting childish, not Righty. HiTch, one thing I've picked up on, you contradicted yourself. But you just said you have nothing against gays, yet this you would find offputting. And a guy and a girl snogging would not put you off? That's homophobia. I'm now going to ban you from the forums, and the entire server actually, since you obviously are too young to be able to partake in a civilised conversation, especially with your inarticulate speech and the retardation shown in your grammar. You, are a cretinous, foolish child. Go back to Peterbrough, you'll have to get rid of your shitty BT Central Plus Broadband Package if you want to access these forums again, bitch.
  6. Yes, it is set in present day, which at time of release was 2001.
  7. HiTch, welcome to the Internet. A world where language is not used in the same way as it is in real life. Nobody cares what YOUR interpretation of a 'veteran' is. MANY websites use the term to refer to members who have been loyal for many years, as we do as well. Grow up. You're obviously just a kid with a lack of understanding, I can tell by your incredibly poor grammar and spelling, the sort I'd expect from a pre-pubescent 12 year old. Get out of here or we'll ban for good, it's quite clear you've more enemies than friends here, there's no need for your sort around here thank you. NOTE: From this post on, if anyone mentions anything of the aforementioned argument your post will be deleted. As long as we get a page of valid responses to the topic in hand the topic will resume its purpose and discussion will continue.
  8. Please, HiTch, do yourself a favour and re-read what everyone has posted since your first post in this particular topic, you're sounding like an arrogant fool at the moment. You can see this topic is already 9 pages long, so it's fairly popular discussion point, and you come in here asking what it's got to do with GTA. Also had you looked through the topics in this sub-forum you would have realised that none of them had anything to do with GTA. In addition to this you quite obviously need to learn the difference between a moderator and a veteran. Spaz is a veteran of these forums as he has been here from the start, so therefore he was using the correct terminology. The fact that you've only just joined a few hours ago, and your first few posts have been in this topic regarding a quite petty argument, suggest to me you've simply come here to stir up trouble. I really hope this isn't the case. After it was pointed out this is a general discussion forum, the correct thing would have been to aknowledge whoever told you, and either leave the topic if it doesn't interest you (although obviously it does since you're in here) or reply with a pertinent comment. The incorrect thing to do was stir up arguments between yourself and other members here. Read forum descriptions before you start posting ignorant comments. If you registered here intent on becoming a good member then apologise and let this situation rest, otherwise, I suggest you leave the site.
  9. That's the style I was sort of attempting and sort of failed at, but I don't really care now lol.
  10. I don't really like these bands, but seriously, Children of Bodom are awesome
  11. Bumping an old topic? But this is a new one you've just made, there is nothing to bump =/ Anyway, have you modified your copy of VC with cars or anything for example? VCMP is supposed to run on a 'clean' copy I think.
  12. Oh yes. "sexy muthafucka" pics that I took at 2am. Imagine how uber I will look if I take some when I'm actually awake and stuff. You should know responses like that give me a massive ego boost We'll see what other members say about me... Claudia, te iubesc atat de mult
  13. Awesome. Those old pics bring back memories Spaz. Anyway, here's a pic of me, being a dickhead, wearing my shades indoors... trying too hard to look like Richard Kruspe much Tomorrow I'll be even more of a prick and immitate this particular picture: The only reason I'm doing this is because my hair is really shitty and I only realised today that with a little effort I could actually look like a member of Rammstein, minus the muscular body, thus making my image ever so slightly cooler. =] EDIT: Took another pic hehe, had to mirror it though as I looked the wrong way. Damn I'm being a tool now...
  14. There hasn't been a demo version of a GTA game since GTA1.
  15. I have to play loads of missions first LOL. I only ever did the first mission and then never played it again, seeing as I didn't really like the game, did more on the PSP though. Right now on the PS2 I'm almost up to Staunton.
  16. You can get Zmodeler 2 for modelling things, or 3DS Max, or a similar program which can handle San Andreas' .dff files. Not sure about reacting to collisions and stuff, but presumably you'd have to make a .col file for it which I'm not sure how to do.
  17. Anything that can't move faster than me rly.
  18. German magazine Play The Playstation has a few more details on Vice City Stories. Again we are still only seeing European and Australian magazines with previews, not one single American publication has received a preview yet, which is somewhat strange considering past GTA games' previews. The magazine, which goes on sale August 18th, gives the following details: You will NOT be able to modify vehicles in the game The game will have the same outfit changing feature as Vice City and Liberty City Stories, you still won't be able to change individual garments as you did in San Andreas though. You can once again manually target the crosshairs on your gun for more accurate shooting Thanks to German fan site GTAReactor.de for the news. *UPDATE*: It seems that this magazine may not have actually received a preview of the game, and what they've actually done is (poorly) translated information they've found on fan sites. The screens they have are blatantly stolen from a certain fan site, and also, they stupidly refer to Vic as 'Vic Lance' (*laughs*), not Vic Vance, as we all know is his real name, and that Lance is actually his brother. Take this information as you will, but we reckon this magazine never received a preview, and as such, doesn't contain any factual information.
  19. I didn't really like LCS much, but considering I didn't even make one of my 'Stuntage' videos for San Andreas, I feel I should do something now. San Andreas has so many vids for it, I feel mine isn't gonna be good enough, since I'm not really a 'stunter' so to speak. I don't think many people have done stunt videos, properly done I mean, for Liberty City Stories. I was thinking of setting up my capture device again so I can record the stunts I do on my PS2. What I need though is some really good stunt locations in Liberty City. I'll probably be doing most on the PCJ600, but I guess I'll include a few car stunts too. I'm not sure if I'll even ever complete this, but I may as well give it ago right? EDIT: My capture device is set up ready now.
  20. Coca-Cola have recently produced a brilliant advert, parodying the world of GTA. The twist being that the character is now a good guy. In the advert we see the character (who bears more than passing resemblance to Claude from GTA3) hijacking a car and driving eratically, scaring shop owners and what not. With various other references to GTA (including a SWAT helicopter) and a catchy background tune, I think you'll like it. Link: Grand Theft Coke @ YouTube Thanks to everyone who notified me of this link, there were many of you.
  21. Lol oh well, it's GTAS, they're all like, dedicated stunters and unless you do something nobody else has ever done before it isn't good enough. I read the topic there btw.
  22. Yeah it is Brady games and that's the ONLY source so far, I've held off writing a news post about all this false information because it seems most of the sources aren't reliable. I could email Brady Games and ask them were they got the information from, though I'd assume it would be directly from Rockstar, they wouldn't just make infromation up.
  23. Victor being head raises further questions: 1. Is Lance head during VCS 84, then after VCS, he passes on head of the family title to Victor, so during Vice City 86, Vic is head 2. If Vic's head in VCS too, does that mean he can give out missions to Lance?
  24. Well yeah of course I'll mention you, you're the one who brought up the fact that OPSM2 were wrong, and the fact it's weird that Vic is younger but still the head of the VCF.
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