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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Welcome to the forums. As this is the first you've been on I recommend read the rules. Enjoy your time here.
  2. I doubt it. For GTAIV maybe, but not VCS, it's too small a game to warrant a promotional short. Remember that LCS didn't have one either.
  3. Chris


    Congrats to all the veterans, I thank you all for staying loyal to us for so long
  4. Ah yes. You're right, thanks, I'll update the post.
  5. Bottom line is that it's a game. Not a real life simulator. If someone took their actions in GTA out into real life then they're going to have to deal with the harsh consequences.
  6. Today my inbox saw another fake screenshot arrive. This time from someone known as 'Inky'. It's a fairly standard fake screen, supposedly a real photo taken from a television on which GTAIV is playing. The HUD and radar are clearly borrowed from San Andreas, though. Also, the man in the screenshot is just one of the characters from Half Life 2. (thanks chris82) Click for full image... Check out more Fake GTA IV Screenshots UPDATE: Last week I actually received a nice fake screen from 'jamesdehunter', forgot to post about it, the screen depicts blood spattered London Underground signage...
  7. Nice first post. I'm all for freedom of speech, but I can't see that many people will agree with you here, certainly not on a GTA forum. Forums like this are generally for people to discuss the game, talk about modding and everything, positively. Ok so everyone's got something they don't like about the game, but there you go...
  8. ITALY WIN!! W00t. Excellent penalty shootout. ITALIA VITTORIE
  9. I will get either a Nokia N72, N90, or N93. The latter two aren't even out yet, and I just saw an N72 go on ebay for about £250 so it's a bit expensive
  10. Besides, there's already GTAGB.com in development so we should get to play in the UK. And there's The Getaway set in London. Rockstar should use some different areas, that would be logical, and more probable.
  11. Bizunth over at Weebls-Stuff has put up an amusing preview of GTA4. They're going for a fictional city based on London, avoiding any clichés. The key thing here is realism. True Britishness. You'll be able to happy-slap random pedestrians, with a photo being saved to your memory card each time. The city will be covered in bird crap. You won't be able to get a signal on the radio stations going through tunnels, and if you do you can bet they'll be playing the same song all day. A minigame involving the Queen's vagina has been removed due to the recent Hot Coffee debacle. Gang hand signals are replaced with rhyming slang, the respect meter is replaced by a dial showing how much you love your mum. Even prostitutes won't just get in your car straight away, you'll have to find their card in a red phone box, give them a call and arrange a meeting time and place, and hope that you aren't beaten up by a Russian man in a tracksuit... There's loads more amusing details of course, so for a hilarious read during this slow news week, head over to Weebls-Stuff to read their satirical preview. Thanks to Gerard for this link.
  12. So come October, you'll be playing VCS and listening to the talk radio, then you can update this thread with your findings. There will be at least one reference to a GTA game, there always is.
  13. Yeah this is a good idea. Probably one which can come into affect fairly soon as well. No, really don't like this idea, like Akuma said, for a lot of members want to ask for help, and it benefits us if they upload a screenshot of the problem if helpful so not allowing them to do this is a big turn away. Nice idea, and it could use IPB's internal subscription system, though I'm not sure how many people would pay. Perhaps if we threw in a free "The GTA Place T-Shirt" or some other merchandise (hats, mugs, mousemats, thongs) it may entice users
  14. Actually it's not to a coordinate, it's much less accurate, which is the point of the attack - to bomb a large area to cause the most destruction possible and/or kill all the poeple in that range.
  15. GTA3 was 2001, which breaks this theory.
  16. The Nokia N72 is nice, and that N93 looks absolutely minted. I might get one of those depending on how much they cost.
  17. Can anyone recommend me a new mobile (cell) phone? My Nokia 6600 which I've had for a couple of years keeps randomly restarting and it's annoying now, and I dunno what to get to replace it...
  18. Adriaan just showed me this funny video on youtube. It's a parody of the trailer for The Da Vinci Code, but using hot coffee as the plotline. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC_0Lc6Rwr8 And I noticed there's screenshots of thegtaplace there, using us as the download link, lol, free publicity for me, although you can't see the address anyway
  19. Hello Ionut, welcome to the forums. Please refrain from speaking your native Romanian here, as we only have a couple of other Romanian members who understand what you are saying. Kindly stick to the rules and speak English. Thank you.
  20. I would assume you are missing the american.gxt file. Check it is somewhere in the GTAIII folder.
  21. Not much point, I used to have all my typo domains at Sedo and never really earned that much, now I've moved them all to namedrive and they're doing slightly better there. Also I think gtaplace.com gets more traffic than that actually, at least to warrant the $12,000 price tag. And for the point of the topic, Rockstar won't be interested in this domain at all, they don't name their games after countries, they have so far only used cities or states.
  22. It does indeed. I believe that Qdeathstar of gta-sanandreas.com and gta-four.net owns that. tut tut....copying my ideas, firstly using 'four' the word instead of the number 4 in the domain, and then using my sites actual name. Still it's not trademarked so he's free to do that. It just shows a complete lack of imaginiation on his part, and depending on the naivity of visitors they may look down on him for his plagiaristic antics, or may not realise he hasn't come up with any unique ideas himself. If he steals any of my content though then I can take legal action and he would be forced to remove it or have his site closed down by his host... but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that. Best case scenario is he fails at GTA websites and the domain expires and then I'll just buy it and redirect it here.
  23. 36 visitors a month, a bit rubbish. There's quite a few GTA domains at Sedo at the moment anyway, including Craig's codenamegta.co.uk, codenamevice.co.uk and codenamegta3.co.uk. Domains at Sedo beginning with 'gta' sorted by highest traffic
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