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Everything posted by Chris

  1. North America release is the 25th and Rest of the World is 28th I might preorder LCS even though I don't have a PSP yet. meh.
  2. Unless IBShop is being made for 2.1.1 then I'll get it, but currently both IBShop and IBStore are dead so we have to settle for an alternative.
  3. Ooh they look good I think I'll add those to our database now if I'm allowed, I'll post links after
  4. Shit. The arcade will be back once we've upgraded to 2.1.1
  5. Well at least when I get a PSP I know that I can rely on Spaz and nickc to tell me wtf to do. Hopefully you'll stay around here nick
  6. I have 2 views on their site layouts. First is: It's great, I love it when I'm just casually browsing the site looking at all the info. Second: It's a pain in the ass just after they've updated, it takes ages trawling through it all and seeing what's new and then summarising the huge amounts of info they release at once. Overall I like it and don't think they should change. Lol this has turned into a site reviewing topic
  7. Yeah and I've spotted a few mods we could use, it's called the Perfect Points system, currently the maker of the mod made them for 2.0 but so far he has converted the points system and the bank for 2.1, so he's obviously working on the store which by the way includes and AUCTION style method of buying stuff... how cool is that. I'm not going to bother with my Image Uploader because it's crap and I've coded my own image hosting site anyway. That just leaves the gang system which has to be and needs to be recoded anyway, since now I gotta integrate it with Perfect Points instead of IBStore...
  8. Best creative GTA-based fan fiction Best signature/avatar Best GTA homemade video Funniest GTA not-photoshopped screenshot Most awesomest single GTA stunt Well nobody else said anything sensible so I've started you off with 5 good suggestions there.
  9. That age verification thing has always been there, and to be honest it doesnt really work because all you have to do is make yourself at least 17 and you can get in.
  10. Lets get some competitions going then! cmon guys think of stuff, help out
  11. Lol, you only get that sound when you hover over the ad. Back on topic, this game is gonna be awesome.
  12. Oh yeah I forgot that we actually need to have friends
  13. We're not allowed to talk about obtaining the game like this on forums.
  14. Yeah we got a problem with 2 of my 3 GTA4 domains, we aren't sure why they don't load up, they are both parked.
  15. I know, I definitely want to get this game now, I need a PSP too.
  16. Just had an email from Rockstar letting us know the official LCS website has been updated. There's loads more information on there now and new screenshots, downloads and audio. And the long awaited second trailer is now online. Make sure you watch that. There's also a page on the new multiplayer game modes we found out about earlier. Get Stretch and Liberty City Survivor are there, along with one we haven't heard about so far called Protection Racket. It seems that teams will be swapping between attacking and defending roles each round. Once the attackers have reached the defenders base, they must destroy the four limo's parked inside, after accomplishing that, the roles reverse and a new round begins. There are 13 new screenshots on the site which I have added to our Gallery. Two new teaser sites have also been launched, they are Bathtub Gin Still which we already knew about and Electron Zone Radio. Some useful links: Official website, WindowsMediaPlayer Trailer, QuickTime Trailer *UPDATE* IGN have also put up a multiplayer preview plus new screens
  17. That's right, Liberty City Stories will be the first console GTA game to properly feature a multiplayer mode. The game will support up to six players at any one time, each game takes place on one of the islands. There will be seven game modes, two of which, 1UP got to play with. Liberty City Survivor (you'll remember the GTA3 radio ad) is basically a Deathmatch. It can be played solo or team, and obviously the player/team with the most kills (or frags if you're an FPS gamer) is the winner. Another game mode is Get Stretched, this is a version of Capture the Flag, except you'll be stealing the other teams' limousine! They both contain a multitude of power ups that you might expect from a multiplayer game. These include mega damage, bullet-proof, radar invisibility etc. We can assume from the article that these multiplayer modes will only be playable in Ad-hoc mode (with people nearby). It's not actually confirmed though so hopefully Rockstar will explain more at some point. See 1UP.com's Multiplayer Preview for the full story. And the 7 screens and 2 new artworks
  18. Yeah I didn't read properly, if I see him online I will instigate a conversation with him
  19. Sounds useful, I would be interested and post in these topics if I actually had one, guess I should buy one for LCS.
  20. This news post/topic was shit. Adriaan used normal html rather than BB code He spelled the topic title wrong He spelled a couple of words wrong in the article itself He also kept saying "is" instead of "are" when referring to things in the plural sense (I think he was trying to sound like Ali G) but it looked terribly unprofessional so I've fixed the whole article myself Now who's the best GTA admin with the highest standard of quality written English skills?
  21. Here's the situation: Basically we want to upgrade the forums to 2.1.1 (the newest version of IPB) to take advantage of the hundreds of new features and everything. I will be recoding the gang system anyway so that won't be a problem, it's just the store, the guy who made it has retired from his position and so nothing is being done to make it compatable with 2.1.1. Do we really need it? I know we use it for buying weapons for the gang wars and such, but do we really need it? I admit that the gang system would be hard to make use of without the weapons and stuff, but if we find an alternative that works on 2.1.1 then maybe I could integrate it with that. What are your thoughts?
  22. But GwizZ thinks there isn't an ssi.php file for IPB2 when there is and you reckon he knows of more bugs than I do? No offence of anything but... you know. I'll speak to him anyway and tell him there is an ssi.php file and stuff. Also, can everyone please check out the topic I'm about to make about IBStore in this forum
  23. That's not recent. But yeah. OR just don't be a lazy ass and come straight here
  24. There is a caliskin for ipb2 and we have it so only admins can use it because it has bugs and stuff and the font is tiny so we need to get it sorted out. Thing is though, soon as I use it I'll get slated by gtawh fanboys for plagiarising a free to use skin which we had before gtawh anyway. That makes no fucking sense at all does it but its what will most likely happening. CC17 goes to boarding school so hes only ever on in the holidays We will have a sort of veterans/priveledged members forum for all the awesome people (me) "less spam" - not really I'd say its the same amount, I mean out of those 28k posts about 5k of them were insane_pyro's, mostly all offtopic stuff too. "We need more events and competitions" - yeah. Sort it out then. I'm really busy until the October 21st when school is out for a couple of weeks, so until then I have school work, plus 2, possibly 3 other websites to work on. I'm sure you can sort shit out by yourselves, and remember both millermagic and xenon have admin access so they can do stuff if needed. Also, since we'll hopefully be improving the gang system soon, I'd rather you guys all didn't use the DS forum as a social gathering, it's for gang members and their private discussion only. I'll be changing the password to it. We supposedly need to be easier on genuine new members so they arent discouraged from coming here. True. I think I answered all the problems didn't I?
  25. Chris

    MSN Down?

    MSN just disconnected me a few seconds ago then I saw this topic :\
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