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Everything posted by Chris

  1. That shouldn't work because surely the bar code would bring up the name of the item it was originally from and they would spot the error immediately and arrest you and stuff
  2. Spaz do you wanna take charge of the sexiest member topic v2 then? We're gonna have one topic for everyone to submit up to 3 pics of themselves, and then after enough entries we'll have another one for the voting The top 3 sexiest members will get to wear a sexy badge in their signature.
  3. What do you mean of course. She's got some tough competition now.
  4. The GTA Place = Fanny Magnet
  5. Excellent. I'm up for that. I'm pretty sure who the winners will be... nah I wont "fix" the voting but i do have a good chance of winning dont I
  6. I can hardly believe it myself, but it's been 3 years since I founded The GTA Place, which has now become a primary source for GTA modifications and is among the 10 most popular GTA web sites in the world (Source: Alexa.com). A lot of changes have been made since the birth of the web site on November 29th, 2002, where I had a few very simple bare bones pages with little to no regard as to whether it became popular or not. Originally there was no intention for it to become as big as it has done today, it was just a little project for me to work on, essentially it was my introduction to web design and PHP scripting, which I now carry out on a freelance basis on my personal website. Changes undergone include a few layout changes as well as staff coming in and out of the team. The forums have also undergone their fair share of alterations, primarily upgrades to the software itself, along with modifications and more recently my own gangs system (currently not active) which I've integrated into the forum. Like other forums we've also been the target of so called "spam attacks", to which had no dramatic affect whatsoever, we've pulled through however, and I'm now in a position where I can provide substantial evidence (including: full names, addresses, telephone numbers and IP addresses) the spammer's have failed to cover up. Our growing team of staff have always been at hand to clear things up though, a special thanks goes to Xenon of TTPN for his dedication to help the forums do well, as well as Righty (formerly Millermagic) for administrating while I wasn't around, Spaz for being the most loyal member we have, and also Adriaan for helping with things along the way... and of course a thanks goes out to all the current moderators of the forums for their continued efforts, plus all the loyal members who continue to actively post there and make the community a pleasant one. The GTA scene is often inactive around this time of year though, with a lot of people coming to the end of the year's GTA game, in this case Liberty City Stories for the PSP. But the return of critically acclaimed modder Switch Designs as well as all the other great mod makers out there who continue to provide fun modifications for the games, adding to their replayability. And we mustn't forget the array of multiplayer mods due for release in the not too distant future, which will hopefully fulfil any boredom induced by playing the game on your own for too long. Over the festive season I will be making a few noticeable changes to The GTA Place. A brand new layout is slowly being worked on also, with variations for each game's section. Updating old content and adding content we have missed (there's a big to-do-list somewhere) is another objective we have. So by January the site will be improved quite a bit. I hope you have all appreciated the work we have put in, and rest assured we will be continuing to bring you all the latest GTA news, downloads, and whatever else there is pertaining to GTA. Happy Birthday The GTA Place!
  7. Enough of this shit. Some of you are being morons.
  8. Edison Carter has somehow found a way of hacking Liberty City Stories. Quite how he has managed this remains a mystery but nevertheless it's a nice little program he's made. Edison explains how to use the device on his website: Download CheatDevice 0.1, which is only for US/Canadian PSP's with 2.0 or 2.01 firmware. Edison Carter's Site: MaxBot
  9. Guys! I now use my webcam if yous wanna see my sexy body more often. I managed to get my PS2 EyeToy to work on the PC and the quality is so much better than a standard webcam Here is a pic of me showing off my big penis LCS box!
  10. Cool another nice pic btw nice washing machine too keep posting more Here is a sexy pic of me that you might not have seen before
  11. smartboy4 is Singaporean which I think is somewhere near But yeah I think you are probably the only Indonesian here
  12. I say the more girls we can get to play GTA the better. And as a bonus Katie is also hot so it just makes everything better
  13. I don't care, I'm just glad we have another girl here
  14. It wont be sold for $900 because nobody would buy it for that much. That figure is an approximation based solely on production costs. If they sold it for that much it could not compete with the x360.
  15. Welcome. Tis great to have another girl on the site
  16. I think your wishlist might have changed since you made that post.
  17. If everyone thought positively like myself and crimson here we wouldnt see topics like this.
  18. Chris


    Yeah I have, I just haven't posted any pictures yet
  19. Chris


    Well that's one thing off my to do list. I've brought the arcade back, and I never deleted all the information from the last one we had from back in May so everything's still there Please don't talk about the arcade in here, talk about the other stuff I said in my original post...arcade talk in this topic: The arcade returns
  20. As a request from a whole multitude of members, I've brought back the Arcade, the good thing is I saved all the database info and games and everything so it means all our high scores and tournaments are still there. Let me know if you come across any bugs, although everything should be working because it's virtually the same as what we had before. I would make a longer post but I've already done that before and I'm pretty sure you all know how it works... don't think I need to say anything else so have fun! And set up some tournaments for each other to participate in
  21. Chris


    Alright, possibly tonight the arcade will be back.
  22. Chris

    Audi TT

    Nice model you've made there, do you have any other cars in the works at the moment?
  23. Chris


    Just added a final paragraph about a custom skin... And the suggestions forum will now only be for suggestions, problems will go on the problems forum.
  24. I envy you living in Scandinavia at winter, must be awesome with the amount of snow you guys get, imagine the fun!! I live in a poor area of town so nobody has decent house lights in my area. Most probably the video was made on computer, I reckon the guy took loads of pictures of his house with different lights on, then made a video with a synchronising program to overlap the images to make it look like many different combinations of lights were on.
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