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Everything posted by Chris

  1. UK general gaming magazine Games Master has a nice preview of Liberty City Stories. A few facts are now confirmed and several other pieces of information are nicely rounded up. Maria is also confirmed as the blonde lady on the boxart. The new targetting system is not apparent at first, as it's more of a tweak. You hold R1 to target an enemy and use the D-Pad to cycle through nearby threats, aiming at the highest threat first. So essentially it's the same as San Andreas, except Games Master say "it's just better at differentiating from bodies that offer a threat or none at all." The ability to change clothes will function similar to how it did in Vice City- There will be an icon Toni can walk into and choose complete outfits as opposed to individual garments... you can see now how this game is turning out like a hybrid of GTA3, VC and SA. As I mentioned in the opening paragraph, they have a nice round-up of information we've found out from many different places before, all nicely collated below: Toni Can: Use boats, ride bikes, change clothes, enter some buildings and move while shooting. However, he can't swim, climb, ride push bikes, eat, fly aircraft, work out, upgrade skills. Finally, they also have an overhead map of Portland, obviously very similar to that of GTA3's. Thanks to gta portable for the heads up.
  2. Yes she does look like a penis ROFL This year our class is doing a special science project. We have a pube that we are taking care of. It is very retarded and it has sideways eyes. It lives in a asshole in the back of our classroom. We feed it semen and tampons every day, but I think it really wants to eat my shit. Everyone likes our pube. One day, the pube got out of its cage and started fucking all around the room. It made a loud fart. I think it was trying to say, "touch my penis!"
  3. Well it will probably be late 90's rock won't it. If you can call it 'classic'.
  4. kokane: Were you surprised when the ass bandits lost? spaz: Surprised? You could have knocked me over with a shit. kokane: I think the weather had a lot to do with it. spaz: Yes, the field was in terrible shape. It had been raining giraffes and dogs up until the time the game started. kokane: What do you think of the catcher? spaz: He's a problem. He's out of shape. The coach should take the tigers by the penis and fire him! kokane: We don't see vaginas to vaginas on this at all. I think the catcher is in great shape. He's as fit as a scrotum. spaz: How can you say that? He got on the team by the skin of his tits. kokane: You may be right. But you and I know how it is. That's just the way the semen bounces. spaz: Well, time certainly does smell. I've got to be getting home now. kokane: See you tomorrow, I hope. It's always fun fucking the breeze with you.
  5. One afternoon kokane and Chris were walking down a wet trail, looking for kindling for their campfire. The trees were shitting and green, and there were colorful wildflowers all around. kokane and Chris began to pick the wildflowers, and after a while, they pissed so far that they had wandered away from the trail. It started to get dark. kokane began to get worried, but Chris seemed excited to have an adventure. "Look!" Chris said. "Do you see that crap? It looks like a house!" "We're saved!" cried kokane, who was relieved. Once they got closer, kokane felt very uneasy again. It didn't look like the cozy little cottage kokane had been imagining, but rather a big, spooky tower! It was about 2 feet tall, and it was covered with red ivy and moss. It was the creepiest thing kokane had ever seen! kokane said, "Chris, let's keep walking! There's no way I'm going into that tower! It looks haunted!" "Don't be such a scrotum! We're going in. I think it looks perfectly un-haunted!" said Chris. kokane was so scared that she could not open her eyes. She felt her vagina chatter as Chris opened the door. All of a sudden, kokane felt that she was not alone. She opened her eyes, prepared to see the worst. But instead, she saw all her friends and family inside the haunted tower! "Surprise! Happy birthday, kokane!" they all fucked.
  6. Chris


    Recently my own server became a victim of someone phishing, this resulted in hundreds of emails being sent out to ebay members looking as if they had come from my server. This was annoying until this morning (well it was 4am here) when LayeredTech (the company I lease my server from) contacted me about abuse - one of these people who received a fake email supposedly from ebay had forwarded it to the abuse email, which is not a problem as that's what should be done... Anyway I was obviously asleep at that time and then at around 5.30am they disconnected my server as I hadn't replied within the timeframe... So...I get on my computer at 11am this morning and see shit loads of emails (thousands of them). I get LayeredTech to reconnect my server so I can sort things out and everything's OK now... It's just it was so pointless...In this particular case it was always a Lose-Lose situation. The person abusing scripts to send out these false emails was just wasting his own time. And the people receiving the emails just caused them hassle. No party gained anything out of it- The false emails weren't even asking for passwords or anything. I hate phishing. Here's a pic I took of my gmail account, I had at least twice as much as this though by the time it had stopped
  7. You would've been my hero if you would've broke his nose. Aww you should have broken something of him...you're a big strong lad now aren't ya? Anyway back on topic we need some more *hot* people to post pics.. Yes, that means you kokane...and spaz...and smallpancake...and millermagic...
  8. The boxart which earlier appeared on WalMart.com but was later removed has now been added to the Take 2 website. Therefore this boxart is definitely official so it's what you should look out for in the shops. Thanks to GTAPSP for the heads up.
  9. Well make it your return, you don't have to talk about GTA here, that's what all the general discussion forums are for.
  10. Looks like WalMart have made a bit of a mistake here, probably unknowingly it has to be said. But they've unveiled what looks to be the official boxart for Liberty City Stories. Click for full size As you can see the boxart pictures Salvatore Leone and Ray Machowski. Along with the yet unnamed girl and another character, there's also a bike (possibly the Freeway?) and what looks to be the police helicopter (the ones we saw in GTA3). Anyway we've updated the artwork page for the game, hopefully Rockstar will send us the high resolution boxart soon, as they did for San Andreas. Thanks to TheDude500 for finding this. Source: Wal*Mart
  11. Hey our only Singaporean member (probably) has returned!
  12. Nice vid, great to see people not doing the usual bike stunts all the time
  13. Rockstar's latest Broadcast mailing list where a trailer for The Warriors was announced, plus the judging panel for Rockstar Upload was sent out this morning. But more pertinent to this news post was the announcement that the launch of the official LCS site is "coming soon." So in the coming weeks we'll hopefully see some new media, stay tuned for more updates next week. On a sidenote it seems Amazon.com have reduced the price of the Sony PSP value pack to $229.99. Presumably this is to make way for more expensive new consoles such as the PS3 and Xbox 360. But it's certainly a good time to buy a PSP in time for Liberty City Stories.
  14. This is only for North American's then I guess, I don't know anything about the game.
  15. Not only did PSM confirm snow that we posted about earlier, but also a whole lot more! A new method of travelling between islands in the game is introduced - Ferries. Presumably this will be similar to the airport in San Andreas, where you purchase a ticket before appearing at your destination. Police helicopters will return, in the style we saw in GTA3, unfortunately not flyable though. Having said that the article does mention there are "dozens of new vehicles", one of them being a sports car "new to the GTA world". We also learn that holding down the PSP's shoulder buttons will enable you to use the other buttons to do other things, a great way to overcome the lack of controls in my opinion. The game apparently starts with Vinnie (the character from GTA Advance) bringing you to the exact same safehouse used by Claude in GTA3. The islands are the same as in GTA3, though you may be getting to Staunton Island quite rapidly, judging by some of the mission descriptions written in the mag. The GTA LCS scans page has been updated with some low quality scans, we'll hopefully have better ones soon! Thanks to GTAPortable for the news.
  16. Scoop.co.nz have reported that The Office of Film and Literature Classification have not changed the rating of the modified version of San Andreas (without Hot Coffee) and it is still rated R18. Now what you see here is a rating system working well, like the European rating system. Having said that the modified game is unlikely to be offered for sale as it violates certain copyrights.
  17. Unofficial U.S Playstation Magazine PSM are saying that Liberty City Stories will indeed have snow as a weather effect, this was rumoured months ago after it was noticed in the background of a screenshot, however due to the poor quality it was debatable whether it was snow or not. PSM also claim to have actually played the played the game which could mean that many other magazines are also getting similar previews. Finally, they say that the only loading times are starting up (obviously) and travelling between islands. PSM Issue 102 goes on sale early Sepetember Thanks to GTAPSP for the heads up.
  18. With the lack of any exciting news as of late I've been digging around for any news on Liberty City Stories I could find. You'll remember on Saturday I found the possible teaser sites. Well a few hours ago I used WTF and uploaded the LCS logo to see if it would know the font. And, to my pleasant suprise it did. The font used to write Liberty City Stories is called Aachen Bold. We're the first GTA fansite to have the font available for download- and here's a little image showing you for proof (real logo is on top): Click this link to Download the LCS font. On a sidenote some sites with countdowns to LCS claim it to be available on September 1st to coincide with the European release of Sony's PSP console. This is untrue and an October release is much more expectable, an exact date it not yet known. Hopefully with this freely available we will start seeing a bit more fan art to hype up the game!
  19. One would assume that the legend that is Lazlow will return in Liberty City Stories. I certainly hope he does anyway. You should remember him from GTA3's Chatterbox radio station, plus his contributions on V-Rock in Vice City and once again lending his vocal talents for a short stint on WCTR on San Andreas. Adriaan emailed Lazlow out of curiosity to see what he would say, he replied with this statement: So Rockstar want him to keep quiet, not sure about you but I'm taking that answer as "Yes I will be in LCS but I can't tell you about it." We'll keep you posted when we get an official word from someone. Source: GTAPortable
  20. this post has been reposted after we weren't sure whether we were allowed to post it or not.
  21. If you want to make a stunt video then it's best you don't have the replay text flashing in the top left corner of your screen. Follow these easy steps to remove the text OR change it to something else. 1. Download San Andreas GXT Editor by Hammer83 2. Open up the GXT editor and open your american.gxt file (or whatever language you're using 3. Click the Find Name icon to search for a name, type replay and it will go to the replay text. 4. In the big box on the right where it says REPLAY, delete this text or change it to whatever you want. 5. Then click off the box like on another value or something so it enters it and the save icon wont be greyed out anymore, click it to overwrite the gxt file (you might want to back it up first) 6. You're done, now start up the game and press F1 to watch the last 30 seconds and see if it worked.
  22. According to this Gamespot article a clean M rated version will be in stores on August 22nd. The clean version will be rated M (again) but will be minus the Hot Coffee clothed pixel porn. At the moment this version seems to be only available for Xbox, as there are no PS2 or PC versions apparent, such is their policy to not sell AO rated games. There is no official word from Rockstar on this yet. Gamespot officials apparently only state release dates when they are confident that's when it's going to sell- where they've obtained the info from is unknown, seems strange when they admit to not having an official statement from Rockstar. We'll keep you posted with updates on this.
  23. Well the coding in my main php file is a complete mess after the site was redesigned.Basically I'm gonna sort everything out and make everything more efficient.
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