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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Spaz I said... i'm considering it ok?
  2. Yes thats true, but nevertheless that pic was too obviously gta3 to fool anyone.
  3. you're a n00b, stop it, be normal. post real fanart only.
  4. Montreal? I have no knowledge of Canadian or American cities
  5. depends what country you are in, helps if you tell us.
  6. thats a pic of GTA3 what the hell are you posting that for you n00b.
  7. Thank you kokane. You guys are n00bs, all of you in the Bloodz gang. Why do you disrupt quality topics like this one. Everybody carry on posting your mugshots and we'll have no more racist/fascist/sexist/ or any other derogatory comments. Thank you.
  8. Spaz you do realise the two skins have seperate banners now. It's a German made skin and Grey in German is spelt Greey.
  9. you're a n00b, has anybody actually got anymore fan art or am I just stuck with what i've got for ages.
  10. and a ferrari, the Cheetah is based on a Ferrari Testarossa
  11. hmm, I think we still have it uploaded to the archive_in directory used to install it, let me just check Yes, here it is: http://forums.thegtaplace.com/archive_in/s...OrangeGreey.tar
  12. Chris

    GTA Advance

    Hmm, yes apparently some of this missions have choices where you can choose to do it in one of two possible ways, although I believe the outcome is always the same but I guess it adds more depth to it.
  13. Yeah please don't, or i'll have to ban you. N00b. Anyway, Im thinking of preordering a PSP now, I have enough money, but, yeah if I buy that I'm not going to have much money left to pay the bills for this site. Argh.
  14. I'm talking about the entire site, forums included. I unbanned Spaz because I heard of him spamming less so it was a test to see if it was true, and he doesnt spam as much which is awesome. I actually like him now. Pyro was also unbanned but he didnt want to come back here but apparently he still spams so I don't really care. Pagan I think I still have him banned but nevertheless I dont think he wanted to return either.
  15. 1. Yes he was called Sonny Forelli 2. Joeys missions were about pissing off the Triads weren't they, damn i've forgotten too. Well anyway, the Don of the Mafia in GTA3 was Salvatore Leone, so the Leone family Mafia.. Your fanfic is amazing.
  16. No, you've taken that from the GTASA conspiracy forums, I saw that picture posted there.
  17. Would you stop being such a fool by posting one word posts. You are a n00b. Where have you come from? I'm considering banning you, you've racked up 48 posts in around an hour of joining here, the majority of which are just a few words and you use instant messenger slang to make things even worse. Geez Stay on topic please.
  18. I have some questions for bigfoot believers that I would like answered by YOU, not by non believers with witty comments. First of all, WHY do you believe there is a bigfoot? WHAT gave you the idea there is a bigfoot? WHY can't you accept the fact he doesn't exist? The hex code has been scanned by many people now and it is CONFIRMED he does NOT exist. WHY do you still believe he does? And finally, do you realise how stupid it would be putting a mythical creature into a game trying to be as realistic as possible? Your logic is flawed, nobody has any evidence that will suffice to say he exists.
  19. Meh, I just read over what I wrote in that first post and I did a good job of portraying the depressed, suicide-esque school kid. I would never consider it though. Never. Oh and I edited that post and answered your question on what I.T stands for, dunno what you rednecks call it.
  20. By I.T I mean Information Technology. Computers and the like, ya know? I'm not always lazy, I know my parents would beg to differ. I guess I lack enthusiasm to do certain things, I require inspiration. I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to doing things I don't particularly want to do. I also hate doing menial tasks. I'm not doing myself any favours having this pessimistic attitude either so I should stop that. I should be able to catch up, I will catch up. I guess this has kinda got me depressed more than anything before. I dont know why. It's not like i'm one of those freaks who try to commit suicide the whole time. I'm glad I have you guys on the forums to talk to though.
  21. when you say it like that it doesnt sound too bad, well, for me, i've always thought of boarding schools as a crappy place to go. I hate school though. I always have, and i'm not just saying that, the only part I like about it is the social aspect. Thats it.
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