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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah i'm better now, I am almost up to date with my chemistry coursework, the geography assignment i didnt have to do, and i've caught up with my maths. Physics the teacher is stupid and has a monotone voice and he doesnt seem to care at the moment. Still have English to do though which is lame, I have to do an essay on 'Educating Rita', has anyone read that or seen the film production? it's British so I don't s'pose many of you have. If you have can you help me if you did coursework on it? At the moment I dont think there is any other coursework
  2. Spaz look at this fascinating range of a huge 8 wallpapers here http://www.thegtaplace.com/sanandreas/wallpapers.php surely you can create some better ones for me. Since you are so awesome and everybody wants to be your friend Did I inspire you?
  3. You are banned now, EVERY post you have made so far has been off-topic. Anybody else who posts anything off topic will have there post deleted. I'm not putting up with anybody else who is blatantly jealous and feels the need to make us look unprofessional. I would like to post some GTA4 wallpapers on GTAFour.net, so could people please make some, thanks.
  4. We lack awesome graphic artists here, if anybody knows people as good as ToM and Dennis, be sure to invite them here so we can get some competitions going.
  5. yeah but since weapons are an integral part of the game it can be seperate from the wishlist which is just a generalisation. The same with vehicles, if someone makes a topic about that, we should let it stay aside from the wishlist, since they are also a major part of the game.
  6. This is a viable topic, quite nice to see suggestions from other members about what weapons they would like to see in the game. Personally, I think the system will stay the same where you cant actually see what weapons he has, but there will obviously be much more variety of weapons. probably more melee weapons, such as knives and bricks and other projectiles which you'd be able to pick up and throw. As for guns, I think just adding to what was in San Andreas would be conceivable. Perhaps an AK-74 might be a welcome addition to the AK47 and M4 already available, I would like to see a couple more sniper rifles too.
  7. Yes, I don't like remembering that, lets remember good things
  8. I beg to differ. Also the warn level for you was 30%, but I just lowered it.
  9. yes you mean reminiscing, meh, you should have another rap competition, that was funny
  10. Would you stop posting off topic everywhere you n00b, i'll have to ban you if you do it once more.
  11. thank you for that valuable input pyro, you seem to be posting on random occasions.
  12. Chris

    GTA4 Forum

    oscar's been here for over 2 months, are you blind. Oh and if you hadn't noticed, the site is getting more active every week. What with the speculation on GTA PSP and further games in the series. Plus the PC and Xbox release dates are getting ever closer, When SA hits the PC, there will be an influx of visitors looking for mods.
  13. Chris

    GTA4 Forum

    No we don't need spam, nor in the GTA4 forum...
  14. Stop trashing topics and post wishes, and stop commenting on how gay/crap/stupid/retarded someones ideas are.
  15. I'm sure we could sort something out like this. I would probably enter it too though
  16. Yeah I understand what your saying, for anyone who doesnt: The game will probably be called GTA4, however, the city it's set in may be one of the ones mentioned above, Carcer, Tokyo, or Bogota.
  17. Chris


    Under the section entitled "Users and Groups" is an option called "Custom Profile Fields" Click that and you'll see what to do.
  18. In GTA3 it mentions stuff about Tokyo and Bogota, may I point out though that Rockstar dont own ANY domains related to any of these cities, or Carcer City for that matter. And that is why I got a domain for GTA4 and not one of these cities, if they were planning on using one of those cities they surely would have got a domain for it by now.
  19. This little ongoing argument between you two is getting ridiculous, countless topics are being spammed with your petty repartees. I would suggest you both abstain from this immediately, or I will be taking action tomorrow.
  20. Oh yes she has now gained my worship because of that picture
  21. Ha, not many people notice this one. You think it's called Cobra Martial Arts right? Well look closely, it's actually called Cobra Marital Arts. You know as your marital status (married or not)
  22. yeah it's mentioned in SA too, start up a new game a check the cities you can fly to on the airport wall. I'll get a pic in a minute, its in the opening cutscene.
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