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Everything posted by Chris

  1. yes, how the hell do you know all this stuff? I've told so few people about Switch and the fact he has a job yet you seem to know everything and BTW we are in the top 20
  2. Well, I had nothing to do today (again...)(Well I did actually but for part of it) and so I retardedly decided to research some statistics of popular GTA sites. I just wondered really how big you think we are in terms of statistics, hits, page views etc. Say there are 50 GTA sites, 1 being the most visited, 50 being the least, where do you think we rank? I will say later where we actually are.
  3. among intellectually challenged
  4. Sorry there is already a topic for this please go here and post instead - http://forums.thegtaplace.com/index.php?showtopic=1429 (some of those secrets are already posted too) Topic Closed
  5. Sig: 4/5 Av: 4/5 Personality: Egotist? well, he puts the title of 'Webmaster' under his avatar to fool new and/or gullible people into thinking he owns the place, In addition to this he shares my name as so could inadvertently cause unwanted confusion with members. bleh. EDIT: this is actually for chris82, you posted literally seconds before me bryan
  6. never noticed it myself, what's the pic you posted? It's broken.
  7. Congratulations, i'm sure tommy vercetti guy will appreciate you posting a photoshopped picture you know "it really makes him mad when someone thinks he's an idiot"
  8. everywhere. Skyline787 thought
  9. Yes somebody has that, I checked that one, just no site put on it yet.
  10. Because when they are enabled we get loads of traffic from people downloading stuff and it makes the server load skyrocket, since my host wasn't happy I implemented a script which disables them once the server load has gone over a certain limit. Then it's up to me to re-enable them once I think the server load has got back down to a stable level. I'll enable them right now if you wanna download stuff
  11. so has anyone got this yet, I would have never worked it out if I hadn't of beaten up Spaz and forced him to tell me how to get it
  12. bigfoot does not exist! sorry, had to do that Its just I thought it had been confirmed he doesnt, but anyway i'll let you carry on, I have seen hundreds of people who, like you, believe bigfoot exists so good luck finding him!
  13. ah so its they who own that domain, thats the one I wanted to get for the site. But yeah thanks anyway. I would assume that the next GTA is a long way off and we have no idea of the name of it either, i'm just hoping it is GTA4 otherwise i'll have to fork out another £5 on another domain
  14. Chris

    GTA Advance

    Anyone got this and/or played it? Just wondering if it's actually any good. I can't believe it would be, especially as the PSP version is completely totally betterer. From Rockstar's point of view I can understand why they made it, it's just to me it seems rather like a wasted effort now that it's out. Anyone else feel the same way?
  15. Meh, ironically if it was made with a much bigger screen they'd get complaints that it's too big and rendered non-portable. Everything these days is a compromise between certain factors
  16. name glow has been removed because it didnt work and stuff other items are being fixed/added by millermagic, ask him to put stuff in the store if you want it, like gta stuff not name glow shite, hes in charge of it now.
  17. Chris

    GTA4 Forum

    yes Spasmod good to see you have acknowledged the fact you are liked
  18. oh yeah I think i've fixed it all now
  19. can anyone do some fake screens for the site?
  20. Joyrider did you see my post in the 1 year forum anniversary topic?
  21. Ah what a great way to bring us back on topic, seriously though, it is gonna be amazing just to know that we are now able to play GTA literally wherever we go, like even underwater if they made the PSP waterproof, that would be cool.
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