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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Not really. User reviews are almost always exaggerated one way or the other. Most of the negative reviews of IV are for the PC version, and rightly so, it was a terrible port when it first came out and everyone knows that. It took what, 7 or 8 patches or whatever to get it to a semi-decent stage? Big Rigs as you said could not get a real positive review ever. As you said it's all just trolls after it achieved a some what of cult status for just how bad it was. So to answer your question, no, it's not humiliating or sad. IV's score is from mostly realistic reviews and brought down by it's PC version. BR's score is brought up by trolls. A winner is you!
  2. My actual id is ChrisJP88 btw, but yeah the display name search is stupid because it's different and you can't add people like that. I'm usually LazyPyro in all gaming related stuff so that's why it's my display name on Steam. Also, everyone join our official group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheGTAPlace
  3. Anyone use Game Center? What are your usernames?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chris


      What exactly do you need Flash for? Flash sucks.

    3. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      Well, HTML5 is way better, but most of the websites still use Flash.

    4. EvoLuTioN


      Night pictures for one..

  4. Awesome race!

    1. Chris


      Formula 1. Sorry, too high class for Eastern Europeans isn't it? :P

    2. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      Here they broadcast F1 every fuckin sunday, but I never watch :P

    3. EvoLuTioN


      Silly Button .. entering RBR pitstop.. So silly.. he no rbr y he no rembr?

  5. iPad 2 arrived! Happyface. It's at my Dad's house. Sadface.

  6. My iPad 2 has finally shipped! Over a week earlier than expected :D

    1. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      I think I'll also get an iPad 2... When Apple release the iPad 9. :(

  7. Thanks SV. @Evo: Don't worry about the other Hindi translation. Was looking at Analytics a bit more this evening and I saw that almost 100% of Indians are using US or UK English. Barely any at all are using Hindi or any other language. Seems pretty pointless to do any Hindi translations if no one will use it.
  8. That was an idea I toyed with before opening each site but I thought it would be better to keep them as entirely separate entities. i.e. I thought it would be weird going to The GTA Place for forums/info etc. on games that aren't GTA. In hindsight, it probably would have been more beneficial for us to have created a Rockstar fansite, but at the time I had first thought of doing this, the only franchise they had that wasn't GTA was Midnight Club - I'd never played those games, so for me Rockstar Games was just Grand Theft Auto. Now we've got a ton of other awesome games, and the sheer number of Rockstar fansites popping up is testament to that. I personally think it's too late to join that game now. Unless we could put in hundreds/thousands of hours into the site and have a lot of unique content, I can't see many people choosing us over others. It would pretty much just be people from here.
  9. Wow, had no idea that was even broken. The flag link has now been fixed, clicking it will take you to the page Gerard is talking about above.
  10. Thanks SV and Damjan, Portuguese and Macedonian translations are now up. SV can you translate the guest part too please? Thanks guys.
  11. Chris

    R* Hacked?

    Meh, I doubt anything will happen. As we know well enough, R* don't comment on "rumour and speculation" so there will never been any comment on whether the "leaked" info is true or fabricated. Also it's supposed to be development stuff... chances are this sort of thing will change so it'll become irrelevant then.
  12. Must be some somewhere, considering your beloved grandtheftauto.no and vicecity.no closed down years ago, where did you all go after that?
  13. Lazy Ivan haha. Thanks SV, will get that up soon. Can you do the guest one too? Thanks again.
  14. @Samil: Thanks mate, will add that in a minute. Btw I'm gonna change salut to bună because I'm cool like that @little_homer: I was literally just changing the functionality of the flags around the time you made that post. Should all be working now.
  15. @Evo: lol ok thanks. This is ridiculous to write btw, I have to put in all the HTML entities instead of the actual "letters" or whatever you call them. Look at the source code of your post to see what I mean, luckily I can just copy and paste that @little_homer: Ok great, thanks. If you look on the homepage now do you see the Finnish text? I'm currently doing this by IP address so it should detect you're in Finland - not always 100% reliable though. @Samil: You can do the Romanian one if you want, kokane is kinda busy lol.
  16. Thanks guys I'll have these languages up shortly. It would be helpful if you could guys could underline the words for the links though, especially for the non Latin or Germanic based languages since I can't even guess them, Finnish looks crazy! @Evo: Google Translate? Is that reliable though, it all makes sense? Also can you write "Hindi" in Hindi where [language] is please @little_homer: Using Google Translate for this but can you confirm Keskustelupalstalla = forums, kansainvälinen palsta = international forum, modaus osiolla = mod database? Because I need to know what to link @Samil, Miles: LOL, I wish I knew enough to translate it myself. But no, I'm asking kokane since she's helped me with learning some stuff already. But I seem to have quite a few Romanian friends so it's no problem finding someone to translate @Ivan: Thanks, Portugal is fairly high on the list so this would be useful.
  17. Dammit I just made a slight change to it again before you posted that, sorry! That will still work though, and thanks, I actually meant for you to put Português where [language] was, should probably make that clear in the notes.
  18. Awesome thanks, Brazil is one of the most popular countries so it's good to get this one. I'll PM you about something in a minute. Also I'm just adding an extra sentence to the forum part which I meant to put earlier
  19. Text to translate NOTES: - Please leave the following things in English: GTA, The GTA Place, Grand Theft Auto - Please use correct spelling and grammar, accents on letters if necessary etc. - Formal or casual? This should be written fairly casually, as if you were talking to a friend. - Where [language] is used you can write the name of your language, for example Português if you were doing the Portuguese translation. Returning User Guest That's all for now. Depending on the number of people we get helping, we'll most likely also translate the download database text, maybe some other things as well. Thanks!
  20. These are the most popular languages we're seeing. Do you speak one of these fluently? If so, you may post translations here for us. Arabic Bulgarian Croatian Czech Danish Dutch - done Estonian Filipino Finnish - done French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Indonesian Italian Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian - done Malaysian Norwegian Polish Portuguese - done Portuguese (Brazilian) - done Romanian - done Russian Serbian Slovakian Spanish - done Swedish Thai Turkish Vietnamese Don't see your language there? No worries, you can still provide translations for us, just let me know what language you speak and what countries it should be shown to.
  21. For those of you who aren't aware, The GTA Place gets huge amounts of international traffic. While traffic from English speaking countries is remaining fairly consistent, traffic from numerous non-English ones is rising. Massively. What we're finding is a large amount of these users only come here for the downloads, then they leave. In an effort to encourage some of these users to hang around a bit longer, I've decided to translate parts of the main website (into as many languages as you guys want). Of course this is not something I can do myself. "Why not use Google Translate?" You might ask. Well it's nowhere near perfect, not for paragraphs of text where context is not understood. So, I need your help for this. In the second post is a list of the top 30 or so languages we see our visitors using, if you speak ANY of these, please let me know. The second post also contains the text we need translated, so if you like, just post the translations here and I'll get them up as soon as possible. To anyone who will be providing translations: PLEASE ensure you've used correct spelling and grammar, and, if necessary, the proper alphabet (accents on letters, Cyrillic characters etc.) Thanks to anyone who provides translation help, we'll give you some sort of translator honour for this
  22. Speak another language? Which one (and which country)?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nate10


      Hahahahah oh god I can't stop laughing. XD Please let there be a country Chris absolutely hates.

    3. Chris


      Unfortunately we've NEVER had a visitor from North Korea. Ever. I guess they don't know about GTA there :(

    4. Chris


      There's a few other countries I dislike though. :)

  23. Yes, including a fairly high profile Australian news website (NineMSN - slide 11) - funny thing is the caption there got changed from "Gay Theft Auto" to "Girl theft auto" - Did they think they would offend people or something?
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