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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Yeah, unfortunately us and GTAGaming were the only English sites that went along with it so it didn't get as widespread as we hoped. Still, was better than doing nothing I think. And yeah looking at your join date you weren't around then, we became the gayest GTA site out there, but hey at least people can't complain of any homophobia here
  2. Ha. Well, sorry to disappoint you, it's after 12pm now so not much point taking this any further This was actually supposed to be bigger, numerous other GTA sites were supposed to post the same story to make it more believable, some dropped out, some ran their own jokes... so yeah... Last year's was ok wasn't it, though the most fun was our 2009 one in my opinion For anyone who doesn't know/remember, past jokes we've run were: 2006: http://www.gtachicago.com 2009: http://www.thegtaplace.com/april/2009.php 2010: http://www.thegtaplace.com/april/2010.php
  3. UPDATE: As you probably realised, yes, this was just an April Fools' joke. Credit to GTANF for the idea, and shout-outs to GTAGaming, GTANetwork.it, GTA Légende, and GTAForums.fr for joining in! It seems that the Grand Theft Auto series will have a new home very shortly, as Activision started takeover procedures of Take-Two today. Earlier, the Call of Duty publisher began buying majority shares in Take-Two and formally started the takeover. While catching us slightly off guard, this isn't entirely surprising news as it was revealed back in February that Activision were looking to acquire Take-Two, however, nothing came to fruition from this as it was later said that Take-Two "didn't fulfil requirements" that Activision had laid out. Once the takeover is complete, Activision will own all the studios that are currently under Take-Two's control - as you're probably aware, Rockstar Games is just one of those studios. Additionally, Activision will claim ownership rights of IP's including Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead, Max Payne, Mafia and BioShock. This could have major implications on the future of the GTA series. It's not currently known what plans Activision have for it, but we can safely say they will keep it going. Will they be pumping out below-par GTA games once a year just to keep profits steady? Or will they keep things going as they at the moment? Feel free to fire off your own comments below.
  4. învăţ română :)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Samil


      This is going crazy...

    3. Chris


      da, romana este mai bine :)

    4. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      Não se esqueça do Exército Tupiniquim e nossos cocos, arcos e flechas!

  5. UPDATE: Tweet button also added. Modified the news headings to better fit all the stuff in. I made a small addition to TGTAP's website today, in the form of the Facebook like button. This is seen in two places, individual news stories (example) and mod downloads (example). Clicking the like button on a download will post a link to it on your wall and allow you to comment on it. Similarly, clicking the like button on a news story will also post the link to your wall so you can easily share it with friends. We hope people will take advantage of this simpler way of sharing links, and get more of their friends interested or at least aware of the GTA games, and of course, TGTAP. We have a number of other improvements in the pipeline, some big, some small. These will all be announced in due time. So keep an eye out for further developments. We aim to get everything done before GTAV's announcement so we can focus our coverage solely on the game while it's in development.
  6. iPad 2 finally ordered!

    1. Gerard
    2. Gerard


      Jokes, I want one

  7. No. That's one of the fansite webmasters care packages from Rockstar. The stickers and compliments slip are real but the case artwork is a decent fake someone made a couple of years ago which he's printed out. At about 40 seconds into the video you can see the UMD is actually Liberty City Stories. EDIT: According to his YouTube profile he's from Sweden - only Swedish GTA site I know of is gtasajten.com so it's probably one of the admins from there. Sorry to be the party pooper for whoever's joke it was but the LCS disk was a big give-away anyway. Should have done it for April Fools though EDIT 2: You're from Sweden and this is your first post. LOL. Well that was a massive waste of time writing this post. Oh well...
  8. Most visitors to TGTAP are Eastern Europeans, well Romanians at least. Too bad more of you don't post here, vorbesc putina romana
  9. UPDATE: This story was originally sourced from a satirical gaming website, but passed on as fact by many larger gaming networks. That is to say this is confirmed false. Interesting story making the rounds today as Gilbert Gottfried, so-called "funnyman" and "actor", apparently tweeted this: "just found out I'm voicing the lead in grand theft auto 5! also I hate japan lol." Rather tellingly, nobody thought to screencap the tweet, and it doesn't appear in Google's cache of his Twitter feed. Based on Gottfried's previous tweets making fun of the earthquake/tsunami in Japan, it's possible he never actually said this and it's just a publicity stunt or random attempt at comedy. I actually had to IMDb him just to find out who he was, nothing noteworthy at all there. He certainly doesn't seem like the sort of person who'd play the lead in a videogame like GTA, a minor character is much more likely, his (hear his real voice at ) would actually be well suited to a character used for comedic relief.Regardless of how much truth lies in this phantom tweet, if any, I'm not sure we really need "confirmation" that GTA5 exists - it's safe to assume it does. Various guesstimates on when we'll have an official announcement are flying around, but as of yet the game does not officialy exist, we'll just have to continue being patient for now. Source: TheNobleEskimo [via CVG]
  10. @Gerard: Yeah I head that about Skullcandy, build quality not so good. @Matt: My last pair were a Sony, actually I still have them, pretty standard though. @Llama: Yeah I've been looking at Sennheiser and in fact I'm definitely gonna go with them. I see some CX 500's were brought out after that, but were since discontinued and replaced by CX 400 (weirdly). So yeah I'm looking at these right now. Yes, in white. Oh and I did look at the CX 880's but I can't justify 50 quid for headphones when I don't use them that much really, most of the time I'm listening to music I'm at home.
  11. I've been thinking about making this post for a while now, I kept putting it off, making myself believe it would be worthwhile to keep all TGTAP's network sites open, telling myself I could make them popular some day. First off, I should say that The GTA Place will NOT be closing down, don't worry about that. What is likely to happen, though, is the closing down of our network sites: AlanWake.co.uk, Red Dead Place, and Payne Killers. I'm making this post to explain my viewpoint on it all. You're all welcome to add your comments on the matter. The truth is, I simply don't have the time to put into these sites anymore. As you've all no doubt seen, my time spent on TGTAP has decreased a lot over the last year, and while I've maintained my presence here, I can't say the same for the other sites I created. While some of you have helped out with moderating, and in some cases posting news and content too (rockstarrem and Evo in particular), for which I've been grateful for, it's clear that a solid team is needed for each website, rather than just one of us attempting to keep it active every so often. I've left the 3 sites open until now, the forums on each of them died and were flooded with spam, and I've in fact turned the forums offline now since they weren't being used. AlanWake.co.uk This was the first site I decided to launch outside of the GTA series. Launched in October 2005 as AlanWakeCentral, the site was renamed to AlanWake.co.uk in January 2006. It had a promising start, with many members from TGTAP helping to populate the forums, and recognition from other fansites, Remedy Games, and the community as whole. Unfortunately, Remedy decided to take over AlanWake.net (at the time the biggest fansite) and turn it into the official community. When a company does this during a game's development cycle, it generally kills most fansites, particularly smaller ones. Competing with an "official" community is near impossible unless you have a lot of unique content to offer, something that actually is impossible when you're covering a game that hasn't even been released. This is the reason for the death of this website, it was simply impossible to maintain a popular following. Other fansites had an advantage of piggybacking on the success of their Max Payne fansites (Remedy's previous games), we didn't. Payne Killers Due to recent news, this website will stay online. Red Dead Place After returning from getting a hands-on preview of RDR with other GTA webmasters in New York, I immediately got to work on a Red Dead fansite, having loved what I saw of the game. With news of other webmasters also starting up Red Dead sites, it seemed like this would be one site that would actually do well. And it did alright for a while. Once again we had a decent start with many TGTAP members joining the forums, frequent news updates and exclusive updates from Rockstar meant that we, and other fansites, could all build up a pretty decent following. While the forums growth slowed down greatly, readers to the website stayed fairly consistent. Unfortunately, on returning to university to start my final year, I lacked the time to put any more effort into the website, and since then, any readers have since moved on to other fansites. The way I see it is that there are better fansites out there for these games. Since I, and others, don't have the time to put into the sites to provide unique and interesting content and a decent place for discussion, it seems pointless to compete with them. I'd rather spend my spare time concentrating on making The GTA Place better, with the majority of my time spent on unrelated apps / web projects where I can hopefully make decent money from. So right now I don't have a date in mind for switching these sites off so to speak, could be tomorrow, could be in a month, I don't know. I suppose I'll wait and see what you guys say about it. So, feel free to leave any comments.
  12. Sorry to hijack your thread but I'm also looking for some decent headphones, in-ear ones actually, for use with iPod/phone/pad since I lost the Apple ones that came with my iPod. Ones with decent bass would be good. Which do you have Llama?
  13. Fag Club? I think you'll find homophobia is against the rules here. British cock heads? You mean Canadian. Rockstar Toronto developed the PC version. Canadian cock heads.
  14. Try this: download link And let me know if it works, I haven't tested it myself.
  15. I've been thinking more about this, and I've come to the conclusion it's probably going to be more worthwhile to develop a web app, compatible on all devices, as opposed to writing two native apps. As long as it's optimised well enough we won't have any of the issues I previously mentioned. @Matt, the mobile skin for IPB is heavily based on the iOS UI. I think it looks good though, regardless of what device you're viewing it on.
  16. Website advertising networks are shitheads

    1. Samil
    2. Huckleberry Pie

      Huckleberry Pie

      Yep, agreed. Most of the ads that I see on The Pirate Bay and several other sites were work-at-home scams that use Google's name for illegal purposes.

  17. Seems like someone's been looking into Rockstar Games' domain purchasing history and stumbled across something that might be of interest to GTA fans. Self-proclaimed internet-sleuth @supererogatory has discovered five domains registered by Rockstar that sound like they are taking the piss out of real life companies - exactly what Rockstar are known to do in the GTA series, and all the more relevant since GTA IV introduced its own in-game internet. The links below go to the WHOIS details of each domain. CashForDeadDreams.com SixFigureTemps.com StopPayingYourMortgage.net HammersteinFaust.com LifeInvader.com It's worth noting that Rockstar have privately registered these domains, hiding their email address and physical address, something that they have never previously chosen to do. Some people have pointed out that this could just be anyone registered the domains for fun, since anyone can put their company name as "Rockstar Games". While I concede that this does seem a little sketchy, personally, I think it's improbable that this is just some prankster... The domains were registered at NetSol, a registrar typically used by businesses as opposed to individuals, and the registrar Rockstar now use for their domains. Domain registration costs $35/year at NetSol, plus an additional $10/year for privacy. Each domain was registered for 5 years. At the time of posting, current prices and discounts would put the total cost of this order somewhere around $700-$800. Is there really someone out there willing to spend that much money on a hoax? Personally, I doubt it. The real question is whether or not they are to do with GTA V. If we assume they are, then it does confirm one thing - the game will be set in modern day, or at the very least the mid-late 90s when the internet started to take off. That said, there is of course the possibility that even if the domains are owned by Rockstar, they may have nothing to do with the next GTA. In the end all we can say is that only time will tell. Still, it's an interesting discovery, and one which is sure to raise interest in GTA V. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think they are owned by Rockstar? And if so, do you think they are related to GTA V? One final note: It's worth pointing out that while Rockstar do own gta5.com, the domain gtav.com is owned by a domain squatter. If Rockstar go with this name for the game, they will acquire the domain from him (with relative ease), and we'll notice a change in the WHOIS details, so that's something to keep an eye on. Credit to BeefJack.com for passing this on.
  18. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jf1093
    3. EvoLuTioN


      Chris gets a lotta ass..

    4. JustADummy


      he's way too lazy to get laid, he got laid of himself maybe.

  19. Well what jf said is right even if he did fuck up the weight, the point is you wouldn't be able to get ALL the kittens on it quick enough. Unless, the T-rex was asleep and they co-ordinated a mass pile on and enough managed to get on before it could get to its feet... then I guess it would suffocate. If the T-Rex was awake then I think it would just scare them all off, and eat a few if they weren't quick enough. Dinosaurs are srs bzns
  20. That's true. Would you like to help out on TGTAP as well then Evo?
  21. If we do this we need people with good spelling and grammar, preferably with some experience of writing, too. Would you be up for this or were you just making the suggestion?
  22. now running Android on my HD2. Finally something that runs smoothly! A phone I can actually use :D

  23. I meant to add in the first post the benefits of a native app as opposed to a website: Can be better/easier to use - will have same UI you are used to in other apps Quicker - rather than loading the whole site it will only load the data it needs to show Less memory usage - As with the above point, doesn't need a whole web browser to load the entire page I dunno, personally I think the GTPlanet app is quite good as an initial starting point if we were to do the same thing. It's a pretty simple app and thus effective at allowing users to quickly create/read topics etc. We can of course make it look a little prettier while keeping the overall look of each phone's UI. But yeah I hope to have quite a few more responses in the next few days to see how others feels. And like I said in the first post let me know if you know Java and/or have experience writing Android apps.
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