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Everything posted by Chris

  1. FUCK YEAH! Internet arguments! Feel free to carry on. I'm actually kind of curious to see just how long it takes for it to reach a conclusion anyway. I have no idea what it's about though, tl;dr and I doubt it's very interesting. Anyone care to sum it up in a couple of sentences?
  2. I have added a few URLs to the blacklist but I'm not sure this will do much to combat the spammers. Besides, there's hundreds of those sites out there, they'll probably just use different domains. With the popularity of sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Metacafe et al. always rising, video conversion software is only going to get more popular too since people still own shitty hardware that can't play back widely used standards these days. Not really sure what else we can do at the moment. And as you may have noticed I unfortunately don't have much time for this or any other of my sites right now.
  3. installed Facebook for Windows Phone

    1. EvoLuTioN
    2. Damjan


      What "Windows Phone"? Me haz Touch2.

    3. Chris


      fucking shitty facebook thing keeps syncing this status to tgtap lol... i have a HTC HD2

  4. It runs flawlessly for me... reinstall?
  5. Just for the sake of it? Sure, go ahead. Can't promise we'll use it though... so don't be offended if we don't!
  6. Woo!! Lacuna Coil on 1st October!! :D

  7. Like Gerard I'm returning to Staffs for my final year. Hope it goes quick because I really can't be arsed with it much more... I don't really learn anything there and it's a boring place to be.
  8. You're obviously not "a very good player" then are you... And it's not a very prominent complaint either. Show me all these things you've read of people talking about it.
  9. Sherman why did you actually move?... never talked to you about it
  10. Yeah Germany will probably win. But I would prefer Netherlands. Hopefully a Netherlands-Germany final. That would be awesome.
  11. Worked fine for myself and Gerard. If Firefox says anything about confirming a security exception then do that (both TGTAP and Facebook are fine - the code is all Facebook's and IPB's, not mine). And yes, the preview thing is supposed to be clicked (I think), but we can make it so this happens when you hover over it, if people would prefer this?
  12. Rockstar have updated the multiplayer social club events calendar for July - September 2010. Games being played in the events include both The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, as well as Red Dead Redemption. The full list of events is as follows (taken from the Rockstar Newswire): Tuesday, July 13 (4-7PM Eastern) Red Dead Redemption For PlayStation 3 on PlayStation Network Join us for this Red Dead event on PlayStation Network, playing all game modes including the Outlaws to the End Co-Op Missions DLC. Friday, July 23 (4-7PM Eastern) Red Dead Redemption For PlayStation 3 on PlayStation Network Saturday, July 24 (1-4PM Eastern) Red Dead Redemption For Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE A back-to-back weekend of western wildness. Grab your mount, choose a title and load your rifle. This should be a great doubleheader of Red Dead on PSN and XBL. Thursday, August 12 (4-7PM Eastern) Episodes from Liberty City For PlayStation 3 on PlayStation Network We're taking it back to the streets of Liberty City on PSN. Expect plenty of GTA Races, Team Deathmatch, Witness Protection and more. Also keep an eye out for a special giveaway during this event to be announced. Friday, August 27 (4-7PM Eastern) Red Dead Redemption For Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE Sharpen your skills with the best rifle and pistol in your arsenal and bring it. Thursday, September 9 (4-7PM Eastern) Red Dead Redemption For PlayStation 3 on PlayStation Network Join us on PSN. Stay tuned for some special announcements and surprises - rest assured that we''ll be riding out and playing any and all Red Dead DLC during our events as they get released. Friday, September 24 (4-7PM Eastern) Red Dead Redemption For Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE Posse up on Xbox LIVE. The first Red Dead event for autumn will include giveaways and more. Thursday, September 30 (4-7PM Eastern) Episodes from Liberty City For Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE Tearing up LC online from Algonquin to Alderney. Ready your Buzzards and APCs folks, it's going to be an explosive evening. Also look out for a special giveaway during this event. Gamertags/PSNs will be posted on the Rockstar Newswire the day before each event. You can also keep an eye on the Social Club Multiplayer page.
  13. Oh yeahhhh I fixed updates... go me!!! :D

    1. EvoLuTioN
    2. JustADummy


      Finally the lazy have awaken! :P Good job Chris.

    3. Samil


      Thumbs up! :D

  14. I remember when this was requested by members along time ago when you guys negatively responded on how " gay " it was. Actually this was our opinion on shoutboxes. Although we wouldn't have used the word 'gay' to describe it.
  15. I can't work out if you're a real person or just some weirdly kinda clever spam :/
  16. testing status updates again....

  17. Chatroom will be working now but we only have a 5 user limit at the moment. This will be increased soon.
  18. Status updates aren't working properly

  19. PLEASE POST ANY BUGS YOU FIND Stuff we know already Recent status updates in the sidebar doesn't show anything User profile CSS {Post reserved to add additional information}
  20. Considering R* aren't/weren't there... no. But it would have been cool to do that yeah Still, got all these to play before V is even announced: CoD: Black Ops Medal of Honor Battlefield BC3 Killzone 3 Resistance 3 Gran Turismo 5 F1 2010 Portal 2 Crackdown 2 Gears of War 3 and probably some more I've forgotten...
  21. Sure, I would fucking love to have a staff member whose username is anus that would be so epic. To become an administrator, simply send an email to me with the following details: First Name Middle Name (if you have one) Last Name Mother's maiden name Your NIN/SSN Credit card number and CC2 Name of your first school Name of your best childhood friend Favourite teacher Favourite colour Pets names Date of Birth The full address of your current house You don't have to give all of them, but the more you give the better your chance of becoming admin. We need all of these details to employ you.
  22. Dunno what I will do if we lose to the fucking USA today. That would just be ridiculous, and frankly, if that happens, we don't even deserve to be in the World Cup. Football is our game, we invented it... if we get beaten by a country in which football isn't even popular... then... yeah... :/ So, England better make me proud to be English today
  23. To be honest I haven't been keeping up to date on what teams are on form right now. But I think I'm correct in saying France aren't that good anymore. Don't really know anything about Uruguay though... match could go either way I guess. 1 hour til kick off now.
  24. Apparently it was shit anyway I actually missed a fair bit of the first game too but saw both goals so that was ok. Also, fuck Argentina... sure they have a good team, but being English I can never support them, you know... Maradona... fucking dickhead
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