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Everything posted by Chris

  1. World Cup 2010 topic has been made. Post there!

  2. So the World Cup is now underway in South Africa, good start for them but unlucky not to win it. Who are YOU supporting in the World Cup and why? Of course I'll be rooting for England... given the fact I am... English If your country isn't in this year, who are you cheering for? Talk about the event, the matches, anything to do with the World Cup in this topic!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgmpdQLUSBs
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XVZujdk038
  5. Fans expecting an announcement for the next GTA will be disappointed to hear that Rockstar Games will not be showing anything at this year's E3 in Los Angeles. A company spokesperson told C&VG that Rockstar will be focussing efforts on it's own "dedicated press rounds" when the company is ready to make announcements. Rockstar were due to show off the very under-the-wraps Max Payne 3 and dark, gritty, period piece L.A. Noire. Just a couple of weeks ago you may have read about EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich, who "confidently predicted" that GTA V would be shown in a non-playable form at E3. He wasn't the only analyst falsely getting people's hopes up though, you may also remember back in March Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey predicted Rockstar may even come forth with a pre-E3 announcement. We'll of course be keeping you up to date with any developments that do arise regarding GTA V, so keep an eye on your news feeds for more on that.
  6. Holy shit it's smallpancake Dunno about Chris82... guess he just left. Saw him sign into Steam the other day so he must be still alive. Maybe busy with school or some shit. Damn this post was 9 days ago and I didn't see it. You should return though, you sexy beast.
  7. IE does NOT work like a charm, never has, never will do, and we do not support that browser And besides, it's only for Windows. I dunno, if I get time I'll look into. Linux only accounts for about half a percent of visitors so it's not really much of a big deal at the moment.
  8. Rockstar Toronto have released a new patch for the PC versions of GTA IV and EFLC. Patch number 7 will be downloaded automatically next time you sign in to Games for Windows LIVE when playing the game. Downloadable versions of the updates will be available on Rockstar's support site soon. The patches contain the following changes: GTA IV v. / (Russian) / (Japanese) fix a bug causing tree leaves to look transparent fix a bug that prevented uploading of rendered videos to Social Club when attaching certain music tracks fix for clip capture "OFF" slowdowns occuring when near waters edge expose "detonate" in custom key mapping options menu for Grand Theft Auto IV, Lost and Damned so users can remap "down" arrow key EFLC v. fix a bug causing tree leaves to look transparent fix a bug that prevented uploading of rendered videos to Social Club when attaching music tracks from the Ballad of Gay Tony fix for clip capture "OFF" slowdowns occuring when near waters edge fix for slowdown occuring when getting in a boat during "Sexy Time" mission in The Ballad of Gay Tony expose "detonate" in custom key mapping options menu for Lost and Damned so users can remap "down" arrow key EFLC now has it's own settings file called "SETTINGS_EFLC.CFG" to avoid possible conflicts with GTA IV installations
  9. Nope, unfortunately this is not possible.
  10. Shouldn't be any weird popups like that. I'll look into it.
  11. Steam users among us will be aware that the Steam Community has had groups for quite some time now. I decided while improving our presence on other social networks that we might as well create one on Steam as I know there are a lot of us who use Steam, not just for GTA, in fact probably more for other games such as CoD, BF, L4D etc. You can find TGTAP's group here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheGTAPlace Everyone is welcome to join, and if you like, use it to organise events for other games you play. On a related note, if you have any suggestions for other social networks you'd like to see an official TGTAP group/page on, let me know and we'll decide on whether or not to get ourselves involved!
  12. Not just those, I know for a fact Romania has it a week before us. EDIT: It's different all over the world.
  13. In India? It was a couple of months ago in the UK
  14. Worrying amount of Tories on this forum :| So I hope you lot all voted today, who did you end up voting for? Lib Dems here
  15. Agreed. BNP guy was a twat for calling them out, but at the end of the day it was just words. The kid spat in his face so he deserved to get the shit kicked out of him for that, good on the BNP guy lol. And yeah, lovely display of retardation by the "Asians" (really they looked more Pakistani/Indian to me but whatever I guess that's techinically still in Asia) there, "oh no we're not violent!" then they go and do shit like that. Actions like that will give the BNP more voters.
  16. A quick plug for our newest addition to the network; Rockstar have kindly sent over some awesome exclusive fansite screenshots to RedDeadPlace.com, why don't you go ahead an check them out? If you're not already pumped for Red Dead Redemption, something is wrong with you or you've been away from the Internet for too long. This game is going to be an instant hit and I urge all you GTA fans to check out screenshots and trailers (you can find them on RDP or the official site) and get yourself up to speed with things. The game will be released on 18th May in North America and 21st May elsewhere. And if you haven't already joined, you could become one of the founding members of the forums and help kickstart a great community!
  17. MY NAME IS CHRIS AND I HAVE A HABIT OF BANNING PEOPLE FROM INDIA AND PAKISTAN WHO COME HERE AND TYPE EVERYTHING IN CAPS BECAUSE THEY ARE ALWAYS REALLY FUCKING ANGRY AT STUFF AND NEED TO SHOUT LOUDLY TO GET THE ATTENTION THEY SO CRAVE. I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO KICK THIS BAD HABIT BUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU KEEP COMING BACK. IT'S LIKE AN ADDICTION NOW. YOU FUCKERS Seriously though you guys coming here from these countries need to grow the fuck up and stop acting like dicks. You're giving your people some really bad rep. We have a few decent Indian and Pakistani members here, please follow their example.
  18. WTF have CVG done to those screens!? They've really fucked them up lol. The trailer is way better quality and the correct aspect ratio. Anyway I thought it was a little weird. Why is there a fucking astronaut? What's that got to do with war?
  19. Rockstar have just announced the first video editor contest for Episodes from Liberty City, entitled "Base Jumping Extreme Film Festival". The lucky winner will receive an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 graphics card, along with a Rockstar prize pack of limited-edition Grand Theft Auto and Episodes from Liberty City collectibles. Two runners up will also receive Rockstar prize packs. Details on how to enter this competition: You should be aware that the contest is void in certain countries and US states. See the official rules and eligibility page for more details. So you have until the 14th May to get your entries in. Good luck!
  20. No. The retail version is at I went straight from 1.0.4 to 1.0.6 and didn't really notice much of a difference, but it certainly wasn't any worse. I don't play much anyway so doesn't bother me
  21. Chris


    I've got, two tickets to Madame Tussauds, London. As we did not go there.
  22. I'm definitely voting for Lib Dems. I agree with pretty much all their policies, they're doing great in the polls, and they are almost certain to win where I live, so I'm happy with that
  23. Some sad news to bring you today via Rockstar Games; Keith Elam a.k.a Guru of hip-hop outfit GangStarr, has passed away after a long battle with cancer. He was just 43 years old. GTA3 players will also know him as the voice of 8-Ball, who has always been a popular character in the game. Rest in peace.
  24. Yeah, literally nothing has been said about Max Payne 3 since it got delayed, and that wasn't even officially announced... no one really knows what's happening with it. With Red Dead we know it's going to be out next month and we're already getting very frequent updates @Husky: It's supposed to look similar, it's part of the TGTAP Network identity. Sure we may change things here and there, but at the moment there won't be any major things changed.
  25. Thanks for the comments. Should be a lot more content added tomorrow, and yes hopefully the forums will continue to grow and grow
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