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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Last year I asked members of the community here some questions regarding their ownership of mobiles device(s) and whether or not they'd be likely to want to visit TGTAP on said devices. From the answers given, we found that nearly 3/4 of you have the ability to browse the internet on your mobile device, a number which is most likely increasing all the time. In addition, we found that over 85% of you would visit TGTAP if we had a mobile website, and of those, around 50% would do so regularly. The features you would most like to see mobile versions of would be the homepage (news) and forums. The initial intention was to create a version of the website tailored to mobile devices. While this did enter development, it never got very far due to me becoming busy with more important projects. My current preference has now shifted to developing native apps, rather than a website, and the purpose of this topic and poll is to gather your thoughts on this idea. As some of you may know I now develop iOS apps (that's iPhone and iPad apps) - I recently came across an app made by the owner of GTPlanet.net, a huge Gran Turismo community and forum. You can see their app (and screenshots of it) here. Notice how users have full access to the forums (posting, reading) and can also read news on the homepage? I am sure I could create something very similar for us here at TGTAP, at least for iOS. I do have some knowledge of Silverlight (VB.net or Visual C#) too, which means I could create an app for Windows Phone 7 (maybe one of you could help?). I don't know Java though, I don't like it. However if someone here is a proficient at it then you could perhaps help us with an Android app? So... what are your thoughts on this? Would you like to use an app similar to what GTPlanet have? Maybe you don't own one of the smartphones/tablets mentioned and would still prefer a mobile website? Let me know your thoughts and any ideas, and in the coming months we'll see if we can get something produced!
  2. A really heartfelt apology there. Lol but no it's good to have you back Lee, welcome
  3. Broke VirginMedia's Acceptable Use Policy for our "unlimited" internet. Hahaha fuck off!

    1. JustADummy


      Won't them assholes cap your net?

  4. Finally has a new sig

  5. Downloading now. It's got to 3% in about 5 minutes... this is gonna be slow...
  6. So this only affects new HDs then? So my PS3 with the stock HD in will be fine right? Not that I even play it much at the moment... EDIT: I am a gigantic retard unable to read posts above mine.
  7. http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/f21-gtavc-intro-theme-song
  8. Start a new topic regarding this. In the next few days I'll post a lot of useful links/advice. I've been into this for over 8 years now so I "know my shit" as Dom puts it
  9. hangover + insomnia = not good

  10. I was a pretty smart kid (still am actually. Ha!) throughout primary school, once I started secondary school things went a bit downhill. Started getting really lazy with my school work, did fairly well in my GCSE's but I could have done much better if I'd tried. Anxiety played a part in this. But that's another story. For my Higher Education I went on to Sixth Form (rather than college) to do my A levels. Once again I did about average, could have done so much better, but it was enough to get into university and that's what I was there for. Actually I wasn't. I was not interested in getting a job though, and I figured what the hell, might as well actually go to uni, could come out with a degree and much better job prospects. So I went to Staffordshire University to study Web Development, a bit of a lazy option since I was already heavily into web design and development prior to going to uni. And you know, it's not a particularly great uni, and I don't enjoy the course either. It's extremely generalised and covers way too many areas of web dev - it is like they build us up as students to graduate as a "Jack of all trades, master of none" - this is not good. They should have a few select areas where we should be allowed to specialise. That said, I'm in my final year now, and in a few months I'll be due to graduate. Once again with a fairly low/average level degree since I've been lazy. But, it might not be all that valuable to me anyway... I'm optimistic about my life after uni. A few friends/contacts I've made while at uni may prove to be extremely good for me. In the past year I've got myself into developing iOS apps and have released one already. We have a pretty large scale app on the way too. Additionally, I'm busy with the re-development of a social network for filmmakers, one with great potential and lots going for it - the competition doesn't even come close to what we have to offer. The app and the website go hand in hand, so the popularity of one should lead to the popularity of the other. So things could work out pretty well for me. So my advice from my experiences in my 22 years of life so far? Doing well at school will indeed help you, but it might not be necessary. Find something you're good at, and hopefully passionate about too, and just keep working at it. You can doss around in school, but not after that, so don't become lazy. TL;DR - No, read my whole post if you want to know. If I wrote a tl;dr it would make my post worthless.
  11. Not sure you can at the moment. You're not supposed to actually mod GTA, hence why there are no official modding tools. The ones available are developed by kind members of the community, and of course only for Windows. I've no idea if anyone has written any mod tools for use with the Mac versions, most programmers I know in the GTA community are all Windows guys. Sorry I can't be of more help, not sure if anyone else here knows more. If not you could always check out the modding section of GTAForums.com, much bigger community over there so if you're lucky you may find a dev who knows Objective C and is willing to write/port one of the Windows tools.
  12. Happy new year everyone!

  13. We at The GTA Place would like to wish you all a happy new year tonight, hope 2010 was a good year for you all and that 2011 will be even better. Okay that's the bullshit out the way... Many of you will have noticed that this and other sites in the TGTAP network haven't been particularly active in the past few months. Fear not, we aren't disappearing, this website has been running for over eight years now and it isn't about to go away any time soon. I myself have been (and am still) very busy with real life stuff, as are most of the other staff members. In the new year we're definitely looking to get things back on track and making TGTAP an active community once again. Efforts will be made to shift the current focus of the forums, encouraging more discussion and interactivity. If you'd like to give us any suggestions for changes to be made then feel free to let us know. On a sidenote, for any of you looking to add more titles from Rockstar Games to your PC game collection, there's two days left on Steam's Rockstar collection sale. The whole collection, as well as the individual titles all have big discounts on them at the moment. You can check them out over on the Steam Store. Enjoy your evening whereever you are and whatever you're doing. Happy New Year everyone!
  14. Chris

    Best Game of 2010

    Black Ops and RDR are my favourites from those listed. Haven't played New Vegas yet. God of War 3 is probably epic as well. Bioshock 2 was good but not as good as the first imo, in terms of story anyway. Haven't played Crackdown 2 but it got terrible reviews and I heard it was more of the same, pretty boring, so I didn't bother with that.
  15. Wow, thanks for this Gerard. You're really helpful and I will reward you for your hard work by showering you in unicorns and penises forever!
  16. Sorry guys, your mods have been updated/approved now.
  17. fucking power surges!!

  18. Brilliant. I'll blackmail you back though
  19. I did reply to your PM. At the moment you can't delete your own mods. Would you like all of them removed? If not, let us know which ones. And may I ask why you want them removed?
  20. Our first iOS app has been submitted! :DNow just waiting for approval...

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